
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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Eid Mubarak. Do I have to wait until tomorrow to cut my nails as my sacrifice will be slaughtered in Pakistan and they celebrate tomorrow

Until you confirm that your sacrifice has been slaughtered.
Liked by: IbnAriadi مصطفى

My father doesn't like me to take part in the Eid prayer bc it's not common for afghan women to attend salatul Eid (back home they didn't go to the mosque bc there weren't women's sections). Is it ok not to go to the mosque (considering if I'd tell him that I wanna go, he'd accept but not like it)?

Eid prayer is obligatory upon the community, not upon every Muslim.
Obeying parents is obligatory upon every Muslim.
Do what is best for your hereafter.

A friend of mine is having doubts regarding the fact that Quran is words of Allah and how can we even be sure that Hadeeths are transmitted correctly to us, and other similar doubts other than god's existence, can you recommend a book please?

Books don't do this. Your friend needs guidance: divine, and from a teacher. Are they in Ottawa?

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We are not supposed to remove hairs/Nails during these Days...what about when doing wudu and your are washing the face...i am very hairy so many times i see my hair from beard and eyebrows in my hands after washing...is that ok or should I be more cautious

That's fine, as long as you don't wash your face with a hair removal product or scrub it with a razor.

I signed up to siraj institute a couple of months ago and did not receive an admission package.

There was a huge load, and applications filled up very quickly. if you requested an application after May 2017 you will receive an invitation this September inshaAllah to apply for Winter 2018 admission.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/142028207682?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=iOS still no online classes ?

Education requires a two way interaction between the teacher and the student. Therefore all our degrees have small class sizes, one on one mentorship and several education elements that are outside the classroom, such as retreats and community service projects.
We will broadcast some lectures online to the general public, and may even conduct online workshops from time to time, so keep looking.
More information on www.siraj.institute

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، هل يمكن الالتحاق بمعهد السراج وانا مقيم في ميلتون ام لابد من المعيشه في أوتوا؟ جزاك الله خيرا

وعليك السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته، لا بد لطلب العلم من ضرب أكباد الإبل - أو نحوها.
جاري ترتيب سكن للطلاب من خارج اوتاوا للعام القادم بإذن الله.
Liked by: محمد حمدي

Do you know of any aqidah scholars in North America? I've never actually encountered any, but I really want to learn.

Aqeedah scholars and postdoc researchers are both fancy words to describe students who are waiting to find a specialization.
Generally speaking, take aqeedah from scholars of Hadeeth, or Hanbali Fiqh. Particularly, these two specializations are the least prone to innovation throughout history, with a slight difference between the aqeedah of hanaabila and that of ahlul hadeeth.

Is siraj institute still alive?

Yes alhamdolillah, more than ever before! Classes resume next Tuesday inshaAllah.
Admissions for Winter 2018 will open this September inshaAllah. Sign up to receive an admissions package atwww.Siraj.Institute

التكبير بعد الصلوات من يوم عرفه ولا من أول أيام العيد ؟ و جزاك الله خيرا وكل سنة وأنت طيب :D

التكبير المقيد يكون دبر ثلاث وعشرين صلاة لغير الحاج، من فجر عرفة الى عصر ثالث أيام التشريق.
والحاج مشغول بالتلبية فلا يبدأ التكبير المقيد حتى ظهر يوم النحر، اي: سبع عشرة فريضة في الجماعة.
ويشرع فقط لمن صلى الفريضة جماعة: جهرا للرجال وسرا للنساء.
ويكبر المسبوق فور التسليم.
ولا يكبر المنفرد، ذكرا أم أنثى

If the day of Arafah is on Thursday, can I make my intention to fast for the day of Arafah AND also to fast because I want to follow the the sunah of fasting Mondays and Thursdays? Will I get the reward for both In Sha Allah?

Let me help you rephrase: your intention is only to fast Arafa, and since because fasting on Thursday has special virtue because the Prophet said that on Friday eve the deeds of the week are raised before God and he wanted to have his deeds reviewed while he's fasting.
Thursday is circumstantial, you fast Thursdays in Ramadan, you fast Arafah and it happens to be a Thursday and you still believe in more virtue in this day because of the aforementioned hadeeth.
So if someone was in prison, and fasted every Thursday, and happened to fast Arafa without knowing or intending specifically, they only get the reward of fasting a Thursday.
But fasting Arafah because it's Arafah, the Prophet said: forgives the sins of a previous year and a following year.
So don't fast Arafah because it's another Thursday, and lose the great reward of fasting this day for what it is.

