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Ask @navartierre

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sekarang jd jalan sama siapa Din? Masih sendiri?

Lol does it matter that much? ;;;;; I realized that being single happy is the most beautiful moment in my young years. After the slip-ups I had earlier with T, I realized that being in a relationship while still being in high school is wasting so much time. I don't think I'll be with anyone like under the terms of "jalan sama xxxx" in the mean time. I start loving my single-happy moment right now ^^
But hey, if you know anyone worth introduced to me, lemme know! xx

yg lo suka dr foto grafi dari sisi apanya nih ?

Ya apa ya. Fotografi itu bagi gue one of the best gift krn lewat fotografi kita bisa mem-'freeze' suatu momen dan kita bisa liat berulang kali bahkan setelah momen itu berakhir. Bayangin kalo gada fotografi gimana kita mau punya kenang2an yg bisa direminisce di masa akan datang? Dr fotografi gue bisa bereksperimen sama komposisi alam dan melihat dunia dr cara yg berbeda; dr balik lensa. Through photography, I can recognize all the things I'm not able to see only with a pair of eyes
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reasons why you love tao damn so much ?

Orz kalo ditanya kenapa gue semakin mikir kenapa... The problem is that IT.JUST.HAPPENED. Okay?
Biasanya kan lo ngeliat Zitao dr sisi idol ya, gue di sini coba ngeliat doi dr sisi di luar idolitas dia.
Tampang emg fierce, hyung aja sampe bilang dia takut sm Tao. Tp gue pun punya ekspresi yg dingin haha dan bnyk yg bilang gue kyk org Batak (padahal saya Jawa...). Awal kepincut Tao emg dr matanya ya di MV 'MAMA' those kind of eyes omg jernih, fierce, ugh... so gue banget lah. Gue justru gada kesan takut ya sm Tao at first glance :/ Trus waktu nonton debut mrk yg di Seoul gue nyoba buat ngapalin nama2 mereka (ah those good old times) dan yg paling cepet nempel di otak ya kalo ga Tao, Kris, Chanyeol, sama Kai. Semakin kesini tiap liat video2 mereka perform gue selalu anticipate buat liat Tao. Somehow my eyes automatically search for Tao which I can't explain why ;;;;;; Lepas dr MAMA era Tao jd lebih ke-ekspos dan ternyata doi menyimpan bnyk kebenaran such as; he really does aegyo omg, norak, kampungan, has a mental of 12 y.o boy, dependent, he does so many sports, and partially entertaining in reality show. Semakin ke sini seneng aja liat Tao grow up with his hyungdeul, ada perasaan bangga kalo hyung gue muji Tao yah walaupun jarang hikseu ㅠㅅㅠ trus juga I can see a figure of a brother from him. A very naughty brother yg bisa jd tempat lo curhat walaupun pas lo curhat dia bakal sambil apdet Weibo haha :'D
Oh and one more thing, cara Tao ngomong yg kadang ngejeplak dan jujur buat gue precious ya di jaman dmn prod house biasanya batasin jawaban2 artis mereka, Tao is just being himself lmao <3 I hope he can keep being like this for the long rub krn sosok baby di EXO bagi gue selamanya ada sama Zitao ^^

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lo sama ilyas jadian?

Lol wut? He's my enemy ;-; No I don't go for young lads haha he's just really cute and a walking ball of awkward. I love teasing him and he's like my favourite kohai in Jakuen ^^ I never have little brother I can really take care for before I met him, more less

pap kucing2nya doooonggg

Hereeee she is Wybie yg lagi stay di rumah haha kyut bgt ya Allah doi lg hamil jd ga kemana2 ;3; Lucu bgt tauk dia lg tidur sebelah gue dan kepalanya kyk kepala orang yg udh ngantuk dikit2 letoy ahahaha omg <333
pap kucing2nya doooonggg
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kamu rambutnya coklat banget ga di marahin sekolah kalo kayak gitu? .__.

