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Ask @navartierre

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which part of the family is chinese ?

None because omg I'm a quarter Greek :c I don't have any Chinese descent c'mon people can't you see how thick my lids are? How tanned and dark my skin is? That's very obvious I feel like crying myself to sleep whenever someone over the internet guessed me as a Chinese :c

do you like running man?

I really enjoy watching it. Semua games2 yg ada di RM berbobot dan bikin ngakak banget, gue sama hyung-ah sering berandai2 kalo anak2 Jakuen yg mainin bisa porak poranda seluruh dunia beuh. But I don't keep up with it, only watch RM when it has my favorite idols as the casts (yea now you feel me) (whispering) ((EXO)) (oh so faintly)

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bener bener gak mau follow back ?

Gini ya sayang, jujur gue dulu melalui masa2 dmn jumlah followers itu penting banget buat gue. Tp itu dulu, sebelum gue ngerti kegunaan manifes dari media sosial. Jaman udh maju, dmn teknologi dan komunikasi makin berkembang. Lo tau ga sih alasan utama lo buat bikin sebuah account di socmed? Gue tanya apakah lo di askfm butuh followers? Okelah kalo Twitter orang2 masih bisa liat liatan followers, tp please... you can't even see one of your followers on askfm :) Jangan jadiin follow for follow sebuah budaya hidup lo. Apa ga capek? Mau bgt difollow gitu? Kalo ga difollow mau diapain? Marah, dendam, putus pertemanan? Lol, get a life omg. Udh taun 2014 dan lo msh pusingin followers? :) Coba deh gunain socmed yg lo punya sebagai media informasi dan pembelajaran. Dunia askfm tuh lebih dr sekedar "Eh d&i gue dooong!", atau "1 millions facts about me yaaahh :)", it has a deeper layer about life and humanity if you know which people to follow. Really :)
Daaan jawaban dr kak Nad yg ini sadoy juga > http://ask.fm/hensemkris/answer/111394906055

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halooo dindaa pie kabaree?

Wesss kabare apikkk, meh gek keteter iki wes arep ujian, sirahku keliyengan akeh men sing kudu disinauni :c Iki sopo yo mbok ora sah nganggo anon toh yooo

gue gangerti bio lo panjang bangets

"安全感对我来讲是多奢侈的东西, 我太害怕失去,又太想得到所以才会总是处在恐惧当中" > The sense of security is a luxury to me. I’m too afraid of losing, yet I want it so much, that’s why I’m always living in fear.
This is one of a thousand wisdom Huang Zitao ever told us.
Because my baby is one hell of a Shakespeare reincarnation
Liked by: N

haha gue envy karena hubungan lo dengan adek/kakak lo itu kayanya asik&seru gitu yaa even if lo punya adek yang -kata lo- dia nyebelin banget haha tapi gue seneng bacanya, lucu aja gitu:D wahaha Hii! nice to know u too;) ohya mind to follow me back?:) thankyouu^^

rarasseeyy’s Profile PhotoPutri Raras
Wah hebat hebat you can see something in us that everyone else fails to recognize ;D Basically the relationship I share with my siblings are all love-hate relationship. One moment I wanna give them bone-crushing hug, the next moment I wanna throw them all off a cliff :| But I'm like the only one who actually gives a damn about how we act towards each other. I'm like their manager who would scold and be angry at them just because they're rude or not responding as how they should be to people lmao (esp my old brother bcs he has no idea of how to socialize well). I'm like their second mother, really (probably bcs I'm so close with mom) (hence I become her twin lol). Do you have any siblings tho? :D
Liked by: Putri Raras

wuihh bnyk bgt ffnyaaa :D makasih kaaak hihi :3

Wah iya sama2 senang bsa membantu. Main2 aja ke tumblr gue kalo mau baca yg lebih banyak. Msh ada one shot2 yg bagus2 jga kok tp ga gue masukin krn lo mintanya "keren parah" haha. Trus pantengin author2 dr ff yg gue kasih deh terutama yg usernamenya bbe1863 (gue lupa angkanya otl) namanya Shu gue ngefans berat sm semua cerita2nya gila parah daebak lah. Trus dia jga konsisten, well organized bgt wa makin cintaaa

Kayaknya gue mulai ngerti tipe bias lo .

Ryeowook. Yesung. Henry. Zhoumi. Tao. Kris. Rapmon.
Ya kesamaan mereka adalah mereka paling sedikit punya fans yay~

lagu yg lg stuck apa ?

