
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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I like to fight and it gives me an excuse to fight I guess? I don't know we'll just wait and go from there

Oh wow....I like that you like to fight... But if this is your excuse to fight my boyfriend.. it's going to be ME that isn't going to allow you to even speak to nick. Find a better reason, or give a reason to nick to fight. Which is really doubtful cuz he doesn't fight unless super necessary. He doesn't like to waste his time and effort... And I don't like the way you think it's ok to use me as an excuse to fight him.

do you tell anyone whether you are a virgin or not?

Yeah...but it's if they question me. I don't run around being like " IM A VIRGIN!!!" Or " IM NOT A VIRGIN!!" You know? Like damn... Anddddd whether I'm a virgin or not, I know guys would try to take advantage of that you know?

Oh you did wrestling too lol?

Oh god no... I got offered during freshmen year I said no... I asked to be on te football team they said no cuz I'm too small T___T

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I think you not being a virgin would be the best answer though. You're still young that's why. Why do you care how people would judge?

You can think whatever you think I am of me. I just answered... People would be like "you're a hoe". And if I'm a virgin they say "she doesn't know enough experience to be talking like that." Or even like "you dress too revealing" LOL people just stupid

Alright well I issued a challenge, we'll just go from there?

Yeah. Lol. Up to you. Enjoy, and I will also enjoy watching. At the same time, I still understand why you wana fight him -.- what is your problem? (Legit question)

I just issued the challenge on his page. I seriously doubt Nick is an MMA fighter and can fight like that though lol.

Lol I don't think nick is an MMA fighter hons... We high schoolers don't really have time for that... We have our education to continue with so we can enrich our future to become successful, not fighting.

yeah I guess i'm asking if you're a virgin or not? but not asking to who if you aren't a virgin

Well I had this question about three times now. And it's always been the same.. I don't answer because if I was a virgin... People think I have no experience and would say "you can't judge people's life because you don't know enough" but then if I said I'm not they say "oh you're just another slut!" Or "wow grace I thought you were different" you know? Like being a virgin or not doesn't make up who you are. It should be the least of the worlds care. I just don't wana be judged based on if I have experience in the bed or not.

What do you mean by the basic one? Is wrestling the basic one haha?

Well like the only school sport I know. Cuz I'm a usually more "in the school" kind of girl so I only know what happens in school. Like ask me what any kids play in my school I can name the sports but Idk anything else outside of school. But I know nick did more shiz. I just never really paid attention to count how many

Oh yeah you said you had sports? What's that mean?

I... Played sports.... I had sports during school?

Who cares about how I challenge? I just issued the challenge already so it's fine. Oh you like watching brutal fights huh? Where/when do you watch brutal fights?

Lol you issued the challenge on my page dork... At least have the balls to go to his page and say it. And my friends dad use to watch it long ago and I would sit and watch with him. This was about 3 years ago? Cuz I don't have time to watch fights anymore. But the one I remember was I think year 2012? Chan sungjung VS Dustin. I think I remember it the most cuz he's Korean

Which ones does he remember? Do you know which ones he did lol?

Ummm I only remember the basic one... Haha he use to be in wrestling. The only reason I know this is cuz we had sports before we knew each other but never met and we always talk about it

You said he does too much crap for you too memorize lol

OHHH lol. He does so much activities that I don't really keep count. But he laid off a lot of them and we just work out together. But surprisingly, he remembers a lot of them

What are you considering a "respectable fight?" MMA is very brutal, as I said it's no holds no barred but that doesn't mean there are no rules and there aren't any formalities but it can be violent. I just like to fight that's why and I feel it would be a good way to put our differences aside.

I don't mean the way you fight. The way you challenge. I'm a girl of manners and in my opinion, a respectable fight begins with a man who wants to fight, challenge in a respectable manner to the person they would like to fight. And what differences? You bozo, have you even talked to nick? I do not understand where you are even coming from... And for the fighting, I enjoy watching brutal fights unless it's unfair which is where I draw the line.

You've had sex with Nick before?

Hahah no. He's still a little innocent boy, and I would like to keep him that way

No holds barred means anything goes: it's like MMA. I'm an MMA fighter, I do the best kinds of martial arts in the world. Only thing Nick has on me is a bit of height. If I was his height, I would rofl stomp him but his lack of skill won't make up for being bigger. I know how to grapple.

Lol I know heights isn't everything. If it's a respectable fight, I don't see why not. But what I find really disgusting is that you would bring my bf into this why? I mean if you were a grown man (which in my thoughts you are not) I'm sure they wouldn't even be on my ask. And 2) they wouldn't bring someone else in a convo between person a and person b 3) if you are challenging a fight, I don't understand why you aren't challenging him in person... Like a respectable fighter. MMA fighter right? The only fighters I will learn to respect are those who know how to challenge someone and do it in a manner where it isn't arrogant or like a little kid

Yeah I'm confident enough. I'm sure that Nick can't fight, at least not as well as I can. Doubt he's truly been in a no holds barred fight

Lol. I love the level of your confidence. I will give you that. Tbh I don't know what a holds barred fight? What is that like fist fighting? One on one? Skin on skin?

Lol does Nick do martial arts?

Tbh, he does too much crap for me to memorize.. All I know... I would love to see him fight

Sure watch me fight Nick, I'm going to give him a real ass whooping. I know he can't fight for shit.

Hahah awww you so cute! I love how you act like you know nick so well! Hey let's make a deal mister small dick anon. Let's say you do whoop my boyfriends ass, I will kneel down and apologize and say you are right. Koreans are racist. But if he whoops your ass, you bow down and apologize for being a dumbfuck moron, and that.. Nick is so much better. Haha. You confident enough?

For the stupid little boy anon who thinks is a tough ass and thinks can beat up nick?

Mama G
Oh you said beat up my boyfriend? You're even more pathetic for calling a girl bitch ass or whatever. Shows how much manners your mama taught you. Soooo pathetic! Lol. Hey hey. Lemme grab some popcorn and watch you try to handle nick. Ok? Oh wait. You would most likely just fight yourself and think you're winning HAHAHAAH. Little cunt. You make me laugh. You're on anon too that's the funniest part

what are some Korean traditions you still follow in the US? and how can i calculate my Korean age? i was born on September the 25, 1995 would i be 20yrs old in korea? or 19? i heard they add an extra year or two becuse they use the 9months when in the womb and new year

I know that you are one year older in Korea than here... But idk why. Andddd the way I speak, the way I am towards adults, the greetings, and ehhhh other thangs too

Yeah a, you never heard of that? You need to fucking read more. When you are being more sophisticated you can say things like "Koreans are a racist people" or "The Chinese are an ancient people." Read history books.

You wana talk about sophisticated and yet you talk like an 8th grader like you all mighty. Hahaha. PuulleeeZz. Bishhhh, you don't faze me. I don't care what you think of Korea, or anything else. Why? Well... Because you are one of the many nobody's in the world to me. So enjoy staying on anon looking like a tiny little dick that you have and please, continue on like the world really cares about what you have to say. ^___^ bitch ass


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