
Henry Manampiring

Ask @manampiring

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What do you think about a divorce?

A very viable option.
What's the point of keeping two individuals in misery for the sake of "state/religion-sanctioned relationship"?
The ultimate goal of a committed relationship is mutual fulfilment and happiness. If all that is lost beyond repair, there is no point to fight for just a status.
Having said that, divorce is not to be used lightly. It is still the last resort.
(After Viagra, silicone implant, sending Hansel & Gretel to the candy house, and counseling)

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Do your anonymous askers have a tell? Like, can you tell which questions were prolly asked by the same person?

Naaah, I wouldn't have a clue. And couldn't be bothered to find out also.
Liked by: Dimas Saputra

What do men really see in a woman? Is all that inner-beauty talk just pure crap or..?

The best explanation for that came from a short dialogue in an old TV series "Greatest American Hero".
"Beauty is like phone ring. It might make people pick up the phone, but it is the conversation that keeps it going"
Translation: yes, outer beauty matters. It attracts us guys, don't be a hypocrite. BUT...once it goes further, intelligence and personality are what keep the spark going. :)

Holla! What has made you grateful today?

First, I come to Bali for free to cover Asia Pacific Media Forum event.
At breakfast, I bumped into my first boss in advertising. A great Filipino lady who taught me a lot.
And then I had fun checking out the forum venue. Got drone picture. Got free Coke from Telkomsel.
Going back to hotel, I found that my ex boss sent me a Filipino snack which is so tasty.
Today is a good day!
Holla What has made you grateful today

Hi Henry, do you (still) keep a paper journal? Are you one of those people who uses Moleskine? And what do you usually write about? Oh, while on the subject of notebooks, what do you really think about Moleskine? :)

Moleskine is a wonderful hipster tool. Nothing says "I'm such a cool dude" more than a Moleskine when a Sinar Dunia notebook will do. (Does Sinar Dunia still exist?)
Having said that, I am a die-hard handwritten note fans. Typing robs you of the freedom to doodle and imagine. But paperbased notes are neither environmental friendly (very unhipster) nor practical (especially if you have meetings with different clients/subjects).
Currently I am a big fan of my Galaxy Note 8. The pen just works. I handwrite my notes and ideas all the time. And because it is electronic, I can organize my notes in folders. And it's a tablet, so it also serves as e-book. And it makes calls, for emergency situations.
The best thing ever comes out from Samsung, me thinks.
Hi Henry do you still keep a paper journal Are you one of those people who uses

What does a male orgasm feels like, as a female I have no way of experiencing it excpet from the outside and I'm curious as to what the experience actually feels like from a male point of view?

I really don't know how to describe male orgasm. Besides, it is not the orgasm that feels best. It is the 20-30 seconds BEFORE.
probably the closest comparison to male orgasm is the pleasure you get when you are able the squeeze the last bit from the toothpaste tube.

Pertanyaan agak nakal boleh dong ya, udah malem ini. Oke ini pertanyaanya, Hen lo kalo bercinta make kaca mata? Pasangan terganggu ngga?

Pake. Soalnya dengan minus 4.5 kalo gak pake bisa2 gw bercinta dengan tabung gas elpiji.
Pasangan gak terganggu sih kayaknya.
Liked by: Tirta vipertongue

Have you ever been in taken in photos naked by others? (selfie and by parents are not included)

No. Thankfully my brain still receives sufficient blood supply.

What do you think about educational status gap between a girl and a guy in a relationship, the gap being the girl having a higher degree. For example, say the girl being a doctor on the way to being a specialist, and the guy having a bachelor degree or less?

Look, when it comes to attraction, there is no "law". If both are happy with the condition, so what?
Academic degrees are overrated. Especially in relationships.

Do you find it hard socializing as you age?

Surprisingly, I find it easier. I have more confidence and knowledge for mindless chit-chat that come with age.
Now, the liver's ability to metabolize alcohol, is another story...

how is @vipertongue in real life, really? I can't buy that 'plants wither and die' thingy that he said... He ((seems)) like a good kind of person (at least my intuition said so)

Plants do wither and die around him because he is such a bad gardener.
'Good/bad' is such a crude description because humans are multi-dimensional beings. A bad husband can be an excellent boss. A wonderful girlfriend can be a bitch from hell to her friends. So don't get trapped in such narrow definition.
Is @vipertongue a good or bad person? Put it this way: he is my bestman at my wedding. How's that? :)

How do you know he/she is the one?

"to know" is not a binary, either/or state. It is a spectrum, from 0 to 100% knowing.
How does one know if he/she is the one also falls on a spectrum. VERY rarely someone knows for 100%. Majority of us "somewhat know" along the spectrum, and this develops over time throughout the relationship. Some actually become less convinced with more knowledge, some become more certain.
Life is all about making decisions without 100% knowledge. There is always uncertainty and risk involved.

