
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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How do I crimp my hair? Been wanting to change up my style a lil' bit!

U can just braid ur hair! After showering tho

The shoulder messenger bag is nice and really different! But do you think it would be versatile to wear with like street casual wear? Like a t shirt, skinny jeans, and some skate shoes?

Yeah that's why I thought that would be good! Looks nice for school!

how can i curl my hair with rollers?

Well what I do is after my hair 85%dry, put it in curler and sleep. Lol. If it's hot rollers, just roll ur hair

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do you have any tips on how to curl hair? I'm a beginner :P I have a 3/4 inch curling iron

Well it's good to have long hair! And is it clip or clip less? Either way! When u wrap ur hair, wrap it ALL even the tail. And try to always change the direction of each curls! Unless u like that. Hmmmm take good care of it!
Liked by: joey the slut

grace gets to much hate -_____- you don't deserve it i bet 90% of those people wont tell you what they said to you on ask.fm in person

Lol it's ok. That's most of cyber people. That's what they do... Can't even say it to my face...

omg you know joey? i saw him around school and he's pretty cute <3

Yeah ^___^ he so adorbs and SUPER talented! Like no joke! U should talk to him! He's real nice!
Liked by: joey the slut

dude you should do like a video and answer all of these question ahahha cuz u pretty famous on giving people beauty advice:)

joey the slut
Hahaha yeah. But it's something I really enjoy! I love helping them and knowing that it helped them!
Liked by: joey the slut

is it bad if hair shows through your bikini? idk if i would get judged for it i know this is tmi i'm sorry :(

Dude no biggie! And usually... It's bad... Don't let it show!!

gosh your hair always looks fantastic! whats your secret? ;D

Awww thank you! And I always use bio silk after shower and detangler spray as well!

how long was the transition from red to blonde? did you do it all in a day?

It only took 3 days!! 1st to dye it once then wait a day for it to be ok then 3 rd day dye it again!

Grace this is a serious question! I'm not kidding but are we suppose to shave our pubes? or trim? idk:( please answer. I'm afraid to ask anyone else because you're really good at giving at advice and all:) Thanks!

^____^ it's ok! It's a self preference! Trim or shave. Pros and cons? Trim: nicely groomed, doesn't take too long, and doesn't hurt. Cons: when you wear like (if u a girl) bikini it might show... And for guys, imig. Guys usually don't care. Shave: it's smooth and clean, don't have to worry about it too much, damn u look good In a bikini! Cons: u might have razor bumps. Itchiness, or burning sensation if u do it wrong. But usually u should wax. Lol. ITS UP TO U^^ I hope I helped! It's not weird at all!
Liked by: joey the slut

i loved when your hair was red and blonde, it was a wonderful look and unique!

I know! I liked it a lot too!! But it started to turn orange... Wahhhh
Liked by: tram

idk what the f took u so long to kiss nick and have sex with him

Lol u r hella retarded. Look just cuz ur virgin ass is that horny and u can't jack off cuz ur dick is the size of my pinky nail don't mean sex is everything. Obviously ur either a little kid, or a horny ass virgin, someone who has sex for fun (good luck with the aids) or someone who just can't get laid... And don't bring nick into such a disgusting comment. Not everyone is ur friend or you to just fuck the first person they see. Lol. We have this thing called self respect which u obv don't have. So please, save ur self the embarrassment and get ur lonely ass outta here and on to the streets. Cuz that's where ur Guna end up anyways right?

What is your favorite thing in your room?

My heater.... Or my bed... My bed hahaha cuz it has a heater

what are the must have shoes in your closet?

COMBAT BOOTS. It's warm, good looking on shorts... Idk just goes great with all outfits
Liked by: tram

Eric homies said u fucked him. Eeeee wat

LOLOL. Totes man totes. Sex shouldn't be for fun or just pleasure.. It should be shared with someone you truly love and care about. Because if it's that one person, then it's not necessarily about the physical pleasure but emotionally. Which is more than the reason why I would never "fuck" Eric lol. He's just a friend and he has his own life too.


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