Popular Song dr Ariana sama Mika (bener ga tulisannya?) gara2 dikenalin sama Macul beuh I just love his voice so violin-like tipe2 vocal gue lah ya dan lagunya catchy aja walaupun gue agak2 sama Ariana but yg penting lagunya bukan penyanyinya (?). Trus gue baru download SWING full album dan men... lo bener2 hrs dengerin semuanya itu bener2 keren bgt nyedh gue kesel sendiri jadinya SM bnyk bgt comeback sial trus lagu2 mrk jd bagus2 smua huhu. Gue jga baru download Breath-nya SM The Ballad dan nying kok gada yg ngasihtau gue kalo Blind versi Zhoumi sama 하루 versi Jongdae x Jonghyun BAGUS BANGET. 하루 lagu pembukanya kyk di konser2 jazz gitu trus gue mau nangis soalnya bener2 bagus walaupun ga ngerti artinya apa tp krn ini duet para vocalist yg suaranya setinggi langit gue jd kesemsem sendiri huehuehue. Trus impian gue buat dengerin suaranya Zhoumi solo udh terkabul alhamdulillah doi bagus bgt suaranya tae gue kira album Breath abal2 gegara gue agak ga comfortable sama Breath versi Jongdae x Liyin eh ternyata-
SM you-

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wah gue envy bangeet kalo liat ada adek-kakak kaya yg dianswer lo itu haha :"D

rarasseeyy’s Profile PhotoPutri Raras
I. W A N N A. C R Y.
Weh masih bisa terima kalo di answer weh yg itu cuma nyeritain baginda kakak, tp di situ jga ada adek weh dan weh pun selalu iyuh2an sama dia 24/7 udh kyk kucing sm anjing...
Conclusionnya weh ga ngerti lau envy di bagian mananya... ;____;
PS: Hi! I see that this is the first time you ask me omg >< Pleased to know you! xo
Liked by: Putri Raras

hei gw bukan orang kaya, biasa2 aja gitu bukan yang anak gaul. lw masih mau temenan gak ?

Gue justru ga suka sih bergaul sama yg gaul2. Unless, Idk selama ini "gaul" di kamus gue tuh kayaknya melenceng banget. I don't really care about your background tho if you love bubble tea as much as I do and enjoy having long walks while listening to random instrumental music being played and imagine impossible beautiful scenes in your mind on a daily basis....
...then yes, we can be friend :)

What is ur favorite brand of shoes??

Basically anything with great models, low price, and too comfortable shoes for long-walks

d&i FISCAL3 dooongg

Well, let's see if I can really write something remarkable about this damn clase;
CONS (-)
- Gue gasuka sama tipe2 anak di Fiscal yang pemalas. KM harusnya tegas tp KM gue justru mendorong anak2 kelas gue ke jalan yg ga bener. Kalo ngumpulin tugas pasti kolektif dan tunggu2an, makanya gue sering ngumpulin duluan krn kalo nunggu sampe kiamat kubra juga ga bakal kekumpul semua.
- Yg cewe kepecah jd kubu (see, I'm being completely honest), antara kubu A dan B. Gue pengikut kubu A (ya lo kira2 aja deh si A tuh siapa aja). Kalo B tuh yg komplotan tante2 girang bacot yg selalu gue nyinyirin kalo lewat. Gue gasuka kalo mrk udh adu bacot sama yg cowo. Mulut udh kyk toak semua ga bisa dikecilin dikit volumenya njir
- Banyak bgt pencuri (aka tukang nyontek)
- Keinginan buat berkompetisi satu sama lain cetek
- Sukanya ngerendahin guru
- Banyak alay
- Bukan masyarakat yg gue inginkan tbh
PROS (+)
- Fiscal itu banyak masyarakat organisasi, dan banyak anak2 yg bisa jadi mediator / penengah tiap kali warganya ada ribut2. Trus mayan lah ya solid2 ga becus tp tetep lengket terutama yg cowo2nya salut krn mereka bisa membaur satu sama lain sama sekali ga bikin kubu (ga kyk yg cewe) (including me)
- Kelasnya dingin
- Kalo emg keadaan darurat, bisa jadi kompak banget. Terutama yg cowo2, itu wah hebat bgt kyk waktu angklung semua cowo ikut latihan dr cowo2 yg bener sampe yg begajulan
Setelah dilihat2 ternyata msh banyak cons drpd pros haha~

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kak rekomen ff taoris yg keren parah dongs

