
Majed Jarrar

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if I wanted your opinion on a persinal matter but didn't want it to be shared to the public, how can I do so?

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I know someone who walked out of the masjid before a funeral prayer started.. When I asked him why he said he can't handle death. I did tell him you wouldn't want people walking out on your funeral prayers and explained the rewards. He said again that he cant and I fear for him..How can i adivse him

Funeral prayer is a communal obligation, there is no harm on anyone who walks away from it with or without reason, if there are forty others available to pray. Their only loss is missing the bonus reward of that prayer. You don't need to advice him.

Someone (a family member known to not lie) refuses to tell me the name of the person who gave him a fatwa.. but insists hes a "a'allama" and trustworthy.. how would you react?

'Allama means someone who is an expert in numerous fields, something like a Renaissance Man. We haven't had one of these people in a few centuries. So tell your family member to chill.

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إذا تصدقت بنية أن يأجر صديقي هل يصح؟هل هذا نوع من إهداء الثواب الجائز وهل يصل له الثواب؟

نعم إن شاء الله

if i'm wrong, I'd be the first to admit it. unlike msa people that try their best to prove themselves right even when they know they're wrong.

Maybe they think they're right, just like you think you're right. Both of you will remain wrong if hold on to stubbornness.

حضرتك عندك فكره دكتور ذاكر نايك بيدرّس فين ؟ يعني لو عايزه أتعلّم على إيده أعمل إيه ؟؟ دوّرت كتير على Google ومالقيتش حاجه !

هو طبيب، ولا يدرّس، وعلمه الشرعي متواضع، ولا يتكلم فيما لا يعلم. لكنه داعية له ثقل في مجال الدعوة، يسلم على يديه الكثير. نحسبه على خير. لكن العلم يطلب من العلماء لا الوعاظ ولا الدعاة. ممكن تشتغل معه في الدعوة ويفتح الله على يديك، لكن بعد ان تطلب علم.

i don't care if people turn away from me after telling them the truth. says a lot about them and the muslims they support.

Excellent. Don't let anyone teach you humbleness, manners or possibility that you could ever be wrong.

I think I'm in love. I'm always thinking about them and wishing that they were still with me. I proposed but they rejected after Eestekhara. If they became part of my life, I know I would benefit and I'll be the best spouse I can be. Can I propose again?

Only if situation changes. Pray istikhara yourself and seek advice with a marriage expert, I highly recommend Bashir Midani (not on ask) lives in GTA, he's on Facebook.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/136544907330 forgive me if I'm crossing any lines, but this is absurd and ridiculous. they keep talking about the youth and yet don't want them involved? I really don't intend to be rude but why? I feel like its exactly like back home. What can/should we do?

You can consider them youthfully challenged.
When most your peers will be their age, and go through what they've gone through, they're likely to refuse to handover the mosques to the next generation.
It's an seriously complex issue of trust and reliability across generations, multiplexed with the immigrants' integration problem across generations.
Each of these organisational problems alone is sufficient to debilitate an organisation.

Sorry for an explicit question like this but if a husband and wife had anal is it true that they have to get divorced?

No. They have to repent.

someone told me that if my parents called me while im praying, i have to leave the prayer and go see them. they referred to that story of the man who was praying and his mother called him etc. is this true?

If it's not an obligatory prayer, then it's permissible to break the prayer to answer them. Hanafis said with the condition that the parent doesn't know you're praying. Malikis said it's greater reward to break the prayer and answer parents than to continue the prayer. Some of the Salaf said that is only concerning moms not dads. Shafi'is said if the person knows that it'd hurt the parent if they don't answer then it's obligatory to answer.
If it's obligatory prayer then it's not permissible to cut it, unless if it was a life threatening emergency, in which case they break the prayer whether it's for a parent or any other person.

Some people should not be in power, in MSA or masjid boards or in governments, you name it. Why does this happen so often?

1. Most people can't handle the fitnah of power.
The Messenger of God peace be upon him said: "Two hungry wolves which are set loose on a flock of sheep, do not wreck more havoc than wealth and power do to the faith of a person."
2. Most people can't fulfill their duties when they're in power
When asked by Abu Tharr if he can take a government position, the Messenger of God peace be upon him said: Oh Abu Thar, you are a weak man, and this [the position of authority] is a responsibility, and on the day of judgement is a humility and disgrace. Except for those who fulfilled its duties and rights.
This is the same Abu Thar whom the Prophet described as: The sky never shared, and the earth never carried, someone more honest than Abu Tharr.

Can I ask brother how often is Hijama safe to do if someone's suffering ill health ?

just answered.

doesn't the music and awrah of women make it something which shouldn't be watched?

Music and awrah of women can be found in any restaurant, university, shopping mall, gym, community centre or street. When there's nothing beneficial that outweighs the harmful, like a bar, a night club, or a movie like the hangover, then it's clearly forbidden to attend these places. When there's something to be gained, like a useful life lesson, a (sometimes even useless) college degree, or some good bonding time with family or friends, which outweighs the harm, and the harm can be managed, controlled or reduced by simply not pay attention to it or opting out of it, then there's no harm in utilising the benefit from such places.

وهل يُفرق بين إسبال جبة/ثوب وإسبال البانطلون والجينز (jeans)؟

لا فرق

I heard a shaykh saying "Allahu Akbar Kabira" in places where we usually say "SubhanAllah". Is the phrase AAK something from sunnah? What does it mean?

They're all different beautiful words to remember the Almighty.
AAK means: 'God is greater (than anything); a greatness (like no other).'

ما هو توجيه المذهب في الإسبال؟ بارك الله فيكم

محرم من قصد به الخيلاء، مكروه لغير خيلاء، وقيل: إن كان من العرف لم يكره.
Liked by: يمنى عوض

جدي ميت من ٢٥ سنة ... اكتشفوا من كام يوم حساب له في احد البنوك فيه ٢٢ الف جنيه ... لي جدة, وعمتين, وعم ميت (ترك ولد و بنتان), ووالدي ... فكيف يتم توزيع الميراث و من يرث.... هل الفلوس دي حلال ام حرام ؟؟؟ افيدني نفع الله بكم يا شيخ

اجابك غيري
ارجو قراءة هذا الجواب بخصوص تكرار السؤال

we can discuss msa some time. if you heard what I know,you would turn away in disgust like the others that found out about them.

You can keep talking like that until people turn away in disgust from you.

Heard a sheikh say that a married couple need to be covered by a blanket during intercourse saying that Allah sends the angels away during the time. Is this correct? if so, is it a necessity or "preferable" barakAllahu feek


Salam brother. i request you to do a little more research on oral sex before you make it permissible for everybody. "Your wives are a place of sowing of seed for you, so come to your place of cultivation however you wish" 2:223 the place of cultivation is only one. Anal and oral are forbidden.

Your response shows you have no idea about anything. Go finish one book with any sheikh in any discipline. If you don't like my answers, unfollow me.
Liked by: Kashif Raza


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