Haha fyi gue ga pernah cat rambut lho kecuali dulu waktu liburan sekolah dan itu warnanya biru cuma buat semalem doang abis itu langsung luntur krn jenis catnya yg sekali bilas ilang. Rambut gue coklat banget emang begitu gatau kenapa :| Kadang sampe merah kalo ketimpa sinar matahari. Pada bilang kering sih, tapi gue sering nyalon kok dan orang salon jarang yg bilang rambut gue kering sooo...
Sempet sih ditegur sama beberapa guru gara2 mereka salah paham ngiranya gue ngecat rambut padahal mah ya ga pernah atuh~

in your opinion, pick the top 5 most popular exo members in korea

I don't even live in Korea to know :~: It's easier to pick top 5 members in my heart because
1. Zitao
2. Zitao
3. Zitao
4. Zitao
5. EXO-M
Liked by: Qian Yue N Mitha Komala

What type of people bring you down and make you hate yourself?

People who dominate. Like students in OSIS (omona look how many times I say I hate OSIS xD)

can you make gifs? can you teach me how??

Yes I can and no I cannot even teach sea otters how to swim.
YouTube (and Google) is.
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Are you still friends with someone from kindergarten?

No. Haha. I don't know I can't even really remember who were my kindergarten friends back then /˚,˚\

who in exo do you think is the complete package when it comes to being an idol? and who do you think could become a triple threat? why?

I would say Baekhyun, Jongdae, and Yixing. Jongdae has very good potential as a singer and he cooperates well with hosts/guests on talk shows. He has a bundle of very good fans out there and is very humble. And being humble is really important for idols nowadays. Same reason goes to Baekhyun as well. As for Yixing, we all know how talented he is. He can almost do everything; singing, dancing, playing music, and even compose songs omg T^T I totally envy him for doing all those things
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thoughts on baekchen?

Baekhyun x Jongdae ya. Dua kapel itu bisa dibilang penghancur dunia makelar para diva di EXO. Dua2nya punya sisi baik yg gue suka dan ngeselin yg sifatnya sama; mencemooh Zitao wakakakak. Baekhyun kebiasaan ya kalo Zitao abis ngomong pasti dia niru2in cara ngomongnya Tao yg masih ada aksen Cina dan itu sumpah kyut abis haha gue pengen ikut Baekhyun ngejekin Tao (loh?) tapi at the same time juga pengen jitakin Baekhyun pake tongkat wushunya Tao. Trus kalo Jongdae juga lo kalo udah liat Showtime eps 8 mereka berdua rusuh banget di meja makan they're the type of boys who will angkat kaki warteg style kalo lg dinner di hadapan Queen Elizabeth II T^T Baekchen tuh keliatan banget sohibnya gue bakal seneng banget kalo bisa satu sekolah sama mereka lmao >< Dua2nya sama2 usil gabisa diem dan macem2 tukang gosip cocok dah kalo mereka bikin duet nanti bikin lagu isinya rahasia member EXO smua

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Have you ever been bullied for watching cartoons while on your teenage years?

Lmao no I've never been bullied fyi lol. It's really immature for people who bully because of someone still enjoys watching cartoons I mean come on man don't judge other just because they sin differently than you. What's the harm of watching Disney and Pixar? ;D Cartoons make me happy all the time. I love the play between the graphics and the unlimited story ideas. Cartoons are the best thing ever created!

What do you think of gaming, and gamers - as a culture?

Ya ampun 22 days ago gue ngapain aja lol.
Ya gue pun sebetulnya seorang gamers ya cuma masih dalam tahap yang bisa diselamatkan. Kakak gue termasuk otaku dan dia kalo udah pegang game lumayan ngeri karena selain doi gabisa berenti main, doi juga pasti menang mulu (makanya jd ga berenti lol). So far sih gue gatau ya gaming/gamers as a culture tbh gue ga pernah nganggep gaming/gamers in that way orz pokoknya nge-game itu bisa buat melepas penat ye terlepas dari either it's a culture or not depends on each person. I really can't see it as a culture because it's just in fact, not.
Liked by: Adeayu Hadijah SM

capek ga sih din ngerjain ppt mele sampe jadi udah kayak makanan sehari hari apalagi dari bu asih

Ha? Ya kalo dibilang sih bikin projek apapun itu gue selalu capek. Krn emg gue pd dasarnya anaknya males. Tp kalo kata Sita sih rasa males gue itu kadang ketutup sm sense of responsibility terhadap either the groups or my parents, sama feeling scared kalo ga ngerjain berarti gue mencap diri sendiri jd anak ga baik. Gitu aja sih

