
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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I love you so much, Sheikh. May Allah be always pleased with you and your family. You are always in my prayers. Thank you for being who you are and for all the effort you put in us. Honestly, just love you from the bottom of my heart!❤❤jazakAllahu khayr, may Allah bless u and ur offspring abundantly

Habibi, may the Almighty love you, protect you and shower you with His mercy and blessings.
I love you so much Sheikh May Allah be always pleased with you and your family

Sheikh, Your fatwas are based on Hanbali Mathab only? if yes, I would like to ask what if there were an opinion of other scholars that have a stronger piece of evidence and these scholars were not Hanbali, would you phrase your fatwa or opinion based on their evidence?

I answer people in what's best for them. If I know the mainstream Hanbali answer isn't the best for them I report to them the other opinion. If the other opinion is invalid in my mathhab but is valid in another mathhab and is better for them, i ask them to ask a scholar from that mathhab.
Putting that aside,
What does stronger mean?
You think mathhab x has 5 kilos of proofs and mathhab y has 7 kilos, hence all followers of mathhab x are either idiots, ignorants or know they're not the best but blindly are okay with their mathhab?

If a mainstream opinion in the Hanbali mathhab in a specific ruling has six authentic reports of companions doing it.
And the mainstream opinion of the Maliki mathhab on the same topic has the unanimous report of all the people of Madina doing it.
Then what's stronger to you?
Of course, the Hanbali proofs are stronger to the Hanbali scholar, and the Maliki proofs are stronger to the Maliki scholar.
As to someone who knows nothing about jurisprudence (usool), they can only blindly follow whom they trust to be right.
There are those who think a mathhab that is established with several thousand scholars over 1300 years, that they would somehow miss that their opinion opposes a clear, specific verse of Qur'an or authentic hadeeth! That is the most ignorant thing someone could say about Fiqh in Islam. Unfortunately, it's a popular opinion in the 21st century.

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لو سمحت يا شيخ أريد كتاب في العقيدة أنا مبتدئة بالقراءة ورُشح لي كتب منها ما يخص علماء اهتموا وساروا على الصوفيه فلا أريد أن أبدأ فيها قبل أن أضع أساس متين ومعرفة لديني لأفرق بعد ذلك بسهوله وأميز بين الصواب والخطأ...

درة البيان في اصول الايمان لشيخنا محمد يسري. كتاب واحد مختصر شامل وبسيط.
وليكن لك مرجع من كتب السلف، كالطحاوية والواسطية، واحفظي ألفاظها واهتمي بها واقرأي أو اسمعي بعض شروحها
Liked by: ~ Amira ~

هل نحتسب الغريق شهيداً ؟ ألم يرد أي نص بشأن ذلك عن سيدنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ؟ صديقي توفاه الله اليوم غرقاً وأريد التحقق من ذلك، جزاكم الله خيراً.

اجبت عن ذلك قبل قليل.

Asalaamualaykum sheikh, are there are students of knowledge who you reccomend me to follow on facebook and benefit from their posts?English or arabic, JazakAllahu khayr

The answer to your question is: yes, there are.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Hayyak Allah, thanks for the answer. But what should we answer when muslim women ask us why the wujoob of hijab? I am sure you know this much better then me. Some say modesty...some says farq between a free woman and a slave. Sometimes the answer "Allah told us" isn't enough even if it should be...

If it isn't enough, there's a deeper problem.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

@@@ ممكن ترد هنا

لو أصر الأب، وعجز الابن وعجزت الأم عن ردعه، فإما الأب مضطرب أو مريض نفسيا.
اليوم يشترط هذا في الخطبة، فماذا سيشترط في الزفاف؟
ثم أين غيرة الخاطب وشخصيته من هذا؟
Liked by: Israa AH

Is it wise to compare hijab with things like "shield/protection" for candy etc??? I see many kibaar people talk in this manner, is that good or should we take a another way?

Arab women before Islam were objects; they were inherited, sold, used, displayed and bragged about like any other property a man has. These were all abolished with the coming of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him.
These are remnants of jahiliyya in those who use these metaphors.

