
Majed Jarrar

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https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/141225170754 Not the same asker. I thought it was obligatory to also wash the testes? Or is that ruling exclusive to the Shafii school?

Neither Shafi'iyya nor Hanabila adopt that as their mainstream opinion. Imam Nawawi (Shafi'i) says:
"The obligation is to wash the spot that has the mathee only, but the order to wash all of the male part, as a precaution. This is our Mathhab, and that of the jumhoor. There's a second narration by Malik and Ahmed that the obligation is to wash all of the male part. A third opinion of Ahmed is that the obligation to wash all the male and the two female members."
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

AsalamuAlaykum wwb Sheikh, I was reading Sheikh Fawzans book on Fiqh and it seems to be almost synonymous to Hanbali fiqh. I wanted to get your opinion on if his fiqh (and by extension the permanent comittee in Saudi that he is part of) in terms of adherence to the madhab.

It's based on Hanbali mathhab, but the sheikh often goes contrary to the mathhab without warning. It's a beneficial book to the laity, but not to the Fiqh student.

Al salamo 3lykom sheikh, if I am going to see a niqabi sister for ro2ya shar3ya for marriage, can I go with the fatwa that allows me to see her hair and that she wears decent cloth of course but not 3abaya ? I'm not messing around & I have full intention of marriage insh'allah.Jazakom Allah khairan

If her family are comfortable with it then that's fine. Otherwise, let your female relative describe her hair to you.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

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Salam Sheikh. This hadith: "If any of you can get one Rak'a of the Fajr prayer before sunrise, he should complete his prayer." Does this mean that, even though there are 2-3 minutes to sunrise, I can pray Sunnah too? Will it be accepted? I usually keep it short in this circumstance. Thank you.

No. Sunnah - and all voluntary - prayers are prohibited as well as invalid, if there's only enough time to pray the obligatory in it's time.
If you wake up after sunrise, then you must pray Qadhaa' of the obligatory immediately. However, in this case you may pray sunnah first because being busy with the sunnah alqabliyya is a form of preparation; similar to (although weaker than) being busy with finding water for purification, etc.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Help! As a hanbali, when Madhi comes out I must wash private parts including testicles 7 times. But when the private part is washed, the water comes in touch with Madhi, turns Najis and becomes Najis and then sprinkles on my thighs. I have to end up washing my legs! How to avoid this? Is this common

If you wash something seven times, then the water dripping from the first six times is najis. Each time the water is less najis, and needs only as many remaining washes to be purified.
So if in the fifth wash, some water splashed on your leg, then you only need to wash your leg twice.
While it's usually better to wash seven times (including or excluding the testicles), if it's going to cause you a headache like this then it's best to avoid it.
It's sufficient to wipe three times in anything, usual or not, that comes out of the privates if it doesn't exceed the usual place of exit, as explained in al-Sharh.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

شيخ هل قرأتم ترجمة م. طلال عيتاني للقرآن؟ ما رأيكم بها؟

اطلعت عليها على عجالة، قرأت ستة مواضع مشكلة في الترجمة إلى الانكليزية، وقد وجدت أنه أحسن ترجمة معظمها.
كما يظهر لي أنه صحيح المعتقد على منهج السلف في اثبات الصفات، يثبت الاستواء بمعنى الاستقرار والارتفاع، ويثبت الرؤية، ويثبت الوجه واليدين وحتى الساق.
لغته ممتازة، وربما أشكل عليه بعض المعاني الدقيقة كما في ترجمته لقصة اصحاب السبت،
الترجمة خالية تماما من الحواشي والتعليقات، وهو أمر مهيب لا يقدر عليه إلا الأفذاذ.
لكن، مرة أخرى، لم اطلع الا لبضع دقائق وعلى عجل، ولعلي انظر لها مرة أخرى.

السلام عليكم شيخنا الفاضل ماهو الراجح في مسألة العذر بالجهل وبارك الله فيكم ؟

أبو عبد الرحمان
الراجح عندي؟ الراجح عند الجاهل نفسه؟ الراجح عند الشيخ الفلاني؟
Liked by: Warisha.

To understand how these principles come together better, what would be the situatiom for somebody who has missed a prayer recently (like Fajr on the morning of Jumah) and wakes up with jst enough time to get to the mosque to catch the Jamaa. do they then mke up Fajr with the Imam and then Zohr alone

First: please take this minute to recognize the need to take your prayers seriously.
Secondly: if you remember during jumua prayer, or just before the prayer started, that you haven't prayed Fajr, but if you pray Fajr you'll miss jumua, then you - exceptionally - pray jumua, then Fajr.
But If you wake up late and remember you need to pray Fajr but jumua starts soon, then you must pray Fajr immediately before anything else. Don't leave the house before you've prayed Fajr.
Or you're sitting listening to the Friday sermon and you remembered you didn't pray Fajr = get up immediately and pray Fajr.
And so on. All prayers must be made up immediately.

is the "vanilla bourbon" is halal? , knowing that most of the sweets in Europe are made with "vanilla bourbon" which is a normal vanilla but made using bourbon "alcohol "but it have about a small percentage of alcohol once the whole process is done , and they usually use small amount in the food , l

When it's baked, then likely there won't be any alcohol left, and there's no problem.
There's a difference between the prophet's hadeeth "everything intoxicant in abundance = is prohibited in small amounts" and small amounts that are leftovers of alcohol as a by product or ingredient in something that cannot intoxicate.
Let me give an example to clarify: wine is an intoxicant, therefore, it is prohibited to drink even one tea spoon of wine.
Grape juice (or any freshly squeezed juice) has a small percentage of ethanol in it, that increases gradually by the minute since the day the fruit ripened. But drinking 10 litres of it will get you into a diabetic coma before you're intoxicated, hence, it's not prohibited.
Similarly, eating a dozen vanilla cupcakes will not make you intoxicated, so it's not prohibited.
However, if a "spiced" dessert has Rum or Bourbon injected in it after baking, then it's prohibited to eat even the smallest amount.
[Note: This answer is not from our mathhab, but from the mainstream opinion.]