Om menurut om pilihan kuliah D3 lalu setelah lulus, kerja(sekaligus kuliah kls sore S1). Itu bagus gak om? Kenapa banyak yg memandang D3 sebelah mata ya om?

Bagus2 saja kok, kalo kamu kuat ngejalaninnya ya. Lumayan capek lho kuliah setelah bekerja.
Soal memandang sebelah mata, ini karena "konsensus masyarakat" saja yang mewarisi mindset "gelar pendidikan itu keren". Inget aja si Doel yang bikin bokapnya bangga jadi "tukang insinyur". Semakin tinggi gelar akademis (dianggap) semakin bagus. Yang S3 (dipandang) lebih keren dari S2, yang S2 dari S1, yang S1 dari D3, yang D3 dari SMA, dan seterusya...
Gelar memang bukan penentu produktivitas, intelektualitas, dan kesuksesan seseorang. Tetapi kita tidak bisa naif, bahwa mekanisme perekrutan karyawan masih menggunakan gelar sebagai syarat minimum, dan S1 seringkali menjadi standar minimum untuk bisa terus ke posisi manajemen. Jadi ada aspek praktikal di sini.
Salah satu cara membuat gelar benar2 irelevan ya menjadi pengusaha/bisnis sendiri.
Jadi balance saja. Jangan terlalu takut pada gelar, tapi juga jangan ekstrim dan naif bahwa gelar itu sepenuhnya tidak "bernilai". Minimal di masyarakat Indonesia saat ini.

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'cinta pada pandangan pertama.' yay or nay?

Muhammad R. Pahlevi™
I don't believe there is "love at first sight". What you get is "love in the IMAGINATION of that person at first sight".
You see someone, extremely attractive, perhaps charming as well. And then before knowing him/her in full, you start to form this idealistic image of the person. You assume his/her qualities, attitudes, lifestyle, etc. And then you "fall in love" with this assumed image of the person.
You can only call it 'love' for real when you get to know the person with a lot more details.

Need an advice om. Kalo mau S2 bagusan kerja dulu apa langsung? I found an opportunity to study in one of the best universities in China tapi lagi galau antara kerja dulu/lgsg S2. Lulus S1 aja baru taun depan. Kata org2 meskipun S2 tp ga ada pengalaman kerja susah dpt kerja :""""")

Sebenarnya tergantung S2-nya apa, tapi generally I would say better to gain some experience first. At least 3-4 tahun.
Soalnya dengan pengalaman, kita belajar ilmu S2-nya malah lebih efektif, karena bisa kita relate ke pengalaman kita. Yang gak ada pengalaman jadinya harus ngebayangin doang dari text book/case study. At least that's my experience doing MBA. Waktu itu udah pengalaman 5 tahun dulu malah.
Good luck!

Kalau lo diibaratkan sebagai satu musik genre, lo bakal jadi apa? Jawab yang saik ya, brey. Love piss gaol.

Dangdut koplo pantura

om itu tattoo artinya apa? udah berapa lama tatton-an?

Ada dua. Dibikin 2008 (bahu/tangan) dan 2010 (betis).
2008 motif burung Phoenix, soalnya I was going through a difficult time of my life. The tatt is symbol of getting up again.
2010 is a pair of tigers. Kebetulan ortu dua2nya lahir di tahun macan, jadi bagus dibuat tato, satu jantan satu betina. Kenapa di betis? Because my parents lifted me up, made me stand, and helped me run and jump to heights. The tatt is forever a reminder of them :)
(untung ortu gw gak shio tikus dan babi. Di tato agak kurang keren...)
om itu tattoo artinya apa udah berapa lama tattonan

Om, beli panada enak di jakarta yang selain homemade dimana ya?

Rumah makan Tinoor Jaya di Gondangdia. Masakan Manadonya juga endeeeuusss.

Hey, do you guys enjoy a long blog post or a long kultwit? Why?

If I were the writer, I prefer blog over kultwit. But now I also enjoy ask.fm because I can give longer answer.
Liked by: Dimas Saputra D.

Hai... . Dalam pandanganmu, seberapa perlu seorang perempuan memiliki kemampuan beladiri? Apakah perempuan yang demikian kamu anggap tetap anggun, alih-alih terkesan kasar? & oya, apa alasanmu untuk jawaban-jawaban itu? . Terima kasih & kuharap semoga hari ini menyenangkan bagimu...

I fully support women taking up martial arts. First, it's good for health and body shape! I love fit and toned women (Underworld's Kate Beckinsale, Agent Olivia Dunham from Fringe, Grace Park from Hawaii-5-0)
Next. This world is full with male bastards and douchebags. And sometimes, the best way to say "no" to them is still a good kick in the scrotum.
I don't believe taking up martial arts change personality. A rude bitch does not need martial arts to make it worse. And a born inner queen doesn't change with knowing jujitsu.

