
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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Y r u friends wid Wendy if she friends wid Selena?

I don't care who's friends with that girl. As long as I like you. Then it's fine. Wendy don't start shit with me so I'm fine

yup! my face triangular like your bf nick i believe! :) is that an exception? otherwise imma have to continue the search LOL

I think it's fine! He has glasses like that too!

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Maybe you did see dannie because she's been in Cali this week hahah you should've asked for a pic!

Damn!!!! IT WAS HER! I didn't wana bother her tho!

hey grace! so i'm thinking very hard about getting the glasses and heres a vid of the EXACT ones! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jSPAMn9krA thoughts? and does it look decent or good?

i think it looks good! but it is super mainstream so i dont like to wear them myself.. but it depends if your face fits it or not. like how your face shape is or what kind of clothing you wear as well!

AAHAHA i asked questions about selina to dannie riel and she repsond saying, ''This makes me laugh! She tryna be me it ain't working'' LOLOL

Hahaha oh Dannie... I THINK I SAW HER TODAY! At the gym I SWEAR IT WAS HER.
Liked by: Nhan Nguyen

Y'all realize that ain't really dannie on that ask.fm its her fan that she tweets alot and her fan set up that page for her you guys. Her fan also runs 'simplydannieriel' on ig and dannie emails pics to her :)


why do people thin out hair? i thought girls liked having thick hair?

Well I don't like thick hair.., it's too messy and hard to deal with and it's not flattering to me. So I like to thin it to make it light and cool, not so heavy and hot. And it's easier to maintain

everyone gets hated on, on ask.fm its just something u should laugh about and not care haha

yeah but then its like i fucked one of my friends? like dude! im not like your mom, i dont do that hehe.
Liked by: Diamond

What have your learned from highschool? what life lessons you learned etc

not to give a fuck about what immature brats say or what people that think they are better than everyone. because in the end, in reality, they will become nothing while i overlap them and achieve greater things. And because karma will get them and they will suffer lots of things. I know i may suffer now, but those who made me suffer, will suffer 10X more.

boyfriend tag?????????? LOLL

dude im so lazy editing but i will try i PROMISE i sowwwwy for lagging. i had prom so everyhing was hectic haha

cutest junior couples?!

ME. AND, NICK. jkjk we are like beyond weirdest couple... hmm...idk cuz all i know is everyone dates people out of their grade...

Honestly, lots of people dislike Melinda. Eventhough she is president of Girl's League, she sucks at her job. Shes the biggest bitch I know and people would love to just impeach her. She makes every event a living hell and she ruins people's mood when they're having fun.

hmmm i hear that quite a bit... maybe she thinks everything will get out of control if she isnt "strict" but you know its high school. high school is here for these experiences and have fun! so even if you feel this way, hey! Dont let it get to you! just try to ignore it and push it away and go out and have fun with other people in GL because i know ALOT of girls in it, and they agree with you, but they would just push that thought out and say YOLO ahaha. so do what you want to do! dont let anyone oppress you! this is YOUR high school life, and as much as GL is important and all, its not as important as your experience and memories <3

trust me i blocked someone on ask.fm and i didnt even know the person and they insulted me lol

hahaha yeah those people exist, sadly... espeically when they dont even know you! so sad

do you have to wear a prom to dress??

u mean a dress to prom? LOL my beautiful new friend, Melissa, did not and she had a blast! but something nice would be good
Liked by: Kim Pham

ugh my skin did get a little lighter when using it -____- but i have acne marks everywhere so i had to apply everywhere on my face lol. but after i finish using it ill let you know! my skin should go back to the orginal color ill be the guinea pig for you lol ill update in two months! ill be back lo

hehehe be back! cuz i actually wana be whiter hahah i dont wana be dark no moooe T___T


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