
Majed Jarrar

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Is it permissible for a woman to pluck her eyebrows with the permission of her husband?

This is the mainstream opinion of all mathaahib, and is a minor opinion in our mathhab.

A brother thinks he will miss jumu'ah prayer this Friday because he has to be in hospital and bring his father home, will he be excused? He doesn't know if he will be able to catch a late jumu'ah prayer then too.

Ask a mufti in your locality. We have almost 4 hours of range between different Friday prayers in Ottawa. The earliest starts at 11 am and the latest starts at 2:15 pm.

الأخذ من اللحية وتهذيبها فيما فوق القبضة هل الخلاف فيها سائغ؟! وحكم تقليد الشيخ صالح المغامسي ورأيه في المسألة ايه؟

ما بعد القبضة مباح، نص عليه الإمام رحمه الله، لفعل ابن عمر رضي الله عنه. والحلق محرّم كما هو منصوص عليه عن جماهير أهل العلم.
ما بينهما، أي ما دون القبضة، مسكوت عنه في أكثر كتب المذهب عند المتأخرين، لكن في حاشية ابن قندس على المحرر، وكأنه بلغني نفس الكلام عن شيخ الإسلام لم اطلع عليه، ذكروا رواية عن الإمام بالكراهة.

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Assalmualaikum. Is it permissible to recite silent prayers with some sound i.e not whispering? And if it is, is it permissible to do this and also whisper in the same rukat?

I answered this two days ago, search on the archive website.

Lol I'm down to pay Sheikh ;) #RevertStruggles

Islamweb Fatawa is by the far the most solid website for fataawa on the internet. Each fatwa goes through seven stages of researchers and scholars. Starting with looking up previous relevant fatwas, researching the answer in all four mathaahib, fact checking with scholars of the mathaahib, ensuring the answer doesn't contradict with previous answers, validating the answer with head of the department, and finally proposing already existing answers of questions that may arise as a follow up. I do not know of any fatwa website that has a process this rigorous. It still has plenty of mistakes, admittedly by the committee that runs it.
A Muslim needs to connect with at least one local knowledgeable and pious scholar to establish a relationship, such that the scholar knows about the person's life enough to provide appropriate answers to their questions.

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Liked by: Mohammad Ali

Is there any mathhab that allows mas'h on the shoes, not socks, that doesn't reach up to the ankle? I see a considerable number of students doing that! (They remove the shoes to pray)

If two foot covers on top of each other and complement one another, such that one has a hole but the other is on top doesn't,
Or both have holes but each covers the other's hole,
Or it's a shoe below the ankle with a sock covering the ankle bone,
Or any arrangement such that no skin of the foot appears from the ankle bone to the tips of the toes, all inclusive
= Then together, they are eligible to be wiped on, given that you follow the guidelines of wiping over socks.
If one takes one of the two layers off afterwards, and the remaining layer does not cover fully, then the wudu is nullified.

Salaam sheikh. I read yesterday in one of your answers about how exhaling through joy is seen as a form of laughter. I was not aware of this. I read your answer during the period for asr and had laughed in this manner in the previous prayer (dhuhur). Was I required to make the prayer up?

The chuckle is what breaks your prayer, not a smooth exhale of relief.

If one's school education is at risk when refusing to shave the beard, what do you advise?

Do you go to school at a military camp? There's no sin in trimming the beard, imam Ahmed explicitly stated. It's recommended however is to keep it at a fist length. It's prohibited to shave the beard.

Dont you think that al-Kisa'i and Abu 'Amr i may have added/extracted things in their qira'at because they were very famous grammarians. I mean; if they heard some words in ayat read by their teachers...but saw that as wrong in accordance with their grammarian aproach... Any thought? HayakAllah

Of course not, that's kufr.

Asalamu Alaikum sheikh how to respond to Asharis accusing Ahlus Sunnah of anthropomorphism?

It's not your fight.
Actually, there is no fight. Their accusations were refuted, destroyed and buried, 700 years ago.
There are plenty of real and important issues facing Muslims and their beliefs in the world today. Playing swordfight with ghosts is kind of escaping from reality.

If we study the Rawd should we go back to study the Zad or is it sufficient that we studied the explanation?