When you are sitting next to a stranger in opposite sex on the bus, and after a while people all get off and only two of you are left, will you move your seat or keep it?

Move, before she calls for security.
Liked by: Handhika

Radio stasion kesukaan? Seneng yg ada bincang2 kelompencapir nya atau yg setel laguuuu aja.

Sebenarnya aslinya gw lebih seneng radio yang setel lagu aja. Kalo penyiar udah bawel sok asik rasanya pengen teriak "SHUT UP AND LET ME LISTEN TO SONGS!!!"
Ada kekecualian untuk JakFM, khususnya Ronal-Tike. Gw suka banget segmen mereka, apalagi Tawco. Humornya ngeheknya sesuai selera gw. Untuk mereka doang gw kasih kekecualian :)

Where were you when 9/11 happened?

If I'm not mistaken, I was in Bangkok, for a regional meeting.
I was in the hotel room, and saw an SMS. It was from a friend who worked in a research agency. Her message was "America at war! They got bombed!" I turned on the TV and saw the smoking towers. Holy shit I thought. But then I went to bed because I had early meeting the morning after.
Next morning, I entered the meeting room and colleagues were already talking about it. But at that time little did I know how this event would change history forever.

hey mase, gmn sih caranya ningkatin percaya diri utk bicara di depan umum, semisal presentasi atau sekedar meeting dgn orang2 yg jauh lebih bpengalaman? need advance advise :) thank you *muah*

Oke, harus dibedakan antara "presentasi" dengan "meeting". Mari kita bahas presentasi dulu.
Untuk presentasi, gw pernah dikasih tip supaya gak nervous: bayangin semua audiens kita telanjang bulat, gak pake baju sama sekali. Konon kamu jadi lebih pede....
OK, bad advice. Now seriously...
Tip pede presentasi yang menurut gw bagus beneran: "HAFALKAN APA YANG KAMU MAU NGOMONG DI 3-5 MENIT PERTAMA SAJA". Artinya, kalimat2 pertama yang akan kamu presentasikan, hafal, latihan di kaca berkali2, sampai kamu bisa ngomong tanpa mikir lagi. Kalo ada joke pun dihafalin sampe titik koma.
Kenapa cukup 3-5 menit pertama yg dihafalin mati2an? Karena kalo gebrakan pertama kamu lancar, maka kamu akan gain confidence untuk seterusnya. Yang paling berat bagi presenter amatir/junior itu hanya menit2 pertamanya kok. Kalo di menit awal kamu sudah stutter, gagap, makin tambah berat seterusnya. Dengan mastiin menit2 pertama lancar, semoga sesudahnya kamu tambah pede.
Sekali lagi, nothing beats practice and "jam terbang". Cara terbaik pede presentasi ya dengan banyak2 presentasi. Itu yang gw alami.
Kalo soal meeting dengan orang2 yang berpengalaman, salah satu tips adalah dengan BERTANYA pada mereka. Pertama, kamu belajar dari pengalaman mereka. Kedua: orang2 berpengalaman tersebut senang terlihat pintar dengan mengajari dan menerangkan, jadi kalo ditanya mereka jadi menerangkan. Dan akhirnya kamu ngomong lebih sedikit deh.
Semoga membantu :)

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aktris favoritnya siapa mas?

Kalo hanya soal kece: Kate Beckinsale, Blake Lively, Scarlett Jo
Acting: Jennifer Lawrence, Anne Hathaway dan banyak aktris senior lain.
Liked by: Anindika

tapi aku nyaman sama dia, masak berhenti ketemuan? i dont think it matters, but he should know better if he's a real man udah itu aja kak. gimana dong? tapi ya baper juga sih kak masak yang mahal mahal aku terus yang bayarin :(

Just make sure he is not taking advantage of you. Banyak cowok yang menjadikan cewek sebagai ATM. Coba gantian minta dia yg bayar. Kalo dia menolak/resek, selamat! Kamu adalah ATM berjalan dia.
Liked by: Dimas Saputra

kak minta pendapat dong. jadi gini, aku lagi deket sama seorang cowok, baru 9 kali ketemu sih. nah dari 9 kali ketemu itu mulai dari makan, nonton, nongkrong kabanyakan aku yang bayarin kak, dia cuma bayarin ditempat yg biasa2 aja. aku kudu gimana dong kak? sempet illfeel juga sih :(

Kamu ilfil? Ya berhenti ketemuan. Gitu aja repot :)
Liked by: Dimas Saputra

i wish i could just say hi to a guy sitting alone across my table, to just talk, not to have sex. can a woman do that? yes, am sitting alone in a restaurant.

You can. Take some risk. What's really the worst thing that could happen? You'll be surprised by how many men are receptive to woman making the first move.


Language: English