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Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

ياشيخنا بداية انا اري وجوب قراءة الفاتحة في الصلاة بس في حالات مش عارف اقطعها ولا اكملها ولا محسبش الركعة .. ١-لو دخلت الصلاة والامام قائم في الصلاة السرية وعندي قراءتي لمنتصف الفاتحة كبر للركوع ٢-لو كان الامام يقرأ سورة بعد الفاتحة في الصلاة الجهرية و عندها دخلت الصلاة هل انصت ام اقرأ الفاتحة

يا قرة عيني،
بمجرد أنك سمعت حديثا او اثنين، أنك ملكت أدوات الاستنباط، وعرفت مراتب الاستدلال، وبلغت منزلة الاجتهاد؟ لا يا حبيبي الغالي. قال تعالى: فاسألوا أهل الذكر إن كنتم لا تعلمون. ولم يدعوك لتتعلم الافتاء عن طريق النت في سنة.
هذا سفيان بن عيينة، وهو أمير المؤمنين في الحديث، أعلم أهل مكة في زمانه بالحديث، ذكر الشافعي أنه وجد عنده جميع أحاديث الاحكام إلا ستا. يقول سفيان "التسليم للفقهاء سلامة في الدين"
ويستفيه طلبته في مجلس حديثه فيحيل إلى أصحاب أبي حنيفة.
وهذا الإمام أحمد، إمام أهل السنة، لم يأت بعده من هو أعلم منه، نقل عنه طلبته أنه كان يحفظ ألف ألف حديث، يقول: "ما أقل الفقه في أهل الحديث"
بعد هذا كله، ينبغي يا حبيبي أن تقول لنفسك: من أنا حتى يكون لي رأي في الشرع؟ وتنهى نفسك عن الخوض في دين الله بغير علم ولا تأهيل.
قل أنا مقلد للشافعي أو لمالك أو أحمد أو ابي حنيفة، ومذهبه يرى كذا، كيف أصنع في هذه الحالات.
عافاني الله وإياك من الجهل.

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1. If I have make a more than reasonable income, and my dad does udhiya, is that sufficient for the whole family, or must I also do one? 2. He sends his money back home to get it done. Is it better (or mandatory) to do it in the residing city if possible?

1. It's sufficient, and you're always welcome to do more.
2. It's better to do it where you celebrate Eid yourself.

Hi my name is John, i am interested about geography and Islm. According to geographical studies the Mountains are the result of platonic earthquake and what I read from Quran (maybe I am wrong) is that the Mountains stabilize the Earth. Is that a contradiction? How can we understand the quranic word

Hi John, thank you for your question.
I ask God Almighty to show you the truth as truth, and grant you the ability to follow it; and show you falsehood as falsehood, and grant you protection from it.
Firstly: from my highschool geography memory, and you probably know this already, Mountains are made in several ways, while earthquakes may contribute to creating plateau mountains, but there are also volcanic mountains in east Asia, fold mountains in southwest Asia, and block mountains in Midwest USA, just to give a few examples. These three are examples which form due to tectonic movement of the earth plates, not earthquakes.
Second: empirical sciences explain what things are and how they're made of, but science does not answer the question: why.
The assertion is made in the Qur'an that God "made the mountains as pegs", "made the mountains as anchors", "lest the earth moves you away", etc. This answers why He created them. They can be created in different ways and still result in the same purpose. Whether they're made of folds, plateaus or else, mountains have the significant portion of their masses underground. Some mountains even go deeper than 130 km in the earth, way beyond the lithosphere layer, which makes the simile of mountains as pegs both scientifically factual, and impossible to have been observed by humans 1400 years ago. This is what makes 'scientific miracles' in the Qur'an. For more of these you can visit this illustrated link:
Finally, the Qur'an is not a geography textbook, and I don't recommend you perceive it that way. It's a book of truth to guide those who are God conscious. It is the last book that God sent to the world; it's also the only book that God sent to all of mankind, whereas previous scriptures were sent to specific tribes; and it is the only book which God guaranteed that it will be preserved by Him, and has remained unchanged to the letter since it was revealed.
Take care.

