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What do you think happens when we die? 👀

abubakrsiddique’s Profile Photoمحمد ابوبکر صدیق گورایہ
Hissab Kitaab 😅
This world is only a sketchy imagination,it’s like we are experiencing Virtual reality & when we die we’ll experience what’s real.
Souls leave our bodies,
And go to the astral plane.Maybe They can see us but we cannot see them.There’s a layer between us that we cannot see or cross.
As the Sun hides the moon hides but they are never really gone.
Some say the souls go to heaven or hell,I don’t believe this is the case because that will be decided on judgment day.Maybe a door of heaven or hell is opened to give them a taste of what they have done in this world.
Some people say that we get reincarnated but I don’t believe this.
What do you think happens when we die

How do you prefer celebrating your birthdays?

With more cake on my face than in my stomach
With the people I love
I never wanna celebrate it on my own
Birthdays,Cake,Gifts etc these trivial stuff doesn’t matter to me
What matters is the people around you at the time 💗
It was bonkers that day 🙌
How do you prefer celebrating your birthdays
Liked by: Haseeb Iqbal

One thing that you miss the most about your childhood?

That goofy haircut
That innocence
That weird dressing
That Ankhon me Surma
That time 😭💗
One thing that you miss the most about your childhood
Liked by: Haseeb Iqbal

What kind of skills do you have to survive Game of Thrones?

After disappointing Last season my answer would be “Blind follower skills”
First five seasons were awesome there’s no debating that
6,7 went downhill but they were still above average
8 Well there Rock,then there’s rock bottom,then there’s 50ft of crap and then there’s season8
What kind of skills do you have to survive Game of Thrones
Liked by: Haseeb Iqbal

What Is The Most😳... Irritated Reply.. During Conversation..

KhAn_shahAb’s Profile Photoفرحان لطیف خان®
When you say something insightful & other person says the same thing in a different way and steals the spotlight.
Tyrion: trying to sound smart and cool
Jon be like Bitch! I meant the same thing why are you shuffling the words of my dialogue 😂
What Is The Most 
Irritated  Reply
During Conversation
Liked by: Haseeb Iqbal Ossama

What's the best thing about you?

taimoor_k’s Profile PhotoTaimoor Khan
“read something everyday no one else is reading,
Think everyday, something no one else is thinking,
Do something,no one else is silly enough to do.
It is bad for the mind to continually be a part of unanimity.”
~Christopher Morley (1890-1957)
Whats the best  thing  about  you

میری تعریف ہی کر دو بڑے دن ہو گئے ہیں شرماۓ ہوئے 🙈

Ask your doctor if human interaction is right for you 🙊
Liked by: Haseeb Iqbal

Which is better: a book, a movie or TV series Sherlock?

Never read the book
I have watched the series and it’s good
But the movies,specially Robert Downey Jr. portrayal of Sherlock Holmes is just great 💗👌🙌
Which is better a book a movie or TV series Sherlock


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