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https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/141011372098 with this in mind, what do we do when a prayer like Jumah prayer comes up but we still have missed prayers to make up? Do we just not pray Jumah and pray our missed prayer instead? (I have around 7 years of missed prayers I've been trying to make up)

You do the current prayers on time, and aside from that, you focus on making up what you missed.
This Ramadan, instead of taraweeh, try making up 6 days of prayers every night, even with one verse in each rak'at, you'll do six blessed months.
After that, keep a daily routine of 2-3 days per night, and you'll be done in less than two years inshaAllah.

as-salamu alaykum. According to ibn Amir (al Suri) the verse is read as ''kun fa-ya kunA'' (with a fatha on noon - and other qira'at had kunU with a damma). But some scholars such as Ibn Mujahid and Tabari criticize that. Is that not kufr because they deal with mutawatir reports in such a manner??

They criticized that the dhamma was mutawatir because it was not familiar to them. They didn't criticize it while affirming that it was mutawatir

يا سيدي إن كانت الصلاة لا تصح خلف المبتدعة عند السادة الحنابلة فهل تصح لو صليتُ خلف إمام أشعري قح؟ لأن الأشاعرة من أهل البدع؟

هذا ليس على إطلاقه، وفي الصلاة خلف صاحب البدعة الغليظة مثل الرفض والإرجاء روايتان في المذهب: إحداهما تبطل وتجب الإعادة، والأخرى تصح.
والأشاعرة ليسوا أصحاب بدعة غليظة، ولا تبطل الصلاة خلفهم، لكن ينبغي على المسلمين أن يحسنوا اختيار من يقدمونه للإمامة، والله أعلم.
Liked by: Muhammad Ghonimy

AsalamuAlaykum Sheikh, I'm actually a Shafii, but I was wondering if you know any Shafii Shukookh on a forum similar to this one? JazakAllah

Not online, but I know Shafi'i scholars in Ottawa and Toronto if you're around.


The dry najasah doesn't transfer to dry or moist adjacent surfaces in our mathhab. Rather, it only transfers to wet adjacent surfaces.
Imam al-Buhooti explains an example in al-Kashaf: a najis knife cutting through cheese does not make the cheese najis, but would make a watermelon najis if it cuts it.
However in Shafi'i mathhab the example is explicitly contrary, imam ibn Hajar alhaytami said: "... if someone wearing dry najis clothes on a hot day and got sweaty, then his body will become najis and require washing with water..."

Is sheikh bin baz (rahimahullah) someone who I can follow? I have aqida at tahawiya with his commentary in it that's why I'm asking

There's no question about the aqeedah of the Sheikh rahimahumullah. Avoid his fataawa if you can and take it from scholars of Fiqh. If it's Hanbali fiqh, then Sheikh Bajabir or Amir Bahjat are excellent to start with.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته شيخنا ماجد What's the ruling on buying car through an islamic bank?

What's an Islamic bank?!
If the bank owns the car, (i.e. you pick it up from the bank's own property, not a third party car retailer), then sells it through financing to you, then it's permissible.

BarakAllahu feek shaykh I am going to umrah in a few days. Can I make more than one umrah om a single trip according to the madhab? Also, can I make umrah for my deceased family members after making my own umrah in the same trip?

Yes for both.
But from sunnah and time management perspective, it's better to do one Umrah per trip and do many tawafs afterwards during which you can make du'aa for yourself and anyone else you wish.

عماتى يريدون بيع ارثهن فى الارض الزراعيه والعرف فى بلدنا ان الاخوه يشترون ان لم يكن فالجيران لكن ان اشترى الاخوه يشتروها باقل من ثمنها قليلا وعماتى انفسهم بعضهن ازواجهم فلاحين ويرتضون البيع هكذا هل فيها اثم او غبن مع العلم انه ان انا اشتريت منهم واردت البيع يطبق على نفس العرف

نعم هذا مقرر في الشريعة وليس فقط في العرف. حق الشفعة عندنا حق واجب للتمليك القهري بعوض. وهو حق محفوظ للشريك في الأرض والعقار إذا بادر بالمطالبة به قبل البيع، كأن يقول لشريكه: إذا أردت أن تبيع حصتك فأخبرني قبل أن تبيع، وعند الجمهور، ولو لم يطالب به قبل البيع، ولو كان مسافرا، وعند الأحناف حق الشفعة يشمل الشريك والجار لقوله عليه السلام: جار الدار أحق بالدار.
وهو حق ضعيف، يسقط اذا رفض المشفوع عليه الشراء، وإن غير رأيه بعدها، ويسقط إذا لم يطالب بها قبل البيع في مذهبنا.
Liked by: أحمد رجب

I am Hanafi but from an early age, I got used to praying asr at the time agreed by the majority (when the shadow is equal in length). I've been following this method with prayer applications for years. Should I change my ways to the Hanafi method?

No need to.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/141211129666 تمام حضرتك هل واجب على اخراجها للفقراء والمساكين فى بلدتى ام ممكن اخراجها تبرع لمستشفى او لمساعدة طالب علم يريد السفر للخارج ولا يستطيع

نعم، يجوز التخلص منه في اي وجه للنفع العام، مثل شق الطرق وبناء المستشفيات والمدارس، والافضل لو كان في غير إطعام المسلمين وبناء وعمارة المساجد، لأنه ليس مالا طيبا.


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