
Majed Jarrar

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I was reading the biography of Avienciena ( ibn sina), the greatest medical doctor and philosopher in the Golden Age of Islam. He was one of the greatest medical doctor ever known. Ibn Taimia labeled him as infidel, and since then he was tortured and his books were burned. What do you think about th

Ibn Sina had several switches in creed in his life, from sophisticated philosophy, to qaraamiti. It was alghazali who called him kafir, and wrote an entire book on it, where he brought 20 proofs of blasphemy which Ibn Sina committed, including denying the resurrection, and denying that God knows destiny, and that the universe was not created, and that prophecy is a stage of wisdom which anyone can attain, etc.
Ibn taymiyya didn't rule him as kafir, he was upon the opinion that Ibn Sina repented from all of this heresy before his death, as Ibn Khullakan narrated in his bio. Ibn alQayyim reported the position of Ibn taymiyya in his famous book assawaa'iq.
Also, Ibn Sina's books weren't burned in his life and he wasn't tortured, on the contrary he was favored by the ruler of his time. A century later another caliph ruled to burn his books, but some copies remained.

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ورد فيه سيدي أحاديث منها ما رواه أحمد أن رسول الله قال " إن السلف يجري مجري شطر الصدقة " والحديث صحيح

جزاك الله خيرا
نعم أعرفه، وكذلك الحديث الذي رواه الإمام أحمد في مسنده أيضا الذي فيه "من أنظر معسرا كان له في كل يوم صدقه"

لكن ليس في الحديثين ولا غيرهما من الأحاديث أن الأجر بسبب السلف يجري مجرى الصدقة كل يوم.
وإنما الذي ثبت عن النبي أن من أقرض مالا مرتين فله أجر الصدقة بذلك المال، وأن من أنظر معسرا فله أجر الصدقة بكل يوم.
ولم أشأ أن أخبر السائل هذا فيظن أن الأجر أقل من الذي كان يحتسبه عليه فيحزن، بل فضل الله واسع، والله عند ظن عبده به، وقد قال تعالى: من ذا الذي يقرض الله قرضا حسنا فيضاعفه له أضعافا كثيرة، فسره بعض أهل التفسير أنه يضاعف إلى سبعمائة ضعف ما أقرض إذا أخلص النية لله. والله أعلم.
+1 answer in: “السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ، سمعت من فترة عن حديث فيما معناه إنه إذا أحد استدان مني مبلغ ، يصير كأني أتصدق يوميا بنفس المبلغ لحين ما يسدد الدين. هل صحيح ؟؟”

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ، سمعت من فترة عن حديث فيما معناه إنه إذا أحد استدان مني مبلغ ، يصير كأني أتصدق يوميا بنفس المبلغ لحين ما يسدد الدين. هل صحيح ؟؟

لا أعلم حديثا بهذا المعنى، ولكن فضل الله واسع.
+1 answer Read more

But does a little alcohol in medicine make the medicine haram? Also if the alcohol has no effect on me,not even dizziness? They say every medicine contains about 1-2% of it only.

There are dozens of different types of alcohols, some are intoxicating, some are poisonous. Ethyl alcohol is intoxicating, and it is prohibited to consume even in small amounts. The prophet said: whatever intoxicates in bulk, then it is prohibited even in small amounts.
In most cases, whether it's a cough medication or anything else, there are readily available alcohol free alternatives. If you can't ask a pharmacist, write the name of the medicine or label here and I have a few pharmacist followers who'd be happy to answer you.
And no, "they" are wrong. Don't rely on unknown sources when it comes to your health, or more importantly, your religion.
Liked by: Ahmed Alsagheer
+3 answers in: “I use homeopathy medicine to cure my sciatica. But I have found out that homeopathy medicines contain alcohol for the purpose of preservation. The ingredient list mentions beer but it does not have any effect on me. Is it haram for me to consume this medicine?”