You cannot start with Rawdh. You'll miss too many basics. Start by studying and memorizing Zad, or something similarly simple like Akhsar or Daleelut-Taalib or Umdatut-Taalib. Then go over an easy explanation of Rawdh, then an advanced one of Rawdh. Or, go over an easy explanation of Daleel/Umdatut-Taalib, then an advanced one of Rawdh. I can guarantee you that you can't pass stage 2 of the mathhab without studying an advanced explanation of Rawdh.
Liked by: Warisha.

Really funny when you say asharis have minor bid3ah in their aqeedah but your scholars cant even produce a book like a abridgement of Fath al Bari :)

Ironically enough, Fat-hul-baari on sharh alBukhari is a duplicate title, originally written by Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, who passed away before finishing it. Then by Ibn Hajr, who explicitly stated three times in his book that he copied from Ibn Rajab's.
Ibn Abdulhadi compared the two then concluded: "Ibn Rajab's Fat-hul-baari was a masterpiece. Had he finished it, it would've been one of Islam's ultimate wonders of all time."
Finally, while Ibn Hajar did follow some few Ash'ari beliefs, he explicity stated in his books he was upon the aqeedah of the salaf and explicitly stated that he disagreed with the Ash'aris. He disagreed with the Ashari belief in the definition of Faith, in their theory of knowledge, and the first obligation upon a human. He wrote an entire letter refuting one of the leading scholars who promoted Asharis beliefs, Ibn Fawrak, and stated that ta'weel and mantiq should not be respected, and that the correct and pure faith is that of the first three centuries. He refuted the Ashari cornerstone of belief that Ahaad hadeeths aren't valid in aqeedah. Last but not least, if you only read his commentary on 'Lisaan al-Meezan' on the biographies of Arrazi and Al-Aamidi, the two most significant developers and promoters of Ashari beliefs, you'd see how much he disagreed with their beliefs, and believed in their deviation.
Oh and, for the records, here are some citations from the book Fat-hul-bari which indicate how much he disagreed with Ashari beliefs:
Vol 1, p 46
Vol 3, p 357
Vol 13, pp 253, 259, 347, 350, 361, and 407.
And let's not forget that "my" scholars are the ones who produced Sahih al Bukhari, Muatta' Malik, and Musnad Ahmed.
My God, I can't believe you actually asked that question. That's the first time I've seen a better (or worse?) own goal than Jamie Pollock's in 1998.
Showing off, bigotry, and dividing the religion into fan clubs is not in my Islam, that's what my scholars have taught me. Don't learn from those who teach you otherwise.

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https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/141025943618 Which ones are these fiqhi opinions?

In prayer only:
Saying that opening du'aa is obligatory,
That praying to a sutra is obligatory,
That holding the left hand by the right hand is obligatory,
That the right hand and left hand must be on the breast,
That saying Ameen is slightly after the imam, not with him,
That reciting verses of Qur'an after Fatihah in the first two rak'at is obligatory,
That putting hands on knees during rukoo' is obligatory,
That stretching the back flat in rukoo' is obligatory,
That iftiraash between two prostrations is obligatory,
That heels must touch during prostrations,
That iftiraash posture of the feet in the first tashahhud is obligatory,
That making salawat after the first tashahhud is encouraged,
That making du'aa after first tashahhud is permissible,
That seeking refuge from the four things at the end of prayer is obligatory,
These are examples of rulings from his published books, which contradict with either a consensus, or the mainstream opinion in all four mathaahib of Islam.

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Isn't 'accept the difference of opinion' getting out of control when nowadays you can literally find every opinion you're looking for that was held by a scholar? Starting from the permission of wishing merry christmas to listening music...

An opinion worth accepting: is a scholarly opinion from someone who's knowledgable in Fiqh and has visible contributions.
Not everyone who has a Fiqh opinion, must be a valid fiqh opinion.
Sheikh al-Albany, a hadeeth scholar, had over 20 fiqhi opinions that are completely against the consensus or against all four mathaahib. Yet some people follow him blindly even in those issues that he was mistaken and his disagreement had no merit nor legitimacy.

Have you studied Rawd al-Murbi cover to cover or have you studied most of it? Also, how was your experience with the book (from what you have studied), how did you find it?

