
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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on your youtube do makeup,fashion, cooking tutorials, and singing covers lol i put everyones ideas together xD


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on your youtube i suggest Korean cooking tutorials, teach me how to make pajeon and goo man doo ;DD

Cooking? HAHAHA maybe maybe when I have time

no you look good without makeup love <3 everyone has flaws, but the flaws make you beautiful, it makes you who you are and different from everyone else. I prefer natural beauty, trust me, if your a nice person on the inside people will see you beautiful on the outside.

AWWWWW Ur too sweet! Thanks ^^ I really wana go natural but I'm just too scared hahah. But slowly! I shall try lol. But Ur too kind really!
Liked by: Cat

tell me how much you love me in five paragraphs three to four sentences in each! :) <33

I love how you ask me questions. I love how UR on anon. I love how u ask me to write u this paragraph. I love how UR a stranger. I love
How u think I love you

Hi grace, I wanted to know get your opinion on this how do you feel about girls dating their friends exe's do you think its okay or no?

Tbh I think it should be ok. Just as long as its been long enough. Don't date them right away. But those crazy girls who stuck on a guy like a maddog.... Dude just go for it. If he likes you why the hell not?

Do you think love is really worth it? or should i just stay alone and buy a cat or something lol

Love is def worth it. It's something in life that you can never replicate and it's a wonderful yet hurting feeling. It's one thing in life that you can feel pain but really cherish at the same time. but that's only if u really mean it.

Don't be mean anon, grace looks fine without makeup <3

Lololol tbh I agree with that them... But don't point it out T____T

what does it looks like for you "a guy who knows how to dress"? any examples would be awesome just wondering youre taste

Hmmm idk where to find this pic but a guy who wears jeans like dark wash with a plain white v neck and beanie.... With sperry omg I love that

omfg the difference before in the video and after with make up.... holy fuck girls mang

Wats ur point? If u got nothing nice to say just stfu lol.

Um I guess the height, but I've totally given up on lashes bcuz I have a whole bunch that doesn't suit my eyes

Noooo lashes are so fun u just haven't found the right pair... Either that or u either not use to it or u put it on weird

Lucky! I can't find fake lashes that are short enough for my eyes..they like reach my brows lol so I skip em

What do u mean? Length of height? Length is just cut it off the long parts... Height is get shorter lashes.. But if UR cutting the length, don't cut the short parts cuz they are the inner corners of the eye

really?? It looks like you have a crease lol

Shhhh lol. It only comes when I have my lashes on. See the wonderful side of monolids! U can have both

i have monolid, and i look so funny with eyeshadow.. any tips? ):

I LOVE monolids! They are charming and beautiful! I would suggest not a big shadow but just enough to show through. Or if u know the Korean singer Cain? She has monolids that is cute! Actually very charismatic. Do like gradients or stick to natural. Usually a bit of liner will do the trick!

all you anons needa stfu about selina. its their personal life. stop sticking your nose up in everyones business.

Omg thank you.... Like SERIOUSLY

how are you and selinas friendship going?

Great thanks for askin... And To everyone out there just shut up about Selina like seriously. My ask isn't here for gossip an crap. U wana see that go to twitter. My ask is usually for those who wants to know anything about fashion, or something that I am openly joined in. I don't mind a couple personal or private questions but I don't need nosy people asking me every single shit about my life. To the anon who asked me this question, this isn't meant towards you don't worry. We r fine thanks


Language: English