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

Dresses! Mungkin kebawa waktu kecil gue seneng nonton kartun2 Disney yg princess ya haha gue seneng ngeliatin sama pake long dresses macem putri2 raja sampe bawahnya bisa buat nyapu lantai, super long dresses are so classic and enchanting for me. Dress juga lebih enak dan nyaman dipake buat jalan tbh dan gue lebih pegel pake jeans drpd dress (we're women so you know why). The only dress I wouldn't wear is bodycon dress lmao my body shape is such a disaster
Liked by: Adeayu Hadijah SM

Biar rambut ga rontok gimana ya?

Gatau rambut gue-pun udah kayak orang anorexia dan kanker yg tiap hari rontok so--

how do you make friends through blogging? i mean do you just leave comments and wait or you personally contact them through email or sumthing like that? i really wanna make friends with bloggers but they dont seem to be responsive towards me ._.

I always comment on posts and leave it at it. People will come back to comment if you do that. I don't really contact bloggers via email unless for some urgent information I'd like to know straight from them. It's useful when you need quickie answers because I believe each bloggers set their email notification on the phone so when you send them email they will reply it fast rather than leaving comment on their posts. If you wanna make friends from blogging then commenting posts is the best way to flaunt your expressions towards them, just don't forget to put your blog link in the comment section ^^

do you think getting slrs is important for blogging? i dont have alot of money and my parents say me to wait for another couple of years to get one :/

Depends on what kind of blog you have. If it's a photography blog then heck yeah you should aim for one. But if you have personal blog (like me), having SLRs isn't really necessary. My dad bought it because I showed him a really deep interest in taking photos and that he also needed one to take pictures at his workshops, sometimes. Remember that any camera would do as long as you know how to do tricks with them ;)

fave exo stans?

Ji! I personally like her tweets and comments on each member she's really thoughtful <3 But every EXO fans is unique in their own way ^^
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people you are close in tlist?

Idk if they consider close or what but would you consider close as tweeting each other once in a while?
@gamefi is like my duizhang. She's just, in fact, not. This hyung is the one who dragged me down to the dark side of world called kpop and EXO (and SJ too)
@uchahae yo this momma DJ she used to be my enemy all those months ago when I was still a hater of kpop. A very loyal ELF at heart. She's round and squishy and bouncy uhuhuh I wanna kill her uvu
@aionkey is my dongsaeng, as well as kohai, as well as the magnae, as well as the perfect human to bully and hurt. I think she's a SONE or something she's always up in the clouds when choosing bias
@youroppa_ lol hi there Tami ;u; Tbh she's more into K dramas and movies and indie kpop singers more than to boybands yay. Definitely a sunbaenim for me
@seluned is aionkey's friend and my favourite dongsaeng too haha she's really cute and all and a really hardcore Hunhan shipper~
@1106_0502 lmao she's one my favourite author ever! I mentioned her on Twitter once when I just finished reading her fanfic and when she followed me back we're friends since ever lol Camille is definitely awesome I love her <333
@taohilang we just followed each other yesterday because MAN SHE'S JUST LIKE ME. She supports EXO-M and ships Taoris ommo what can be better than this??? Alif-ah, let's support each other in the future~!
@taobanger lmao do not follow her I warn you DO NOT. An NC-17 fanacc of Zitao. My favourite tlist ever cuz we seem to have the piece of mind for Tao yay

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What product or service do you think is ridiculously overpriced?

Lay's chips. It's totally 10% chips and 1398093545% air in a cheap but still overpriced

do you know any good templates for blogs? im so done with blogger's templates and im no good in html or css coding :((

http://www.blogskins.com/me/chapters is one of my faves. I haven't seen any blog templates aside from blogger itself recently I think I'm too lazy hohoho. But that one definitely suits me well with the simplicity, small, delicate fonts but still readable and I can't say no to custom-made templates tbh >< Enjoy~

Nav I really love your blog, it's so simpel and cute <3 You're so "you" and I love it when you talk about the things you love it's as if I was talking to you not reading your blog cuz the way you write is just so funny and cute! ^_^

D'awww thank you so much >< Remember those months when I went hiatus because of school (and no internet connection)? I was thinking about the blog. Thinking of where this piece of my life wants to head. I don't want to be like those bloggers nowadays who blog only for the sake of readers. I really try to be me when in the process of making a post in the middle of the night. I've lost that friendly sense from bloggers I come across. I want people to think that "hey she's so nice and this is actually pretty good stuff too, maybe I can approach her" and from that I can gain friends from blogging
Funny and cute, tell me something new ;))
Liked by: Adeayu Hadijah SM

do u ship krisyeol?