- The Great Wonderwall of China http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/175823/the-great-wonderwall-of-china-smut-yaoi-exo-exom-tao-kris-taoris/18
- All Roads Lead Home http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/333234/all-roads-lead-home-angst-romance-taoris
- Black https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/218866/black-dark-emotional-exo-exom-tao-kris-taoris/18
- Bleed Me 'Til I'm Dry of Tears http://yutings.livejournal.com/3040.html
- Burnout https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/687818/burnout-smut-yaoi-exo-taoris
- Can't Kill What's Already Dead http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/579607/can-t-kill-what-s-already-dead-supernatural-vampire-taoris
- Centrefold http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/535460/centrefold-exo-tao-kris-taoris/18
- Fallen Grace http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/499629/fallen-grace-romance-supernatural-exo-taoris
- Fly & Fall http://sncj-santa.livejournal.com/6179.html
- Give Me An Inch, I Promise I'll Take A Mile https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/437915/give-me-an-inch-i-promise-i-ll-take-a-mile-action-drama-romance-exo-tao-kris-taoris/18
- Hitchcock https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/647888/hitchcock-dark-horror-smut-exo-taoris
- I Remember Those Days We Were In Love https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/675914/i-remember-those-days-we-were-in-love-comedy-romance-taoris
- Into The Sun http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/363006/into-the-sun-exom-tao-kris-taoris-baekyeol
- Like Smoke http://todokanu.livejournal.com/9466.html
- A Sonata In Four Movements https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/627964
- Psycho http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/634550/psycho-angst-dark-horror-taoris-sulay-chantao
- Tongues https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/639410
- Virus https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/691474/virus-angst-horror-romance-thriller-zombie-taoris
- War For The Western Kingdom http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/515378/war-for-the-western-kingdom-angst-fantasy-romance-taoris-sekai-wolfau
Basically those fics I highly recommend you to read. Sisanya bisa diliat di tumblr gue okeh~ Selamat membaca, hati2 gue suka menyiksa diri dgn angst bye

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best moment otp ?

I have a thing for social contact, but only limited to my /very/ close girl friends and parents. Aside from that, I don't like having my skin in contact with opposite gender (except Rizfan because he's like my xiao didi having the thought crossing my mind doesn't feel right) (so I treat him very nicely like a sister would). So when the first time I shipped with Taoris and looked for their photos, I found one when they were holding SMTOWN. The way their hands interlinked with each other is my forever weakness. On the streets when I walk home from school and see couples holding each other's hands, I would be jealous because if you know me best, I'm not the type who loves doing it on public. You can count how many times I've held someone's hands /that/ way. So when I saw this picture for the first time ever, it's as if I could feel the sincerity. Their hands speak something words can't convey. And my heart dies a little inside everytime I see them interlinking their hands like this in almost every chances. It's a very small and simple thing any otps can do, but this is probably the only picture of Taoris that can make me tearing up because I have no one to love (aka single) (#trufactz)...

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best moment otp

gimana kesan kesan abis liat teaser tao keluar? :)))

Anjasing. Gue nangis bgt teaser dia keluar di hari kedua :') Dan omg kyknya SM aware sm Taohun ya akhir2 ini mereka dipasang2in mele lol saatnya gue buka forum baru krn for the mean time Taoris hrs beristirahat sejenak yesseu~ Keren lah pokoknya, gue ga sabar pgn liat keseluruhan konsep EXO yg baru apaan. Bau2nya sih bakal ngelanjutin konsep sebelumnya. Gue jga kepo knp lambang yg skrg jd labirin gitu mungkin mau ngegambarin kalo sekali masuk fandom gabakal bsa keluar kaliya hm.
gimana kesan kesan abis liat teaser tao keluar

explain your daily routine deh starting from buka mata sampe tidur lagi

Buat apa? Pokoknya hidup gue isinya cuma ibadah, sekolah (aka belajar), fangirling, blogging, sama tidur udh nothing interesting for you to know

Foto sama kakak adek + ceritain mereka sifatnya kyk apa ((:

Wah jarang lho gue foto sama watashi no kyoudai haha, but here you go!
- Kakak gue 3 taun lebih tua, anaknya pinter parah, orang bilang jenius malah. Logikanya jalan banget dan jago mtk. Sayangnya dia males tingkat dewa dan otaku games. Kalo udh pegang gadget bisa ga tidur dua hari orz. Kalo blm kenal sih biasanya bakal stereotype anak ansos, padahal dia lumayan social butterfly juga. Tingginya 175cm-an, kurus kerempeng letoy kayak mendoan kebanyakan minyak. Temen2 gue pada bilang dia ganteng sih (eww) ya kalo doi didandanin emang keren sih (haha). Mahasiswa FHUGM tingkat 2, sempet ngundur setaun gara2 pindahan dr IPB, sayang banget sama adek gue, takut banget sama gue, terus orangnya baikkk banget ga pernah ngomongin orang lain jadi kalo kata papah mamah mas Raka banyak dikasih rejeki sama Allah haha xD Jarang ngomong, tp sekalinya ngomong lebih lawak drpd Komeng (ya). He's still a sweet little boy at heart, pernah kata bude gue waktu mas Raka jalan2 ke kebun stroberi gitu kata bude gue dia ngeluarin botol teh dari mobil pas lagi di jalan, pas ditanya buat apa katanya "kan udaranya dingin, aku keluarin biar tehnya ikut dingin" and everyone be like "......" sumpah gue ga ngerti lagi dia orangnya emang aneh2 lucu huhu aku sayang kakakku ;___;
- Nah kalo yg itu tuh uhhh adek gue. Adek gue lahir pas gue umur 7 tahun, dan itu sama sekali ga diprediksi sama papah mamah. Gue sampe sekarang masih kyk dendam kesumat sama dia karena setiap gue ngeliat dia, gue mikir kalo adek gue ga ada, mungkin keluarga gue bisa lebih mapan dr skrg (astaghfirullah). Gatau knp gue selalu kesel aja kalo ngeliat dia :/ Adek gue jauh bgt sifatnya dr gue sama kakak gue. He's not as smart as we are. Terus kelakuannya kampungan, mungkin gara2 SD dia dulu negeri, skrg pindah swasta jd membaik (me and my brother went to the same elementary school fyi). Sukanya ngelawan kata2 gue, terus ga pernah nurut urrrgghh I just hate him to bits! >:( But then again, gue punya mimpi buat ngebentuk dia jd orang sukses. I want him to grow up as how I picture him to. Gue ngarep banget dia bisa jadi dokter spesialis jantung. Idk why I just feel like shaping his life into it. Dan itu ga bakal bisa terwujud kalo gue msh ignorant kyk gini sama dia haha. Adek gue deket bgt sama kakak gue udh kyk perangko, suka nangis kalo kakak gue harus balik Jogja buat kuliah (ini nih yg bikin gue ikutan mewek huhu), gue suka ga tahan kalo dia nangis sambil meluk kakak gue pas doi mau balik ah <//3

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Foto sama kakak adek  ceritain mereka sifatnya kyk apa
Liked by: Putri Raras

cerita konyol deh coba : )

Gue ga jago cerita konyol. But I wanna ask whoever read this; have you ever went over a 'comfortable silence' when talking to someone before? Gue kadang kalo lg ngobrol sama temen suka tiba2 diem gitu kan. Kalo kata orangtua gitu sih biasanya kita lagi nyari bahan omongan lagi. But this is different. Gue kalo ngobrol sama Tian suka ujung2nya silence gitu, tp bukan silence2 yg awkward, tp lebih ke enjoying each other's companion. Itu gimana ya, jd kayak diem tp damai... Biasanya sih nanti dia ngetuprus lagi (tau ngetuprus ga?), tp sering jga we just stare at each other for who knows how long :$
Udh sih gitu doang. I just feel it's weird how I often stay quiet when I talk to him, but loving it to bits~

If you could change one thing about Ask.fm what would it be?

To have all answers I've liked as a bookmark as well and be able to track them again
Liked by: Qian Yue N

What's the most unusual thing in your refrigerator, right now?

Sebetulnya sih ga unusual2 banget tp di kulkas skrg bnyk produk kecantikan mamah... Buat gue kulkas itu cuma buat tempat makanan and for finding a night cream stocked in it is... a bit weird :$

Tinggal di jakarta kah? Thrift store di jakarta ad nya dimana ya? :)

Tanah Abang (ya). Gue kalo belanja yg ala2 thrift store cuma di situ doang, wes neng Tanah Abang tok ora sah neng endi endi meneh. Kabeh barang, opo wae ono! ;D Mamah suka tiba2 bawain belanjaan dr dress, cardigan, aksesoris etc kalo dr sana, dan itu p a s t i #gerakansayangmamah ^^ Sisanya gatau lg gue ga pinter cari thrift stores di Jkt krn mageur dan option lain ya kalo di mal2 lg diskon gede2an tuh...
PS: Ana tinggal di pinggiran Jkt okeh a k a Bekasheeeyy. Not exactly in Jakarta~

how do you edit your instagram photos ?