Muslims are allowed to marry a maximum of four. However, Prophet Muhammad married 9 women. Why did he exempted himself from the rule of God? I also heard that Alhassan, prophet Muhmmad grandson, was married to 100 women so much that he used to be called the divorcer. How true is that?

1. Muslim men are allowed to marry and divorce as many women as they want, but they can't have more than 4 wives in the same time, which is what alHassan did. The 100 is an exaggeration, he married many women but not that many, and definitely not at the same time.
2. The Prophet married 13 women in his life. For the vast majority of his youthhood, 25 years to 50, he was married to one woman only, Khadija, may peace be upon her. After she passed away, he married the other women, and every marriage had a lesson. For example He married a Jewish woman and a black widow to shatter taboos which the Arabs had about interracial marriage, and to give their tribes protection. He married the ex wife of his fostered child, which was a command by God in the Quran, so Muslims do not assume that a foster daughter in law is like a real daughter in law.
It is worth noting, after the Prophet married all these women, those issues were solved, and God revealed verses prohibiting him from marrying new women, even if he divorced the ones he was married to. So, he became more restricted, not less, than the rest of Muslim men until the end of his life.

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As an executor of a will, I just found a bill from health insurance telling the deceased that he has a 30 days grace period, after which his insurance will be cancelled. I am not from the west and have no clue if this is considered dayn owed islamically #regardless of the legal side of things.

Call the insurance and verify it wasn't paid. If it was a premium that incurred after his death they'll remove it. If it was an expense in his life, it is a debt, and needs to be paid from his will before it's split.
Liked by: adam

شيخنا الفاضل...أريد أن احفظ متنين في الفقه الحنبلي، واحد مطول كالمقنع، وواحد مختصر. المشكلة أنني اتررد في حفظ الزاد أو الدليل، نظرا إلى أن الزاد هو اختصار للمقنع، وأريد حفظ المقنع، والدليل أفضل تنظيما وترتياً ما رأيك يا سيدنا أيهما أحفظ؟

أي المختصرين حفظت فهو حسن، التردد لن ينفعك.

I use homeopathy medicine to cure my sciatica. But I have found out that homeopathy medicines contain alcohol for the purpose of preservation. The ingredient list mentions beer but it does not have any effect on me. Is it haram for me to consume this medicine?

Beer! Lol.
You probably misread or misunderstood the ingredients, speak to a Muslim pharmacist who can guide you to halal alternatives.
+3 answers Read more

What do you think is the solution to Palestine-Israel Conflict? Is BDS effective? What is the Hanbali opinion about suicide bombing?

You seriously think I'll answer these questions here? Why won't you go learn? What impression do you think you make about yourself when you ask too many questions?
Liked by: حبيبة K.

انهارده الصبح مات فى بلدنا شاب كان ملحد ف اهل البلد رفضو يصلو عليه وقالو مش هيندفن مع المسلمين وامه بتتوسل للناس انهم يوفقو ويصلو عليه ويندفن فى مقابرهم الا ان الناس رفضت......... هل ده تصرف صحيح ؟

يحرم على من يعرف إلحاده أن يصلي عليه أو أن يستغفر له.
أما إن صلى عليه قوم يجهلونه ودفونه فلا حرج عليهم.

ASA, All the guys I am introduced to (for marriage) are either not serious or bail bcz my youngest sister is mentally disabled (they think it’s hereditary +I will be her guardian in the future-I wouldn’t have it any other way-and they don’t want the responsibility). What should I do besides pray?

You should first pray in thankfulness that Allah saved you quickly from their likes. May Allah grant you a righteous husband with the level of mercy, empathy and decency to share life's joys and responsibilities together.

Why are Muslims in Canada are supporting the Liberal party of Canada, when that party’s platform supports homosexuality, euthanasia, sex education and much more that contradicts Islam, and neglect the Conservative party whose platform aligns with Islam as it is based on Christian beliefs?