Oh I ship anyone with everyone though pairings don't really matter to me as long as they're happy child ;u;

hey since youre a tao fan , can you explain what is HL? this seems to be mentioned by a lot of taos fans in weibo :)

HL is the shorten form of "Hailang" 海浪 which means "sea wave" or "stormy seas". It's the name of Zitao's fans, of how you call his admirers, of how you call me ^^ Up until now I still don't know since when HL first mentioned though
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Does it bother you when people try to make you jealous?

It's really annoying tbh. Dan gue kan sense of people-nya tinggi jd kalo ngeliat orang lain pgn bikin gue jelly ya bakal kerasa banget banget. Antara risih, kasian, sama lucu sih sebenernya soalnya ga ngerti kenapa mereka berniat do such thing sama gue. Gue juga lumayan tebel muka kalo sama orang2 kayak gitu soalnya I wanna show them that I'm not easily impressed ya
Liked by: Adeayu Hadijah SM

if zitao was not in exo would you have bothered checking them out?

Lmao wut but between exo and Zitao, exo was the first one I bumped into because hyung introduced me to these boys first. I picked Zitao as my bias accidentally and it was really random even when I'm still thinking about it now it was an unexpected choice lol. Your question should be "if hyung didn't introduce you to exo would you have bothered to check them out" haha
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loh gak jadi HI

Gue abis dapet pencerahan dari keluarga besar wkwk. Toh nanti kalo keterima hukum juga gue ambilnya hukum internasional soalnya katanya kalo di deplu yang mendominasi itu either orang2 lulusan ekonomi atau hukum. Bagus2 kalo hukum internasional
Liked by: Adeayu Hadijah SM

how do you breakup with someone you love because you just don't feel the same way anymore...?

You said "someone you love" but then "you just don't feel the same way anymore". That's against each other. I just broke up and I still love him but things are so hard for us that I don't see us in the long road together so I decided to end it. The best way to break it is to say it out. So that person doesn't have to put their hopes too high on you any longer. If you're sure that person isn't going to end your relationship any sooner, for the best of you, you better be the one to do it. But remember, break up only extents to a situation where someone's hurt without the other party to know. I mean if you feel like your lover is silently hurting deep inside but he/she never says to you but in fact you actually know it, I suggest to just say it out. It will free the both of you

din gue kayaknya kurang motivasi tiap melakukan sesuatu dan gue gatau caranya biar motivasi itu tetap ada sampai gue selesai ngerjain sesuatu tuh gimana ya? terus caranya biar tetap positif gitu menurut lo gimana? kalo cara lo sendiri

I have a handful motivation quotes over here http://www.pinterest.com/navartierre/quotes/ it usually keeps me motivated long enough for the long road of the struggle. Gue gatau kalo lo gimana tapi gue juga bukan tipe yang sekali ngerjain langsung kelar karena gue juga bisa tengah jalan hilang motivasi. Biasanya gue diselingin sama kegiatan lain kadang bikin lupa juga sama pertama gue ngerjain apa. But don't you wanna feel the satisfaction that runs through your mind when you finish doing something beautifully? I always feel that. Jadi ya that rush of euphoria yang bikin gue tetep termotivasi. Try to make a list of what you have to do. Try to finish them one by one. Ketika lo liat list lo semakin sedikit, mungkin lo bakal termotivasi buat keep finishing them.
As for how to stay positive; hang out with positive guys like me, and you're all set *winkeu*

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Liked by: Adeayu Hadijah SM

pap your exo albunsss

No. I have all of them except MAMA. Go google them if you want to see I'm too lazy to do anything right now really


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