
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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oh please jealous of Melinda much Lol i know Melinda well so by how you answer your questions i sense jealousy, why judge her when your not even a leader of keyclub, let me see you lead keyclub on your own and be in charge of girls league.

HAHAHAHA jealous of her LOLOL. Ur funnnnny. If I was jealous I would probably be her friend or worship her wouldn't u think? And we have different goals. I'm not interested in doing what she does. Lol u r so wrong it just so sad

you get pissed off when people hate on you here, when you're doing the exact same to other people, you don't like the taste of your own medicine.

Not really. I only get pissed when people can't say it to my face cuz they too pussy. Taste of my own medicine would be glorious cuz it would make sense rather than this shit I have to deal with stupid anons like you

well people obviously voted Melinda as vice president in key club and president in girls league becuse she has leadership qualities and most people agree shes doing a wonderful job, why do you unnecessarily hate on people so much?. there's a reason why your not on kc board.

Shut up Melinda lol. And second of all only 2 people choose her from the board. Whoop dee do. And I'm glad I didn't make the kc board. Cuz life is more than being known for being such a popular wannabe person in high school. And have u seen the shit she writes about me too? Lol oh except u ignore that cuz ur either her or u practically kiss the ground she walks on

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I wanted to but you don't know me and you guys would probably think I'm weird :(

NO NOT AT ALL! We r nice!

also i like to do Korean makeup looks once in a while! becuse its really natural and feminine. and i want to visit Korea one day, but i want to travel everywhere to experience different cultures, i think everyone should experience different cultures to bring people together.

Koreans eat super healthy! That's why they are so skinny! Me I live in the us so nope... Haha. But yeah their makeup is beautiful but they look so same

Lol well its good for people of a different race to experience another culture or to be involved in different cultures it brings the world together. i mean i buy my outfits from Korean shops online because they really cute! and i wanna learn korean but i'm proud in being black, french, and cuban lol

Yeah! See? I think that's pretty awesome. But I draw the line where people lie about being Korean

I heard in Korea the pride can become too much and they start to put down people of different races and if your are darker than them. :(

Not darker but different race. They tend to look down especially on Vietnamese people no offense

Omg I saw you & nick walking together holding hands <3 you guys are too cute ^_^ I hoped you guys had fun today! :)

Hahaha why didn't u say hi???n and yeah we did!

Don't you find it annoying that some viet girl try to be korean? They try to talk korean, act like korean, look like Korean &etc..like they try to be cute speaking in some Korean language &lie to others saying they're korean LOL you're lucky cause you're a real korean, super kind& so gorgeous<3

YES. I mean at a point I don't mind... But if it goes Tht far u consider it really offending... Like I have a lot of pride in my country I don't want people that aren't actually Korean to go around say they are. I think it's cute when they admire it and shiz but when they lie about their identity is where I draw the line. Like appreciate ur own country too! And that's what's Guna make it beautiful
Liked by: Christine Le

Koreans are tasty i'll eat you with some kimchi ;DD jk jk but you are pretty tho.

Hahah I love kimchi. And thankyou!

Do koreans guys like to be called oppa by someone they dont know to well and vice versa for girls too?

Well it's not whether they like it or not... It's if they are older or not. It's a respect thing

since you live in cali now, does our family still follow traditional Korean things like food and customs or do you follow the american one more? do you wear a hanbok on new years etc..

I would say I am half half. But I don't wear hanbok cuz I don't have family here.... But my family is a bit nuts so... I don't have anything to do here

What kind of accessory and footwear should I pick to wear with my black maxi skirt? I want to look semi formal. No flip flops.


What does this mean? So this girl and I, we've been text each other the whole day and even late at night. One time she fell asleep, so she woke up at 5 just to message me back. We would message each other Good Morning, sometimes it's me first and sometimes her, but we would continue to talk


Can you please come up with a list of DOs and DONTs for guy fashion? Like can you gimme ur best descriptions please? Thanks!

Check my video


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