For nearly two decades, the argument has been that the PCPs supported wars against Muslim countries, and therefore Muslims had to join the Liberal party to stop them.
That argument is certainly outdated, especially now that the Liberal party has been, for 3 years and counting, continually supporting and funding the sale of weapons that are used by the Saudis in Yemen.
Muslims do need to set priorities and common goals as a community if they want to be influencers in the next elections.
Liked by: Lotfi, HOCINI

My younger brother just died at 33 yrs of age, suddenly in an accident, I ask you to please make duaa from your heart that Allah may accept him completely in mercy and whatever you think is appropriate to ask for him, and so your readers may say ameen.

May Allah have mercy on him, forgive him and raise him in ranks. May He admit him to Paradise and gather him with the Prophets, the Righteous and the Martyrs.
O Allah, do not test us after him, do not prevent us from rewards for him, and forgive us and him.

(Sister who is in Makkah). In Shaa’Allah I will have perhaps one day or a few hours. Can I sit in the masjid to read Quran on my phone and make Dua?

No, it is prohibited for a menstruating woman to sit in a mosque, and may not even enter unless if passing through for a need. You may, however, enter and sit in the area of the sa'ee, (between mount Safa and Marwa is not part of the Masjid)
When you're purified, bathe then perform tawaf, then sa'ee, then cut some of your hair, and you'll finish your Umrah before departure inshaAllah.
Liked by: Warisha.

اغتسلت الفجر بنية غسل جنابة وجمعة هل يكفي ولا لازم غسل الجمعه قبلها ؟


ASA, Great news, I’m in Makkah right now. Bad news, at least for Umrah, I started my cycle. What can I do? I know I can’t pray but can I do everything else?

You can't pray, hold the mushaf or do tawaf while menstruating.
The self discipline you maintain by refraining from these acts of worship during menses is the same level of obedience you demonstrated when you perform them during purity. It is God who determines when and how you worship Him, and all what is needed from you is to maintain that submission and obedience throughout your different circumstances.
Do you anticipate to finish your menstruation before you depart Mecca?
Liked by: Bilal Khan

السلام عليكم شيخ هل المذي من الاستماع لصوت مثير ورؤيه كلام بذيء ينقض الصيام وادعولى ربنا ينجينى من الفتن 😢

وعليكم السلام، عندنا في المذهب نعم.
كل مذي بشهوة عن تكرار نظر أو لمس أو استماع يبطل الصوم. ولا يبطل الصوم إن حصل عن مجرد فكرة، أو لمس بالخطأ أو نظر فجأة، أو سماع من غير قصد الاستماع. وليصرف نفسه ما استطاع من مواطن الفتنة، فإن القلب إذا مال إلى الفتنة لم يقدر العقل أن يبعده.

مولانا كنت بصلي العشاء جماعه وي سمعت وانا في السجود صوت بعيد بيقول الله اكبر افتكرته الامام قمت لقيتهم لسا ساجدين والامام بيقول الله اكبر رجعت سجدت بسرعه وقمت بعدها .صلاتي صحيحه ولا اعمل ايه ؟

لا بأس عليك.
Liked by: Warisha.

لنا زميل شاب يعمل في أوروبا، مثقف ، ميسور ماديا، نحسبه على خير، لكن مؤخرا ابتلاه الله ابتلاءا شديدا، فأحب زميلة له، من أهل الكتاب، متبرجة سافرة مخالطة، ليست على خلقه و لا عاداته، فتعلق بها جدا بها رغم تحذير جميع أصدقائه و عدم رضا والديه ، و يريد الزواج منها و يدعوا لها بالهداية يوما ما، فما نصيحتك؟

وقع في الفتنة، هداه الله.

Shaykh, my father is a good hearted, praying man but he‘s addicted to casino for 40+ years. Ive tried everything to stop him but he wastes all of our money on a monthly basis and then lends from us or our uncle to buy food etc. Should I try to get help from outside? The money isn‘t save in his hands

Get help immediately.


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