The book is extremely important. You cannot be truly a hanbali in this age without studying it.
It is not a book you can study once. It's impossible to finish everything in it in less than three times.
It has been explained and is available in audio or book format from eight different contemporary scholars. The best complete explanation by far is by Sheikh Bajabir.
There's also an explanation by Sheikh al-Bassam, Sheikh bin Hameed, Sheikh al-Ajlaan, Sheikh bin Uthaimeen, who's explanation is excellent in the conceptualization phase, despite few disagreements the Sheikh makes with the mathhab and the book (fewer than 200, out of 2800 rulings in the book)
Liked by: Mustafa Hazrat

Salaam sheikh. I suffer from wiswas and your answer about laughing in prayer has caused me a lot of distress. Every prayer I seem to get a funny thought and if my breathing changes slightly because of it I repeat my prayer. It's hurting me a lot. Is there any leniency on this matter?

If you hold your laughter, your prayer is valid. If you let it go, your prayer is invalid.
A prayer during which you get funny thoughts, is a prayer worth crying about.

Just before salah, do we say the intention with our mouths or our hearts?

With the heart, is sufficient. It is recommended to state it quietly with your tongue.
Liked by: Mustafa Hazrat

If the widow gets married again, will she be in paradise with both husbands or must she choose one of them?

If she makes it to Paradise,
And if both of her husbands make it to Paradise,
Then she is with the later, or the higher rank, or the one she chooses, and God knows best.

I disagree with you. How can malikiyyah follow every "athar" when they reject every ahad hadith when the 3mal of Madinah is presented? Rejecting the athar of qabd, of 2 aqiqah for boy, of sajd al shukr, of raf3 al yadain and etc Barak Allahu fikum. Only a point

Those are all examples of how strict they are on following the Athar, not the other way around. The actions of the people of Madina is an Athar.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/141029470018 The riwaya of Abi Ayyash is the Shu3bah 3an 3asim? innit?

Yes, his name is Abu Bakr. He recited the Qur'an before 'Asim three times. His students narrated that he did not miss a night of qiyam ever. He used to read half of the Qur'an in prayer each night. They reported that he said on his deathbed he recited the Qur'an fully, eighteen thousand times in his lifetime. He died at nine years of age.

Why does the mathhab of Imam Ahmad seem so literal in comparison to the other 3 mathhabs?

Perhaps it seems that way to you because you haven't studied the mathaahib.
Of the four existing schools of ahlusunnah today, Mathhab imam Malik is the one that follows the Athar the most and rejects the Ra'ee the most.
His mathhab evolved from what used to be called madrasat ahl al-Hadeeth, started and led by Umar bin al-Khattab, Zaid bin Thaabit, and Abdullah bin Umar, may Allah be pleased with them.
On the other end, mathhab Imam Abu Hanifa follows the Ra'ee the most, and the Athar the least. It evolved from madrasat ar-Ra'ee, which was started and led by Ali bin Abi Taalib and Abdullah Ibn Mas'oud, may Allah be pleased with them.
Imam ash-Shafii studied under Imam Malik, and also Abi Yusuf, the companion of Abu Hanifa, and met in Mecca with Sufyan b. Uyaynah who had acquired the knowledge of madrasat Mecca (Abdullah bin Abbas and Aisha). That's why the Shafi'i math-hab is considered the middle in the spectrum of the mathaahib.
Finally, the mathhab imam Ahmed studied under Mohammed ibn Al-Hassan, the other companion of Abu Hanifa, then studied from Ashafii and took all his knowledge as well as the knowledge of Imam Malik, and Abu Yusuf, then studied from Sufyan also, then went to study under Abdurrazzaq, who had acquired the knowledge of Yemen. Hence the imam of our mathhab had both the largest collection of hadeeth, and also largest collection of masa'il from the Madrasah of Abu Hanifa.
Due to the facts that the imam didn't write his mathhab, unlike the other three imams, and the mathhab was formally established almost a century later than the other mathaahib, and that it was never endorsed politically by any caliphate, it is until today the least spread mathhab in the world.

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Liked by: Mohammad Ali

Shaykh, what is the preferred qira'ah in our madhab (out of the ten qiraat)? Is there one that our madhab favors?

Imam Ahmed chose the qiraa'ah Naafi' from the riwaya of Ismail bin Ja'far as the most favorable narration; followed by the qiraa'ah of A'asim from the riwaya of Abi Ayyash as the second best.
Liked by: SisterlyAdvice


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