
Majed Jarrar

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Asalamu 'Alaikum ustadh, can you explai this: Bukhari [Istisqa']: Annas narrated: Whenever drought threatened them, `Umar ibn al-Khattab used to ask Allah for rain through the mediation of al-`Abbas ibn `Abd al-Muttalib. He [`Umar] used to say: "O Allah! We used to ask you through the means of our

Mediation can be through deeds, the living and the dead.
It can be through deeds, such as asking God to save you by the merit of that sincere act you did, charity you made, or worship you offered. And there's nothing wrong with that.
It can be through the living, such as asking a righteous person, or a traveler, etc, to say a prayer to God for you. And there's nothing wrong with that either, as long as you have reasonable grounds to believe that the person whom you're asking is more likely to have their prayer responded to than yours, otherwise it's not permissible.
It can be through the dead, such as asking your dead grandpa, a saint or a prophet to ask God to forgive you. The majority of Muslim scholars forbid this, as it may lead the way to idolatry. In our mathhaab it is permissible to ask the Prophet Muhammad to mediate, as we know that all prophets are alive in their graves, and that the Prophet told us whenever we send peace and blessings upon him, God enables him to hear it in his grave and return it back, etc.
The hadeeth you mentioned is a sound proof about permissibility of asking the living righteous people to mediate in praying to lift off calamities from the community.

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Assalamu'alaykum Ustadh.. Just had one question. I entered my masjid today for isha and the local imam wasn't there and an uncle was leading.. I joined during the second rakah and just noticed that the makharij shrug Fatiha for the ص was a bit like س.. I finished my prayer but do I need to repeat it

Alaikum Assalam, welcome. In our mathhaab (i.e. if the imam was hanbali) the prayer would be invalid unless the person had lisp that he couldn't learn.
But since it's a public issue, you'd have to put in consideration that other mathhaabs can be easier on this issue, especially if the imam and the people behind are all laity, and many scholars of Shafii and Hanafi schools said the prayer is valid.
Nevertheless, you should speak to the person after prayer and draw their attention to the importance of learning proper annunciation of the Quran, and that failing to do so may render the entire prayer invalid for the whole congregation if he makes grave mistakes, such as saying an'amtu instead of an'amta.
It's also an invitation to you and other brothers who know how to recite the Quran well to arrive to the mosque early for prayer, to ensure they are there as proper backup if the imam isn't able to come.

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Liked by: MuhmdNour Allaf

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Would you recommend someone that dropped out halfway through uni to get an online BBA while working as a security guard? (University of the people)

What are you hoping to get out of the degree is the question.
Liked by: Warisha.

Peace! If you follow the opinion of the permissibility to use tajwid in dhikr in Salah. Is it permissible to say like Subhana rabbiyal a3lee (imalah - Khalaf way) or reading Ibrahim in salawat as Ibraahaam (Ibn 3amer qira'at)? Or say Rabbana... dunye hasane wa qina 3adhan neer (imalah - the kisa2i)

I never heard of that opinion, ask the scholar who gave you that fatwa
Liked by: Warisha.

مسيحيه صديقتي وتريد دخول الاسلام وقرأت كثيراً عنه وقرأت القرآن وانشرح لها صدرها .... لكنها خائفه جدا تقول لي ستواجهني مشاكل كثيره وموعد زفافها بعد شهرين .... ماذا تفعل يامسلمين

إن الذي هداها لهو الذي يحفظها ويتولاها، وما تدري تعيش شهرين حتى زفافها أو تلقى ربها.

Is it permissible to work in a grocery store (where some unlawful products are sold: alcohol, cigarettes etc.)?

You could of course, but you're not allowed to stock, carry, sell or touch the alcohols. You must inform your employer that you have religious restrictions, and your employer is required to accommodate that.
Liked by: Warisha.

Brother do u know where I can find the mushaf of qirat Ibn Wardan an Abi Jafar al Madani (its a madani recitation of Quran). I mean a phsyical mushaf from internet store? If you, can you please tell me inshAllah! I have tried to find it but cant :( And maybe you have some knowlegde about it! Thanks!

I don't know if they're all published individually, but you can find qiraat mushaf, and you can find some of them in free PDFs.

no processed flour ,, does that include bread and pasta ? coz bread is all i eat almost ,, and is white rice really bad for you ? ( not the original asker )

Try switching to whole wheat flour and brown rice.
Liked by: Warisha.

