
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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Aha okay. But if one is giving sadqah (spending majority of wealth) with the intention to get rich - but he disclose it, give it secretley and is doing it with NO riya and only for Allah but also with intention to get richer in this world...is it haram? Or is it another form of non-ikhlas?

That's the textbook definition of insincerity; to do it for a reason other than exclusively for the sake of God.

Related to previous discussion... as a layman who generally follows the hanbali madhhab but is aware of both rulings of Niqab, will I be blameworthy for not following hanbali opinion?

Not at all, as long as you follow scholars, not books.
As a lay person, you should not give yourself fatwas from books. Rather you should ask scholars whom you trust their knowledge and righteousness.

Is it true that if you give much in sadaqah with ikhlas and no riya...Allah can make u rich in this world? I know that Allah give you ajr in akhira but in this world? Makes you rich? Is it true?

If you give money in charity insincerely, i.e. Not for the sake of God, then you're guaranteed to become rich in this life. God promised that no good deed will be unpaid. Those who do deeds for show off or for the sake of money, fame or other worldly matter, it will be paid back in full to them in this world, then it will be said to them on the day of judgement, your balance is zero. [Quran 46:20].
Those who have charity for the sake of God, will be rewarded immensely on the day of judgement. They may be given more or less money in this world, but it's not an indicator. This world is a place of test, and the hereafter is the place of the reward.

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Am I allowed to be hanbali but believe niqab is not obligatory?

Not sure you understand clearly what hanbali means.
You're a Muslim who is permitted to follow the opinions of any scholar from the Ummah, whether they are from the four mathaahib or have reached the highest level of ijtihad that they don't need to bound themselves to one mathhab.
Can you follow a hanbali scholar in businesses rulings, a Maliki in worship rulings, a Shafii in marriage and hanafi in criminal law? Yes you can, if you're following the best scholar in their specially and they turn out to be from different mathaahib.
Can someone follow the convenient opinion to you in every matter, by searching the four opinions then choosing one that suits them? No, that's closer to heresy and self-worship than following a religion.
Can someone separate between knowledge and practise? Say I learn fiqh from hanbali books but I follow my sheikh by practise? No, that's partial secularism.
No one tells you that you must follow the books used in Harvard, but it's nonsensical that you say I will study at Harvard but use some textbooks from MIT.
Becoming a student of a mathhab means you study within that school, and your practise must always conform to what you study.

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I hear many muslims saying "you cant force anybody to pray, wear hijab and so on..." But isn't that a lie? A father have full right to force his daughter wear hijab? Or? This is some controversial when kuffar journalist ask us such questions to pressure us Shed some light ya ustadhuna Majed

You can't force anyone to believe, but there are rules you set towards your dependents of course.
As to whether you decide to stuff those green veggies down their throats, or make them into a beautifully decorated smoothie, that's up to you. Building a strong relationship (especially with the girls, as their emotions are more delicate) is more important than winning an argument about a ruling. What would be the benefit of winning the battle of her hijab if that means you'll lose her heart? Pick your battles, and remember that you will reap what you harvest.

I love Nouman Ali Khan and his Tafsir but I was wondering if it's ok to listen to them as we are told to take our knowledge from the 'Ulama?

Ulama: one of the most misused words by Muslims in the west.
No akhi, you take knowledge from people who have knowledge, whether they're your local imam with tiny bit of knowledge more than you, a student of knowledge or a scholar. Nouman Ali khan is highly knowledgeable for North American standards. If you're Arabic is better than his and have access to his teachers, or other students of tafsir who are more knowledgeable than him, then suit yourself.
What's the benefit of telling lay people not to learn from NAK while the more knowledgeable scholars are inaccessible and/or uninviting? Narrow mindedness and fear mongering are major signs of deviant sects.

I was a a salafi. I read Durrar el Saniyye and left this cult. I say: May Allah curse every person who terrorize innocent people, call people of Hijaz kuffar, besiege Makkah and cut every suply route for food (so children start eat dogs). The hour shall not come before Banu Quraysh take revenge!

I don't think your problem is with salafiyya, because Quraysh have done far worse than that, whether it was Banu alAbbas or Banu Umayyah.
You may have the salafiyya because it didn't suit you, or you were impressed by someone in another cult, and then you started projecting some political excuses to your transition. Whatever it is, be honest with yourself before you talk to others.

Whats your opinion. Whom are worse? Abu Bakr al Baghadi & ISIS or Muhammad ibn AbulWahab and Sa3ud and his allies? I mean...i havent heard ISIS make takfir of innocent muslims? Have you? Why are everyone refuting them but leaving Ibn AbdulWahab and Sa3ud? Why?

Just because you're ignorant of something doesn't mean you can judge according to your ignorance.
Stay in your lane, kid.

SA. I am going to apply for uni soon in sha' Allah. But i have a question. I know that study master of Law is halal. But are there halal work after the studies? I mean work like lawyer etc. can be problematic bcz im going to use non islamic rules and maybe things which are haram. Any advice? Thanks!