What's the last movie you watched in a cinema?

Logan, in Amman, with my brother, spring 2017.
Before that, Avatar in Cairo, with my wife, summer 2009.

يا رجل 😭 بنت اصغر مني بحوالي سنتين "هي غير ملتزمه من حيث الملابس" وقعت قدامي انا ترددت اني اساعدها عشان تقوم "مع العلم انها كانت تعرف تقوم لوحدها" بس من باب الرجوله 😭😭 روحت ماسك ايديها ومساعدها انا مبسلمش اصلا على بنات بس مش عارف عملت كدا ليه خايف يا شيخ 😭😭😭 (لئن يُطعن احدكم ....)

ان كانت بحاجة للمساعدة فلا حرج أن تساعدها، والأفضل أن تتخذ حائلا.

ضروري بالله أما منتقبة الحمدلله وبدين لله بفرضية النقاب دلوقتي في شخص متقدم وقعدنا مرتين وفي قبول مبدئي من الطرفين لكن والده عايز يشوفني بوجهي ومفيش حتى أي اتفاقات لسة هل دا من الجانب الشرعي يجوز؟

يجوز للخاطب ولا يجوز لوالده.

أيهما افضل صلاة الجماعة في المسجد أم في البيت مع من لا يستطيع النزول للمسجد( رجل ) وغالبا لو صليت في المسجد مش هايصلو جماعة ؟؟ ولو صليت معهم يضيع مني ( رجل قلبه معلق بالمساجد ) وثواب الصلاة في المسجد ؟؟

صلاة الجماعة في المسجد خير من صلاة الجماعة في البيت بخمس وعشرين درجة.
وصلاة الرجل في جماعة خير من صلاته بمفرده بسبع وعشرين درجة.
والمشي الى المسجد يحط خطيئة في كل خطوة.
ومن خرج إلى المسجد للفريضة، لا يخرجه إلا الصلاة، كان كأجر الحاج.
ومن خرج إلى المسجد ليتعلم أو يعلم آيتين من كتاب الله، كان خيرا له من ناقتين كوماوتين.
فتأخذ معك هذا (الرجل) الذي تجب عليه الجماعة وتصلوا في المسجد. بل بقاؤك في البيت يهون عليه ترك المساجد فلا تفعل.
وهو إذا تخلف عنك وفاتته جماعة المسجد وجب أن يبحث عن جماعة، فإن لم يجد الجماعة ولو مع محارمه، وخاف فوات وقت الصلاة، ذهب الى المسجد وصلى منفردا.
صلاة الجماعة في المسجد لا يعدلها عمل في الإسلام
ثم صلاة الجماعة في غير المسجد، كمصلى السوق والبيت.
ثم صلاة المنفرد في المسجد
ثم صلاة المنفرد في البيت
والله أعلم.
Liked by: مروة رزق

Assalamu alaykum. i have to divide my question in two parts. Part 1: My sis got me vegeterian deli slices. They are produced by a company that mainly produces meat deli (pork and turkey). I contacted them hoping that these slices would be produced seperatly but they answered the following:....

Say bismillah and eat. You needn't to contact them in the first place.

Sheikh, do you have a "pro box" where I can send you a gift? This page has been immensely helpful Alhamdulillah. (And saying just make dua for me, donate on my behalf, etc won't suffice) lol

If you give me a choice between sending me a monthly check for $100,000, and make one sincere du'aa to Allah for me. I'll chose to be mentioned before the One who owns the heavens and the earth, controls my fate and that of my friends and foes, and is more merciful than all mothers of the world to their newborns combined.
While you may underestimate yourself and the words of the du'aa, you don't seem to reflect enough on who's listening to you.

AssalamuAlaykum Sheikh, I am wondering how you make a living since you have degrees in Engineering and also so many qualifications in Islamic studies. Do you work as an Engineer or Imam or what? Sorry for being really intrusive but I hope to tread upon your path and those before in a similar place.

I sell custom engineered fatwas starting from $9.99. Restrictions apply. 😁


Language: English