
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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tina said that you were north korean you idiot

BWAHHAAHAHA. OMGG ur still the idiot. I bet Tina is face palming rn....

LMAO someone must be butthurt to koreans down there haha

No kidding... And they are stupid enough to think I'm North Koreans.... Ahhh the stupidity

tbh your korean shit like kpop, kdrama or kwhatever are so stupid and gay like seriously do all the actor/actress need to have a surgery before acting? or make up even sleeping, like really? that is how fake you are too huh?

Haha are u jealous that Koreans are super gorg and ur not? Stfu I know u sit there hating because u wana be like them. Lil biiiiittttccchhhh

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and beside dont get too much pride, kpop or whatever it is is from south korea and you arent you are a north korean so stop your pride because everyone is equal you are no better than anyone


when you use big words to try to sound smart it doesn't work LOL

Lol and how u try to act like ur better than everyone isn't fooling anyone. So please. Go be arrogant and stupid elsewhere

If I think you look dumb for typing like that, I'm sure there are many, many others who feel the same way.

And if I think ur stupid for trying to make feel dumb when more than half the people on ask have far worse grammar than I do, then so does a lot of other people. Ur thoughts make no sense to me so be gone
Liked by: Nhan Nguyen

I said I wasn't trying to be rude, so why do you go ahead and insult me? It shows that you have no respect for other people, and the fact that you think "u" and "ur" are modern texting words and that because I don't use them makes me outdated really shows the depth of your ignorance.

U say I'm not trying to be rude then call me dumb LOL. And what's ur problem dude? I use proper grammar sometimes on my phone but usually I don't cuz I have a lot to say but lazy so I shorten it. If u got something to say, why don't u tell about more than half of United States? Does it bug u that much? And it is modern texting language ur just outdated. Don't try to change my thought by using passive aggressive ways rather than actually trying to hear me out

society is messed up and standards to high your are fine the way you are believe it <3

Standards aren't high they just weird! But thank you! I hope u know that ur beautiful too!

When did you get it? :) I want one but I'm not old enough

I got it about a month and a half ago? But yeah u should think about it!

What color are your blue contacts called? :) & what did you bleach your hair blond with?

Ummmm I have no idea but I got them at this Korean store next to arirang. Annnnd this box dye called feria by loreal! But u have to do it a bit

How are Koreans towards Arabs? (Palestinians,jordanians..etc) Koreans & arabs have alot in common I realize!

That I do not know! But I think they have gorg eyes!

throughout the boyfriend tag i was looking at the candy lol what were you eating you seem to have alot of it ;DD

HAHAHAHA dude they were gummy bears that nicks mom gave me. Lol u can only order them online. And I LOVE gummy candy
Liked by: Diamond

Why do you say "u" and "ur" and "tht" instead of using proper English? not being rude, just letting you know that it makes you look dumb to everyone else

Lol no one thinks I'm dumb just cuz I use the modern English typing for phones. I would say ur dumb cuz u don't seem to grasp the idea of how texting works.

oh so your sister has your birthday on her shoulder and you have hers? :o

Nono she has her bday and I have mine ^^

dont compare yourself to them you're perfect the way you are just compare yourself to yourself!

Haha thank you ^^ but u know society expects u to be perfect...
Liked by: kristina

I saw you in my dreams a couple of weeks ago and now your on ask.fm this is too weird for me lol i never met you.

Lol that's cool! Maybe we meant to meet! I believe in dreams ^^

whats the meaning behind your tattoo can you explain fully pls? i love stories ^-^

It's not mch. Lol. But it's a match with my sister. Me and my sister have been super close since I was born and she is everything to me... So I wanted to surprise her with this... This is the Roman numeral of my birthday and hers is hers lol. It's just a sisterly thing ^^

would a korean from korea date a black person or will korean americans? and how can i approach someone whos korean to show im interested is it different from the western way sorry just curious

Hmm... I dot know... It would depend on how they are raised. They could be raised to be racist or nt. some people I met are very open to it but some aren't. But because of old traditions, I would say more Korean Americans would. But yeah they are super sweet. Korean Americans are pretty chill and very open. We all human. As long as u sweet to them as well, they will like u

but me aint gonna lie koreans can be pretty sexy but i dont like the food its too spicy for me :(

Haha a lot of them are crazy skinny but I find myself comparing myself to them... And I love spicy food!

i never knew may was national masturbation month 0______0 did you know about this? O.o huh?

Woah what? There's a month like that?


Language: English