
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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Do you agree that nobody goes through more shh in life than a person with a good heart?

In principe, yes.
The Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, said: The most severely tested people in this world are the Prophets, then the most noble of people; each person will be tested according to the strength of their faith.
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يا شيخ ماجد لو عايز أبقي مترجم كويس جدا لازم اقوي العربي ولا مش لازم ؟

essam_hazem’s Profile PhotoEssam hazem
طبعا، لازم تتقن علوم اللغة العربية كلها، من النحو والصرف والبلاغة وفقه اللغة، وتدمن النظر في القواميس ومعاجم الأمثال، ويكون عندك معرفة بأخبار العرب وقصصهم.
ثم يكون لك مثل ذلك في اللغة المقابلة.
فتعرف الأمثال والتعابير المقابلة ل: وافق شنٌ طبقة، وعلى نفسها جنت براقش، والباب اللي يجيك منه الريح،
وتدرك الفرق في ترجمة اللفظ الواحد ذو المعاني المتعددة، مثلا كشفت الحرب عن ساق، والعمل يجري على قدم وساق، وليس في القوم ساق، والتفت الساق بالساق.
وفي النهاية، ليس المترجم الحاذق هو من يملأ الكتاب بالحواشي والذيول لشرح المصطلحات، وإنما هو الذي لا تستطيع أن تميز أن عمله مترجم أصلا.

Any good book in English, because I don't want to bother you asking so many questions here?

A bit old but it's a decent book:
The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature
Vol. 1. is the Arabic Literature to the End of the Umayyad Period.
First chapter has 5 sections on the evolution of the Arabic language, calligraphy, writing tools etc
Second chapter is the pre Islamic literature
3rd chapter is Arabian prose
4th chapter is Umayyad literature
Although you won't find anything about this couple, and many other important figures, you'll find some translations of other works in the same eras.
Liked by: Fatma Wally
+14 answers in: “What do you know about Qays and Layla?”

You caused me internal disturbance sheikh. Seriously. I avoid all kind of sexuality on the internet (including written: i paused my sexual education until Allah facilitate marriage for me cause for some reason it’s blocked). And you made me feel as if i’m a deviant by saying “false piety” “fake it”

There's a difference between turning to the Internet with this, which is a horrible thing to do.
And between talking about it with good friends.
Liked by: Fatma Wally
+14 answers in: “What do you know about Qays and Layla?”

I sponsored a child on I Relief C. I don’t have the choice to select the child. I have to pay then they send me after couple of weeks the info about the child. They sent me: child isn’t a muslim. I’m biased to grow muslims1st and want to find a muslim. It’s halal to revoke It,but what do you think?

It's up to you.
You can sponsor Muslim orphans through Islamic relief or Human Concern International.
Liked by: Fatma Wally GG Moad

Reading your answers about the two lovers, it seems to me that we are now living in extra conservative society. I remember someone saying about a practising married woman I know, that even though she is married she still has her school friends on Facebook and replies them often on public post.

We're not a conservative society, we're a hypocritical society.
The guy sits next to his non Muslim female classmate in the library, work and laugh together, then walks into the musalla and demands the curtain cover that extra inch, and yell at the girls that they can't have their voices heard by the men.
+1 answer Read more

السلام عليكم يا شيخ تأمين الأسنان حلال أو حرام؟ يُدفع مبلغ شهري ثابت مقابل الحصول على مبلغ سنوي يزداد سنة بعد سنة لتغطية التكاليف التي لا يغطيها التأمين الصحي كزراعة الأسنان

اسأل مفتيا في بلدك.
+2 answers Read more

والناهون عن المنكر في موضع التوبة .. ربنا يبارك فيك شيخنا ويحفظك من كل سوء

khaledezzat567’s Profile Photoخالد عزت
اي سبحان الله! أحسن الله إليكم
Liked by: Fatma Wally GG
+1 answer in: “"سَيَقُولُونَ ثَلَاثَةٌ رَّابِعُهُمْ كَلْبُهُمْ وَيَقُولُونَ خَمْسَةٌ سَادِسُهُمْ كَلْبُهُمْ رَجْمًا بِالْغَيْبِ ۖ وَيَقُولُونَ سَبْعَةٌ وَثَامِنُهُمْ كَلْبُهُمْ ۚ" لماذا سُبقت ثامنهم فقط بحرف العطف واو؟”

😭 Why did her father reject Qays?

The Arabs have always had this cultural practice (exists until today in many rural Arab countries), where if a man declared his love publicly to a woman (often through poetry), then they prohibit them to get married. They consider it dishonorable to let them get married.
On the extreme other end, some Eastern societies force the girl to marry her rapist, unfortunately.
+14 answers in: “What do you know about Qays and Layla?”

Or what if after 5 years with the second one he found a third one more suitable ?! 🤔

I say he marries all 3.
+2 answers in: “I have a private problem that has a religious aspect I guess..I'm in a relationship"engagement" with a girl from our campus for about 5 years and recently I met another girl that I think she's more suitable for me.. so.. would it be HARAM if I break with the first one to be with the second !?”

السلام عليكم شيخ ماجد، أنا بحضر محضرات حضرتك ويشرفني جداً مرور حضرتك على صفحتي. JazakAllah khair for everything u do. I originally made this account to be able to ask you questions then thought I should put it to good use, and I pray u get ajr for it too. PS my 1st post was a screenshot of ur answer

Gigi0110’s Profile PhotoGG
حياكم الله :)
Liked by: Fatma Wally GG Moad


Language: English