
Majed Jarrar

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واحدة حاجزة عمرة يوم الاتنين اللي جاي ان شاء الله بس زوجها اتوفى امبارح ومش هينفع تسترد فلوس الحجز او التأشيرة ، ينفع تسافر تعمل العمرة ولا لا؟

رحمه الله وغفر له وكتب له أجر العمرة التي نواها تامة، وآجرها في مصيبتها ورزقها الصبر والسلوان.
فلتعلم أن الأصل في مبيتها في بيت زوجها طوال وقت العدة مذهب الأئمة الأربعة، وعليه نص حديث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم.
لكن، إذا دفعت المال وتذاكر السفر، وكان يشق عليها المبلغ، فتذهب، تخريجا على قول الإمام الموفق ابن قدامة في المغني عن التي خرجت مع زوجها من بلدتهما وباشرا في سفر الحج والعمرة ثم توفي زوجها في الطريق، أنها تكمل ولا ترجع للمشقة. وشراء التذاكر والحجز مثل المباشرة في السفر. والله أعلم.
ولتكثر من الدعاء لزوجها في سفرها وعمرتها فهو يصله بإذن الله.

So do I not have to remove foundation (makeup) then?

If it's water based, then you don't have to remove it, as it'll wash away with wudu.
If it's one of those waterproof, oil based ones, then you should remove it first if you think the water will not actually reach some of your skin.
+1 answer in: “Sorry in advance, might be a silly question, but if I put cream (Vaseline, etc) on my hands, can I still make wudu, assuming it doesn't prevent water from reaching my skin. Or should I wash my hands with soap first and try to get it off?”

Is it bad in Islam (haram or makruh) to not want to marry someone based on the skin color they have due to not finding it attractive? No racism/pride intented. Or country/culture someone is from because you find their general lifestyle habits to not match your preferances?

Not at all. There's nothing wrong in not marrying someone if you're not attracted to them.
Liked by: Tabbe Hala

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How do you feel about halal nail polish? Can I still do wudu while wearing it?

If it's a dye only, like henna, and doesn't harden to form a crust, like an egg shell, or a waterproof layer, then it's not a barrier for wudu.
As to how I feel about it, I can't say I've tried it, so I have no feelings regarding to that.
Furthermore, religious rulings have nothing to do with how I feel.
Liked by: Abdullah Hsham

If I have bad mouthed many people in the past and I don't even remember the things I've said or how many people....how can I repent for this sin? Alhamdulilah I have changed my ways but feel guilty about the past.

Give charity in the name of those whom you have backstabbed. Seek forgiveness for those you can't remember their names.

Salam sheikh A guy I know wants to propose, he is religious and has good character. But my dad is refusing because he thinks he is from a “lower social/financial level” Is this a legitimate reason? He is not poor but my parents have high expectations. If not, how do I convince my dad to meet him?

It is a legitimate reason, if your dad thinks you won't be satisfied with your life in a lower standard. Either way, talking is the right way.
Liked by: مغلق

Salam, Can a person go to Omrah or Hajj if they are financially in debt? And possibly in debt all their life?

They certainly 'can.'
Liked by: basant

In a hadith it says that we cannot abandon our muslim brothers and sisters for longer than 3 days. What if this person is a continuous source of conflict and harm to you?

The hadeeth is about abandoning/boycotting a Muslim without a just cause.
If they are harmful to you, or if your presence around them provokes them to do harm, then you should stay away.
+1 answer Read more

I said someone's knowledge is "God-level". Is this shirk? Do I have to shower and say shahada?

A woman praised the prophet with poetry in front of him, until she said: "... And among us is a Prophet who knows what's happening tomorrow."
The Prophet interrupted and said: Let this part go, and continue what you were saying.
Attributing a human to a divine attribute is blasphemy, major kufr. But the person who said such a thing isn't kaafir necessarily, especially if it was a tongue slip, or a rhetoric praise that gone too far.
It is prohibited nonetheless. And the video games and the movies that promote these concepts and uses these terms are more dangerous than people think, because these things seep into the subconscious, and if not cleared out, they'll eventually find a place to settle in the heart.

If I don't know whether there is something or not, do I just assume my wudu is valid, or should I be re-doing my wudu before every prayer? Jazak Allah khair

Build on certainty. If you have regular discharge all day long. Then redo wudu for the prayer. If you didn't, or weren't sure, then the default is that your last wudu is still valid unless you're certain it broke.
+1 answer in: “Is it obligatory to repeat wudu after a female's normal discharge? And does it require cleaning before prayer?”

https://ask.fm/yusufmamdouh1/answers/152560095288 What's ur opinion in this paper? The auther said that is imam ahmed's opinion?! Is it true!!

That used to be imam Ahmed's opinion regarding the rulers before his time. He explicitly stated that in his nowadays, the Muslim rulers don't deserve any of those rights.
This is an excerpt from imam Lakila'ee's explanation on aqeedah. Those rules only apply to the Muslim just rulers, the imam didn't believe it applied to the Abbasid dynasty. It is madness to claim his belief would apply on any Muslim dynasty or government afterwards.