زهقت من فجري ده،في كل العبر كداب وباستمر،لا أرقب الله في خلواتي،مدعي للعلم والتقوى،زهقت وعاجز عن التغيير أعمل أيه؟

أسأل الله أن يسترك ويحفظك ويقودك كريما إلى التوبة والطاعة.
ازهق كما تشاء ما دام الزهق يعيدك للطاعة، قال الله: ولن يمل الله حتى تملوا.
واعلم أن ستر ربك على ما تبت عنه، علامة على المغفرة. قال عليه الصلاة والسلام: لا يستر الله على عبد في الدنيا إلا ستره يوم القيامة.
فاحفظ هذين الحديثين، واعمل بهما، وسارع للتوبة الان، والاستغفار والافتقار والبكاء بين يدي ربك، وأكثر من الطاعات تمح عنك السيئات.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/139432745794 JazakaAllah,sheikh. Any resources you'd recommend that would give me a clearer picturer? And can I do something even if I hold the citizenship of a country in which political involvement is illegeal?😂

None of what I mentioned is political.
Study this abroad, get another citizenship, then do what you want.

(2) Can he instead throw it in dustbin so it can be used for recycling. Via this recycling it will be converted to energy and other things for bensin and so on - which creates something good for the people in long terms. But is that permissible in case of nessicity bcz no one eats it or haram?israf?

Yes it is extravagant. I personally followed one of these LCHF diets (Atkins) a decade ago. I'm telling you, if you make yourself believe in such extreme solutions to your body, you'll soon start to believe in extreme solutions to your soul.
Your body needs:
1. a balanced natural diet with no processed sugar/flour/foods
2. A balanced 30 minute workout, 4-5 times a week, such as: warm ups, sit ups, push ups, burpees, squats, cool down.
3. A balanced and regular sleep
Without these three in balance, you can't be healthy. Being extreme in your intake or exercise alone won't do it.

Salam alaykum akhi. What's your favorite or preferable qira'ah when you recite the Qur'an? :) Just asking hehe. May Allah bless you and forgive every sin of yours! Have a good day. Salam from the land of Vikings (Sweden) ;)

Ameen, and you too akhi.

What's the ruling on printed pics for the purpose of memory? Even if they aren't hung up. My friend noticed his mother wanted to get them for memory purposes and he ripped it up in front of her after explaining its haram and she got angry, was he wrong for this? He had the best of intentions too.

The Jews who wanted to crucify Jesus had the best of intentions too, which is to crucify whom they claimed was a false prophet. Intentions alone are useless if they follow the wrong way.
What your friend did to your mother is horrible, and is a major sin in Islam. He must repent and seek her forgiveness.
There's nothing wrong in principle for printing photographs for memory. Those who forbid photography either don't know photography or don't know Islam.
Liked by: Manar Shawkey

السلام عليكم ساعات بستشعر من خطيبي حرص في الماديات .. بمعنى إنه شايف الفرح و الفستان و تأسيس الشقة بوجه جيد أمور مالهاش لزمة و برده هو مقصر معايا في الهدايا و مش حريص انه يبسطنى بعزومة أنا عن نفسي شايفة إن دا عادي و لكن بعض الناس بتشوف ان دا دليل بخل.. هل أنا صح و لا المفروض أستشعر منه الكرم ؟

اهبل زي كثير من الرجال. معلش لو هذه فقط استحمليها، وادعي ربنا له بالهداية وعقبال ما يتلحلح ويجيبلك ورد كل يوم.
Liked by: محمد حمدي

(1) Hi! If one person is on diet (LCHF) and is served food like lasagna...and he only consumes the meat and cheese but cant eat the lasagna noodles. And no one wants to eat it...the problem is...its going to be wasted cuz no one would take it (nor poor or animals). Can he instead... Read (2) after

Forget the whole question, what diet on earth tells you it's okay to eat the cheese in lasagna (35% fat), and discard the pasta (0% fat, plenty of fibre that's essential for your digestion)?!

السلام عليكم تخصصك الأكاديمي ايه ؟ وهل ممكن تعطينا نبذة عنه وكيفية التفوق فيه

وعليكم السلام
دكتوراة في اصلاح التعليم
متدخلش جامعة 🙈

Salam, If I give money to somebody under the impression they are in need of it and it turns out they aren't will I still be rewarded ?

You'll be rewarded for your intention. Regret nullifies the deed.


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