
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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Lol seems fun. Was it for key club?

Yah it was! And it was fun but tiring... I didn't eat anything that whole day... Except a sandwich and Chips...Omg... It was hell lol fell asleep during break
Liked by: Andy O'Lam

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Hey grace! Are you like a "religious" type? Like, I actually really like that response on the same gender relationship topic! Me being a Catholic, I really have the same views as you too! Guess we have something in common, and I like that! :)

Well some people don't see me as religious, but I am ^^ I'm not crazy religious, but I'm a firm believer :D it's a long story, but I have been relying in God my whole life so kinda means a lot to me ^^ and yah just this society confuses me so I just kind of don't get too involved! I can't go to every gay or lesbian people and be like ur wrong! When I don't think it's wrong or right u know? Lol. I mean just cuz I tell them it's right or wrong isn't going to change their mind! So yah, ^^ we do have things in common hehe

How did you buy the Disneyland pass?

I didn't. I got it after I worked my butt off during a volunteer thing and. I didn't know we got a Disneyland ticket but I don't like Disneyland... So... Oh well

Thank You for the advice Grace :)

Of course ^^ and anyone who refuses to be ur friend is not worth ur time! Remember that.

But what if that "no" ruins the whole friendship? Everything becomes akward when you're talking to or with her?

...look if that friendship is an actual good worthwhile friendship, it shouldn't be awkward... And it's only awkward if u make it awkward. At first it will be hard, but time will heal it. If she makes it awks or avoids u... EFF THAT HOE JUS EFF THAT HOE. Lol as Timdelaghetto says.

That's more worldly. haha. I can see someone having those qualities :b. Favorite car?

Lol right? And I do find the lamborghini murcielago roadster quite amazing ^^

ooohhh. okay . well. what would the realistic aspects of a guy be?

Lol I guess in a way, a jock.... Idk if that makes sense... I don't really like football players cuz idk... Lol. Just a guy I can chill with and have fun with! Someone I can rely on no matter what happens... Who can criticize me when I'm wrong, and is willing to accept me as who I am. Physical appearance? Well please be tall and buff. I can't wear heels if ur short :( I love heels LOL. And I don't wana look more masculine than u... Did I mention straight teef? Yes... I like straight teef.... Smiles are important as well as hygiene.

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

Well... I don't mind but I know as a Christian, my belief says its wrong.... Tbh idk... Whether I support it or not, it has nothing to do with me... I'm straight and imma stay that way.. I may have friends that aren't, but I don't judge them cuz of that. I guess all in all... I don't care...

I have a question. My friend wants to ask someone out and he is afraid of getting rejected and their friendship would be ruined. But do you think "no" is better than "what if?"

Lol way better than what If... Life is about taking chances and making mistakes.... If u don't take those risks, what's the point of it? If u don't take the chances to reach out, then how would u know that u can have it? If she says no, then no. Lol that's the worse that can happen. U learn from ur experience and now u can do better!

do brown sperry boat shoes look the best when paired with denim jeans? Or anything else?

I think it does lol. But then again I like sperrys with everything! As long as the color matches, go for it!

Do you think running shoes look sorta wierd with skinny jeans? Like for example, Nike Free Runs and skinny jeans....is it too awk looking? Or could it actually be pulled off?

That is so weird lol... Well depending on the top, but if u just wearing a normal tshirt then ello fob

Woah.. that's a lot you're asking from a guy! haha, good luck finding him! I certainly don't live up towards those expectations :b

Lol I usually don't really are but u wanted me to describe my ideal "unrealistic" so I did

Do you prefer a guy who dresses fancy(jeans with buttoned up shirt) or classy(jeans with a t-shirt)?

I like both ^^ lol

Hmmm. What do you look for in a guy? :o

Hmmm well physically, someone taller... I don't think I can deal with short ones anymore... Nice body, I don't like scrawny guys. Straight teeth lol. Yah it matters. Nice skin. Hair done. Smells nice :) but like personality? He has to be funny, so that I can laugh even if I'm sad, but knows how to be serious at certain times. He needs to be sharp, not a stupid dull guy, who notices when I'm not myself. He should be caring of course, not always thinking about himself. Outgoing and willing to do funny shit with meh lol. Like down to earth. I hate stuck up wannabe retards who always party's cuz like really... U have no life. And lastly... Someone who cares about their future and has one. If I end up with him, I want to know that I can rely on him or don't have to clean up after him. O and I need him to have confidence in himself. It's not attractive to pull around a guy who's always sulking about himself ugh

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Liked by: Emily Victoria Ngo

2014 #honesthour! Hello Grace LOL okay so well I think you're a very sweet and caring person with so much potential! You're so good at dancing and you're also so beautiful! You have a great taste in fashion and you're so unique! I like how you're independent sort of and how you don't follow others!

Amber Sivongxay
AWWW thanks <3 it means a lot hearing this from you ^^ ur such a sweety, I hope 2014 is a wonderful year!
Liked by: Amber Sivongxay


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