
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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What's dcon?

District convention. It's where people from California Nevada Hawaii keyclubbers get together!

nah i was kidding about leaving to Canada i wasn't being serious at all lol, no asylums are necessary lol


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asylums are not just to go to canada lol but any country like if people escape north Korea and end up in america they ask for an asylum because living in nk is scary right now. but asylums are asked in more serious situations like nk not becuse u want to go to Canada lol.

Lol yeah...

An right to an asylum means when you flee to another country and when you get to Canada you have to give up your Americans rights and you want to become a full citzen of Canadian becuse you don't like america or you fear for yourself living there lol.

HAHAHAHAH ohhhhhhh lol

I have my citizenship already, i have dual citizenship for Canada and USA, just ask for an asylum and we good to go. Nick could go with us but he needs an asylum as well.

Woah u actually meant It?

Reading your askfm gives me a headache..I honestly don't know how you deal with all these rude lowlives

Hahah yeah... People don't realize that cuz they rude AF... It is a headache and really ugh waste of my time ya know?
Liked by: Diamond

also, I feel sympathy for the one that keeps talking about how wonderful Melinda is. Lol all that person can say is that she is president of girls league and blah blah blah like nobody gives a fuck stop acting like she's president of the United States and fuck off.

Liked by: Kim Pham

I do not agree with the anon saying that you should delete the questions about selina and Melinda... It's your askfm not theirs and if they don't like what you're saying, why read it? Unless you have no life lol It's best if everyone just calm the fuck down and stop acting like drama queens.

Ahhhh u know people are just so difficult you know? Ugh

I don't think people understand what it means to be in a position on board. Just because you're VP or President of a club DOES NOT mean that your ideas and everything over rule everyone else's. All board members has a specific job but they ALL have equal values. No one gets more authority. -_-

Kim Pham
<3 Kim ur amazing
Liked by: Kim Pham

grace you have three solutions to your problem 1. delete the selina and melinda questions and you will no longer receive hate, people will eventually leave you alone, the anons will be happy and the people who follow you will be happy your askfm can go back to how it used to be yay!

Or even better people just drop it and start acting like humans

What brand is a good pair for ankle boots?

Well who cares about the brand as long as it's good quality and is cute!

trust me if Melinda consistently answered hate questions about you, people would defend you! but she hardly gets any so lol.

Lol cuz she deletes them

I would not answer the selina and melinda hate questions, it will be easier on you, even tho this is ask.fm and you want to answer them, some people are getting pissed off because most of the questions are hate questions now, i hardly see fashion anymore and life tips :(

I knowwwww I sowwy. Give me more fashion questions!

if you ever bring up melinda and selina you have to know the anons will come again always no avoiding it lol.

Hahah yeah sadly people can't get over it... Yet when they talk shit about it it's ok


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