
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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but fuck tryin and not doin cause not doin is something a nigga not doin

Because you went to school, please use proper English grammar. Unless you were raised by hillbillys or goats, I cannot understand you.

Fuck you dirty slut ass bitch korean. Go back to korea fucking immigrant >:0

Marvin Pham
Stop listening to k pop then u wannabe Korean freak. Or ur Guna start shitting out taeyangs name in ur poop
Liked by: Andy Bui

Thoughts on Tina Nguyen?

OK I CANNOT MAKE THIS SHORT NO MATTER WHAT! Tina.... She is literally my main bitch, homie, dawg, dish, story, and point! She's someone I can definitely turn to for advice, stories, or just for laughter. One person that I can definitely 200% thankful for would be her. A great friend who is always willing to lend a hand.. Always there when I'm in sad mood or mad angry mode. I can be myself around her and act like a complete weirdo, she won't Juge me. She knows my stories, my gossips, and adventure... I WOULDN'T WANT TO LET HER GO! Lol love her like crazy ❤

Thoughts on Kenneth igarta?

One my Otha mains! This sky scraper is so fun to talk to. I could sit down and have a funny ass convo or just gossip haha. He's a down to earth kind of person and hey HE'S SINGLE. He treats his friends really nicely and so outgoing. He ain't the type to bail you when ur in need.. Such a funny guy u have no idea

Thoughts on Selina le?

My main bitch <3 we fello abg and kbg are like cocoa and butter. I love her to death, although she maybe stupid sometimes, she try's her best. Maybe she doesn't always think first before she acts, but she's a great friend who is always there for me and is able to rely on me as well. For those who call her many names, keep ur comments to urself. We are all different ppl what would u know what she Is like.

Thoughts on Brittney vu?

This cute little sophomore who is so innocent! I hate how ppl call her stupid names Orr accuse her of stupid shit. Shes the nicest girl I have seen also with an attitude. I just hope this stupid school doesn't Ruin her innocence

Thoughts on Timmy lee?

Makes me laugh about the stupidest things! Lol. He's not as bad as they say he is. He just stupid sometimes but even he is a big softie lol. He's really sweet, sometimes a idiot, and mostly high.
Liked by: Timmy Lee

Thoughts on John pham?

He's a very interesting guy. He takes dancing very seriously but while having fun, he does. He may seem like he hates you all, it's not true. He's a small guy with a big heart ^^

can you recommend me some natural looking lashes with just a hint of drama? :D

Well I find the ones I use pretty good. Or u can go with 4D and double stack. Those are pretty!

I forgot to tell you to call/text/fb me before you come to my house because my mom takes a long ass time to prepare the eyelashes and you can come anytime but I won't be home from 4-6. and even if you don't come, tell me so I don't have to wait and yah it's only $15 ok ily bye

My Nguyen
Ilyyy lol. Can I be there around 3:30? Will u still be there?

Can you take a pic of your beautiful closet pretty please? I want to see how you organize it.

....my closet is messy AF and that's.... Huh weird

Fashion companies you'd like to work for one day? (If you plan to)

My dream is to work for promise, who are wiling to help me open my own business. I got my whole life planned out dawg


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