غير السائل ، كيف نوفق بين اضرار السّهر و الآية : (( كانوا قليلا من اللّيل ما يهجعون))

مثل ما الزكاة والصوم والحج والجهاد فيها ضرر بدني ومالي، والمؤمنون يفعلون ذلك لاحتساب رضا الله و في الآخرة.
ومعلوم أن الإنسان مأجور على المشقة في العبادة، وأن غير المستطيع له رخص، لأن الله لا يكلف نفسا إلا وسعها.
هذا كله في باب العبادات.
أما في المعاملات والعادات، فليست المشقة مطلوبة أصلا، ولا يؤجر عليها المرء إذا تعنت الحصول عليها.
فشخص يؤثر السهر على النوم من أجل قيام الليل مأجور على ذلك، وغيره يؤثر السهر بدون سبب، لا يؤجر عليه.
+1 answer in: “Salam Alaikum Sh., I always hear that u need sleep to consolidate memories, but also, Allah gives each person according to how much effort they've put in.. So can I sacrifice sleep to study & pray that Allah helps me remember what I memorized, or what's the right balance? (I'm behind in my studies)”

Salam Alaikum Sh., I always hear that u need sleep to consolidate memories, but also, Allah gives each person according to how much effort they've put in.. So can I sacrifice sleep to study & pray that Allah helps me remember what I memorized, or what's the right balance? (I'm behind in my studies)

It is God who set these rules in the world for a wisdom.
You can't jump off a building and expect God to disable gravity just for you. Our relationship with God is that of servanthood. He is a master. We are servants. He commands. We obey.
We don't try to cheat the laws which God made and expect to get away with it.
+1 answer Read more

Is it true you get rewarded for stroking an orphan's head - specifically, that you get good deeds for every hair your hand touches? Is this a hadith?

Yes. The hadeeth is weak, but it is acceptable as narrated by imam Ahmed and others.
Liked by: GG

My bank is giving me points every time I buy from supermarkets using its credit card. Those points when reach a specific amount can be exchanged with money, is this money haram?

No, and Allah knows best.

I get the feeling that you are not gonna answer my questions

There are a few thousand unanswered questions. Statements like these just add the counter, and my stress, and can't even help you because I don't know who you are or what you asked. 🤷🏽‍♂️
I hope this message invites you, and all dear readers, to become more patient and considerate when they ask questions.
Liked by: GG

يقرأ النبأ العظيم يا مولانا

ممكن يفيد طبعا :)
+1 answer in: “بحس ان مفيش فرق بين القرآن والشعر وكده او بحس ان مفيش فرق بين القرآن وكلام الشعراء عموما من ناحية عمق الكلام وجماله ؟! عاوز رد مقنع يقنعني بأن كلام القرآن افضل بس كلام مقنع مش عاوز حد يقولي انت ايمانك ضعيف او يقولي تامل القران لا انا عاوز حد يعملي مقارنه بحيث اقتنع،انا مؤمن بس عاوز احسن بجمال القرآن”

بحس ان مفيش فرق بين القرآن والشعر وكده او بحس ان مفيش فرق بين القرآن وكلام الشعراء عموما من ناحية عمق الكلام وجماله ؟! عاوز رد مقنع يقنعني بأن كلام القرآن افضل بس كلام مقنع مش عاوز حد يقولي انت ايمانك ضعيف او يقولي تامل القران لا انا عاوز حد يعملي مقارنه بحيث اقتنع،انا مؤمن بس عاوز احسن بجمال القرآن

ولا حاجة، زيك زي اللي بيقول مش عارف أفرق بين الطب والشعوذة.
الحل: تشعر بالأسى تجاه نفسك، وتتعلم اللغة العربية.
+1 answer Read more

The christians use this verse from the bible against Islam. 1. How can we refute it? 2. How to understand it as salah and dhikr are "repetitons". "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking." Matthew 6:7

The original word is battalogeo, which came from old Hebrew of Batel, same in Arabic, which means vain talk. There's no indication whatsoever in repetitions in the older manuscripts of the Bible.
In contradicts Matthew 26:44, "Again Jesus left them, went away, and prayed the third time, saying the same words." Christians today of all denominations repeat many prayers on daily basis.
The Matthew gospel was never found in original language. The earliest manuscripts found in the end of the 1st century CE is in Greek. Neither Jesus nor any of his disciples spoke Greek. There's no historical proof that the four Gospels can be traced to the four disciples.
We are prohibited from arguing or refuting the Jews and the Christians, unless they transgress. God commanded us to call them to the path of our Lord with wisdom and the good word. That means to lead by example, and to return their harm with good.

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And I'm sorry another question following up with the one regarding going to my friend who passed away at her grave: if many of us were going, and it was permissible to pray janazah there, can we pray the janazah prayer in congregation?



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