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For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

sapphiremoonlight__’s Profile PhotoKHADIJA
Carrying any lingering resentment about opportunities missed will only cause you pain.Don't feel salty,move on,concentrate on what you need to.Don't fret,you'll turn the corner all in good time.All you need is concentration.Once you find that right level of peace,things will start clicking.

So who's better than him at this moment? I'd rather have an honest fool run the country than having those cunning, corrupt minded illiterate people who are the root cause of this crisis. Because running a country is an improvable skill. But corruption is a peculiarity which can't be rooted out

Faiz bhai that's exactly what people like you can't seem to wrap their heads around.Nawaz was corrupt and illiterate yet the awam were better off under his reign.When i say what i'm about to i speak for the masses.
"khud khaa gya paise but jitne bache uske baad bhi mulk ki halat is se behtar thi jo aj ha "
+1 answer in: “What would you choose? A hurtful truth or a comforting lie?”

What would you choose? A hurtful truth or a comforting lie?

It's absurd that youthias say Imran is honest and shit like that when you tell them that he's marred the economy of our country.They tell you he isn't corrupt when you say that inflation is killing people.Meri jaano it's not about him being corrupt,it's about him being ill-equipped to handle a state.Meri jaano it isn't as unfathomable as you guys make it look and sound like.Meri jaano i for one am not doubting his enthusiasm and honesty.He's handsome,honest,an eloquent English speaker and all those things you say he is.He's everything but skilled.His ineptitide will cost us big time.What worries me,a 21 year old,is that when it comes to running a country he draws a blank;what worries me is that we're headed for destruction.
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Post some wise words?

I know your search drew a blank the last time around but don't give up just yet buddy.There's always a way.You just need to see past your insecurities to recognize the opportunity.Light can't be gone forever.There's always light at the end of the tunnel.You just need to go the distance.Take a different road,don't look back,forget the loss,remember the lesson.If people tell you it's impossible,that just means it's not been done before.Be the first one to do it.

If you could be invisible, what would you do?

I wish i were invisible.I've done some terrible things,things i'm not proud of,things i never thought i could or would do,things that keep me up all night,things i wish i could undo,things that hold me back,things that are beyond repair.I am beyond redemption,i am beyond salvation.My mind's gone haywire,i'm losing my grip on reality.All i see is blurry images and elusive dreams.I wish i were invisible(invisible not dead of course).


Language: English