How are you so sure that studying law is halal for you? Because I'm not so sure from what you're saying that it's something for you.

Many Muslim couples today have met online (chatting on social media) and ended up getting married. What are your thoughts on that?

1 in 8 marriages, I heard.
Interesting times, we live in.

Perspective on interracial marriage?

There's only one race, it's called human.
Having said that, the default is that it's best to marry someone who matches your culture, language, socioeconomic and intellectual statuses, as much as possible. The more knowledgeable and tolerant you, her, your family, and hers, the more flexible you can be in your terms.

A friend wants to register for online courses on a site where the max is 3 so he asked for my email to register in more. Permissible?

Of course not, and there's no use for knowledge that doesn't add something to your manners.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/139560390210 I had followed up on this,ustath: is it possible to get employed during the gap year?

Not sure many people would hire you full time before university for any reasonable wage. But you can try your own venture, start with something simple like uber or food delivery, then you can consider starting your own venture to make money.

Is Mufti Abu Layth a reliable source? He has over thousand + followers and use his fatawa daily. From these fatawa: NOT HARAM: weed, smoking, shavebeard, hallowen, sitting at table with alcohol, work at bank, taking loan Or should he be ignored? BarakAllau fikum

Never heard of him before.

SA. Hal yujad alriwaye 3nd al 7anabilah 3an irsal el ydain fis Saalat? Sm3t anna imam a7mad kana yursilu fil nawafil. Wa kaman nafs el shey 3an salat el janazah...leekin, a hayda kizeb wala sho? Ya3ne esh el ha2i2a? Wa mashoor 3ndna anna shi3a ysalli heik...mesh 7anabila (ahl el sunne)...

La, hayda il mashhoor anno il imam Malik kan bya3mel heike, al7anabile bo7o66o edenaton 3la batnun, shwayye foo2 aw ta7et issurreh. Il5ilaaf beynatna wishee3a 5ilaaf bi omoor fil aqeedeh mish bas fil fiqih.
To2oborni sho lazeez inta bas ma tib3atli so2al tani bil francoarab aw ba6a3meek a7la block. 😘😍

I wanted to ask that my shaikh or say spiritual guide got crossed with me and now, I want to apologize so what would be the best way? Except that, apologize by words because that I have but I don't feel satisfied with this. Please advice, Jazak Allah!

If they were truly a spiritual guide, they would not have got crossed at anyone. Either you're imaging it, or they don't deserved to be sought after for guidance.

Your sheikh is not your mother, if you are going to discard his advice and ruin your life, he might roll his eyes, write you: facepalm and smh, but he has to be completely detached emotionally to the people he advises.
If doctors got mad at everyone who didn't listen to their advice, they'd be all dead from high blood pressure and heart attacks before they turn 40.
Again, it could be that you're feeling guilty and imagining they're mad, in that case just a quick 'I'm sorry, I'd like to do better next time' will solve everything.

What is the differnce between mutshabibat and disagreements exactly? Are we expected to stay on the safe side in areas of khilaaf?

Mutashaabihat are ambiguous proofs leading to different opinions, ikhtilaaf are different opinions that may come from clear or ambiguous proofs.
The fundamental rule says that following the common opinion (that satisfies all different sides) is encouraged. It may be a sign of righteousness to do that. However:
1. You're not expected to take the safe side always, as in, it's not obligatory to do that.
2. You're likely not able to do that all the time anyway. Some matters have opposite opinions. For example: it's recommended to utter your intention as a whisper before commencing prayer versus it's discouraged to do so.
3. It's not sinful to follow the scholars on either side when there's an established/recognised difference. For example, a woman who follows the opinion that it's obligatory to cover her face in public, may not judge the woman who is following the opinion that it isn't obligatory, or assume that she's less righteous or less practising. The same thing for the opposite, she should not assume she is more righteous or knowledgeable just because she's covering her face.
4. Last but not least, the difference in itself isn't an excuse. It's forbidden for any Muslim to choose to always follow the opinion that is more convenient to them whenever there's a difference. Rather, when there's a difference, one must ask a close scholar they trust and follow the opinion they chose for them.

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Assalam o alaikum! Just wanted to tell you that your answers always satisfies. May Allah SWT bless and reward you for your work, Ameennn!

Ameen and you too, sister.

Assalamualikum, my assignment at uni requires me to reflect on the reading I am given to boost my grade 'For example, I was surprised at this aspect etc' Is it permissible for me to lie about what I was surprised about in order to get a better mark?

Of course not.
Say if you want I was not surprised. This was rather a dull article because...
Never lie, whether it's for better or worse.

Is it permissible for a woman to post pictures (with appropriate clothing, hijab, etc.) on social media?

Whether or not she covers her face in public, this is a huge door of fitnah, best left closed. Our sister can't control who'll download her pictures, who'll stare at them shamelessly for a long time, and what these perverts might do next.


Language: English