
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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Is it possible for a Sunni to love Shias, since they curse the beloved companions of Prophet ﷺ?

Not all Shia curse. Some of them are pious and righteous and free from innovation in Deen.
You don't need to have a specific feeling preset to every single group of people. We love God, His messenger, and anyone who loves them. We hate the Devil and everyone who allies with him.

Is it bad that my heart yearns more for Madinah than for Makkah? I've neither been in Madinah nor Makkah but my longing for Madinah is so much stronger although I know that performing Hajj is much more important :/

No that's the norm. The people of Mecca hurt the Prophet, and the people of Madina welcomed him, and the Prophet made much duaa for Madina and its people. Loving Madina is part of one's imaan.
Mecca is beloved too, because it's the land most loved by Allah, and most loved by the prophet.
Nevertheless, the prophet said: all imaan belongs to Madina and returns to it, just like a snake return to its hole.

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انا بنت و بشتغل ف بلد اجنبية و بيأذن عليا ظهر و عصر و مغرب فالشغل و مفيش مسجد قريب ولا مكان للصلاه. هل يجوز اصلي في الحمام؟! ولا اجمع الصلاوات لما اروح ولا أعمل إيه.

أينما ادركتك الصلاة فصلي في وقتها، لقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، "ثم الأرض لك مسجد, فحيثما أدركتك الصلاة فصلّ"
ولا تجوز الصلاة في الحمامات، لكن لا بأس أن تصلين في مكان عملك سواء في مكتبك أو في زاوية غرفة الاجتماعات أو حتى قرب السلالم.
وكم رأيت من جاء ليعتنق الإسلام، وقالوا إن أول ما شدهم رؤيتهم لزميل يصلي في العمل. ولا تظني أن إظهار شعائر الإسلام يعد ضربا من الرياء أو النفاق، بل هو من أبواب الجهاد في سبيل الله، وإن تكثير سواد المسلمين وإظهار عزتهم = من أعظم الأعمال في بلدك إن احتسبتي ذلك عند الله.
وأكثر بلاد الكفر فيها من العدل والإحسان ما يضمن حقوق المسلمين في إقامة شعائرهم وعباداتهم لدرجات واسعة قد تتجاوز احيانا بعض البلدان الإسلامية، وهذا من رحمة الله وفضله، فليس هناك مسوغ أبدا يمنعك من إقامة صلاتك في وقتها وعلى أحسن صورة.
ولو قلنا جدلا أن المدير منعك من الصلاة، فلا يجوز الاستمرار في هذا العمل ويلزمك تركه على الفور، قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: لا خير في عمل يلهي عن الصلاة.
حفظكم ربي ووفقكم ووقاكم وثبتكم على دينه.

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Some mashayekh/teachers often try to sell us their online Islam events etc. Their marketing strategy contain some questionable ways by mixing Islam & american fear tactics in marketing to get us to buy. Can i comment on their post against this so that others dont feel they have to buy? Or be quiet?

Assuming it's out of ignorance, advice them gently in private. If you have a public following, teach people how to avoid this without hurting anyone.

I always pray to be strong enough to reply with sarcasm when ppl criticize my clothes and hijab, which still needs improvement. Sometimes such comments bother me, most of the time they don’t. Thank you for this reply - it serves as a reminder.

Personal strength isn't the best solution. Ask the Almighty for protection and strength, He said: Verily, God defends those who believed.
+1 answer in: “ايه المنظر ده؟؟ يا بني احلق دقنك او على الاقل رتبه!! وياريت تنحف شوي شكلك من فواق داعشي ومن تحت شوال بطاطا.”

Does ruqya work even if someone made black magic using items such as vudoo dolls etc that they have hidden somewhere we can't find? Or must we find the item to destroy it physically? If we can make ruqya and get rid of the effects then is fatiha and the 3 quls and alkursi enough?

Finding the item is one way, but isn't the only way. The verses on magic in Yunus, A'raf and Taha, plus what you mentioned, and alkafiroon, are sufficient to disable any magic.
Liked by: Bella

Sir could you name application for anti porn please!

Your heart needs to despise this disgusting sin. The fear from God, and busying yourself in obeying Him, is better than any firewall.
Liked by: Umm Anṣār

I am wondering what is the ruling of changing clothes and taking a shower in the presence of a cat? I have a cat that is overly attached to me and follows me around my apartment to the point that he follows me to the shower and gets overly anxious when I shut him out

No worries.

Salam sheikhna. What would 1 cubit would translate to in our madhhab? In the Hanbali Madhhab page, it is stated that one has to maintain 3 cubits or 1.5 m or 60 inch from the one praying to cross them. Sh Musa Furber in his translation says 3 cubits=96 cm=37.8. So how much is actually a ذراع?

The former is closer to the correct opinion.
Which translation are you referring to? I'll notify Sheikh Musa
Liked by: IbnAriadi

ايه المنظر ده؟؟ يا بني احلق دقنك او على الاقل رتبه!! وياريت تنحف شوي شكلك من فواق داعشي ومن تحت شوال بطاطا.

شوال البطاطا ده مليان حب وحنان وأخلاق عالية وتواضع جم
والدقن الاولاد بيلعبوا فيها مراجيح
انت مالك؟
+1 answer Read more

Salam alaikum, I was told that celebrating birthdays is considered bid3ah. Is that true?

For something to be bid3ah, it has to be believed it has a religious merit without having one. No one celebrate birthdays thinking it brings them closer to God. It has the same ruling of taking your family to dinner when the paycheck arrives. Celebrating the birthday of your family is more worthy than the birthday of your paycheck.
Mind you, all mathaahib agree that it is the father's responsibility to date when exactly was the child born, so that he can follow all acts of worship that depend on his age, starting from circumcision, all the way until he reaches puberty by completing 15 lunar years (about 14.5 solar years). So, even if someone decided they will celebrate birthdays out of a religious duty, that still would not count as a bid'ah, because observing when the child reaches puberty is an obligation, and birthdays can be considered a way to remember when that day is.
Mind you again, this is irrespective of what goes on at the birthday party. If something is prohibited, it is prohibited all year long. We don't make excuses to allow things on birthdays, and neither do we prohibit birthdays because of a prohibited thing that 'could' happen in 'some' birthdays (e.g. extravagance or prohibited drinks, food and entertainment)

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JazakhAllah, if you live in North America, and there is no Muslim Judge. Can you go to your main Masjids in the area in order to get in touch with the Imam/Sheikh who can give his opinion on this matter? JazakhAllah

There's the assembly of Muslim jurists of America, you can call their hotline.
+1 answer in: “Asalam o alaikum Sheikh. I have a quick question in regards to Talaq/divorce. If a man says i give Talaq to a woman 3 times in one go while the couple is having an argument. Is it considered as a divorce? Because i have heard some people say it only counts as one then if you reconcile, etc etc”

I bought a cheese then discovered that it's not halal to eat. Shall I give it to someone who isn't muslim or shall I just throw it away?

You can give it to a non Muslim, or give it to a Muslim who follows the opinion it's halal to eat (but you can't give it to a Muslim who believes it's not halal, yet eats it anyway)
Liked by: Mohamed Dawood
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