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Alsalam Alaikum, I would like to ask if a woman's bike is halal, knowing that it is a very commen transportation in Europe?And I live in Europe Its just sometimes I think its a normal transportation these days just like ridding a horse 600 years ago But I still feel something because Iam not use to

First off, to contrast the examples, yes Muslim women did ride horses, but it was common they put both legs on one side, to preserve their modesty and keep their clothes covering their body properly.
The point here is about the outwear of a Muslim woman. The religious requirements that a Muslim woman outfit must:
1) not revealing or transparent
2) not tight or detailing the body shape
Additionally, both Muslim men and women must ensure their outfit
3) not be an eye grabber
4) not imitate the clothes of defiant sinners.
If riding the bicycle would mean she must wear clothes might reveal parts of her legs, or detail her curves, or raise eyebrows and draw attention to her, then it is not permissible.
I'll leave the solution to entrepreneurs.

I am separated from my husband ( not divorced) due to alot of disagreements ,and getting divorce is too hard for both of us ,i am asking now about his rights inthe intercourse and so on.am i obliged to do them in this case ?

Raise your issue to a judge or imam in your city, so he may rectify, nullify, force the husband to divorce or the wife to do khul'.
Liked by: .Y.

امي بتعطيني مصروف وليكن ٥٠٠ جنية مثلاً كل اسبوعين او تلاتة يعني مفيش قاعدة محددة ، لو انا اخرجت مع كل مصروف باخده ١٠٠ جنية صدقة من غير ما أخبر امي بهذا الامر بشكل دائم مع كل مصروف أخذه حتى وان كان اسبوعياً هل علي اثم وهل يجب ان اخبرها؟

افعل ولا حرج، وكلما زدت، زاد الله عليك من فضله ومنه وكرمه.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، لي صديق يعيش في نيو زيلاند وأخبرني ان العيد عندهم يوم السبت وليس الجمعه، هل هذا يجوز؟ هو يقول إن لجان الفتاوى بالمساجد القائمين عليها من الشيعه. هو عندهم طلعت الرؤيه بتقول ان ذي الحجه بدأ بعد السعوديه بيوم بالرغم أن استراليا عندهم العيد يوم الجمعه عادي.

لا علاقة للأمر بالشيعة، بل هذا قول شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية والشيخ ابن عثيمين والشيخ بن باز، وكل من قال باختلاف المطالع في رمضان قال بجوازه في جميع شهور السنة.
ومعتمد الحنابلة هو وحدة المطالع، فأول بلد يرى هلال ذي الحجة يسري على جميع البلدان، بما فيها الحجاز ولو تعذرت الرؤية في شبه جزيرة العرب. وقد كان يحصل ذلك في التاريخ ونقله غير واحد من أهل العلم.

Salam alikuuuum 😁 any advice for hujjaj sheikh , jazak Raby Aljannah

Ramadan was a practise, the devils were handcuffed, the angels were supporting every good deed, and the good deeds are multiplied.
Hajj is the ultimate worship; the devils are roaming, the angels are only recording, your real manners are put to test, rubbing against millions of Muslims. All deeds are multiplied, the good as well as the bad.
In Ramadan the challenge was about your outer behavior: your control of desires; you had to fight hunger, thirst and lust in the day by fasting, and to fight sleep and entertainment in the night by praying.
In Hajj, it is a test for your inner core: your manners; you have to put up being squished against millions of Muslims, rubbing against your skin, stepping on your toes, sharing your pillow, snoring at night, smelling at day. One moment of impatience may lead your entire pilgrimage to no avail.
This is why the Messenger of God said: "Whoever performs Hajj, and does not curse nor commit indecency, will return as sinless as a newborn. As to a well mannered Hajj, it has no reward less Paradise."
Everyone around you is a guest that has been invited to the Sacred House of the Almighty, it is an honour for you to meet them regardless.
My one advice is: Do not think the rituals are the true worship, and the people are just challenges to that worship. Your treatment of the people around you are the real worship, the rituals are challenges to that worship.

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