I only use LINE Camera. My most favorite effect is Nostalgia. It definitely gives a vintage and timeless touch to the photos and even enhance the quality for my mid-poor camera lol. Aside from that, I rarely use original filters from Instagram itself. As for making collages, I use this app called Photo Frame. As simple as it is~

ada makanan yg lo gasuka ? (im asking this bcs you eat just everything served on the table) (atau iitu cma tipu muslihat)

There are only 2; corns and shrimps. Kalo udang emg krn alergi. Kalo jagung, gatau knp eneg aja makan jagung. Apalagi kalo pd bakar2 jagung tuh gue gabisa makan yg full msh ada tongkolnya :$ Eneg bgt sampe bsa muntah huhu... Tp kalo udh dicampur sama sayuran lain sih bsa ketutup rasanya, kyk klo pas makan steak tuh kan sayurannya macem2 ada buncis jagung jga gpp ga kerasa tinggal telen aja. Tp klo suruh makan yg msh utuh dan cuma jagung pretelan tok, wah bendera putih deh ;3;

exo comeback ???????? rEALLY?? ?

S-sabar, hal ini bisa kita selesaikan dgn cara baik2....
Gatau gue hiatus gatau apa2 males peduli sama kpop nanti aja gue cape gue ga pernah main2 ke fanacc lg tlist kpoper di first acc gue ga ada jd gada apdetan masuk :((( Yeshhh untung gue ga beli first box yach, duitnya bsa buat album baru yehet

Do you have any bestfriends? When is their birthday? How to celebrate it with a nice way? Thank you!

Hayooo ini siapaaa ;))
Ya ga perlu lah ya gue jawab who are my best friends, that's a secret. Cara gue ngerayainnya sih sebetulnya tergantung ide yg nongol di kepala wkwkwk. Gue orangnya sebetulnya simple, ga terlalu jago bikin surprise gitu2 yg sampe ribet. Karena buat gue yg paling penting dlm ngerayain birthday seseorang itu makna dan perasaan lo ke orang ini. Kasih kado, ucapin selamat, ucapin doa, traktiran, gitu aja kalo gue mah. Simple dan langsung kelar, yg penting lo bisa meluangkan waktu ngabisin seharian sama orang yg lg ulang tahun itu (especially if he / she is your best friend). Because for some people, time is a very expensive gift :)

When you see exo's airport fashion, possibly which style you take from them ?

The outerwear collections! Leather jacket, varsity, cardigan, vest <333 Duh, gue gatau itu sebetulnya airport fashion mereka yg style si coordi noona apa mereka sendiri yg milih, tp yg pasti gue suka semua outerwear yg dipake bocah2 EXO. Terutama yg dipake Luhan, Minseok, sama Jongdae odg mereka kalo pake baju colorful sekaliii :> Kalo buat sepatu, yah krn rata2 mereka pakenya sneakers jadi gabisa terlalu dicontoh. And as for accessories, gue suka ambil contoh dari Zitao. Iya doi kalo pake aksesoris keterlaluan udh kyk tuan tanah cincinnya banyak banget untung ga pake yg batunya gede, bisa panggil jin tomang itu. Oh sama itu tuh, BAGS. Backpack yg dipake Yixing dari MCM warna ungu allahuakbar lucu banget unyu dia kan plang plongo gitu kalo di airport kalo ilang gampang dicari uvu + suka gantungin headphone Beats warna ungu juga omaigat sayaaangg kerena banget style dia clean simple casual <333

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Liked by: Mitha Komala

how do you keep up with blogging? like do you blog when you're in the mood and have the time or do you adhere to a strict schedule?

skeletale’s Profile PhotoZara | IG: @sskeletale
Keeping up with blogging is hard. Sempet hiatus karena krisis identitas haha soalnya sempet gatau kalo ngeblog mau isi apaan (dan dulu kan masih blogging pake Indo blm pake Inggris). My blog was a very quiet place, the silence could kill (not to mention it felt so dusty everywhere...). Sempet kepikiran dulu mau berenti gara2 jarang yg komen, but then I realized it was all because I didn't promote my blog well. I never did blogwalking, I never left my links to other blogs, I was a silent reader of other blogs. Abis itu mulai aktif jalan2 ke blog orang dan ninggalin komen + links. Pokoknya abis itu jd banyak yg dateng trus komen, dan semangat buat blogging jadi ada lagi sampe sekarang ^^
I never have any exact schedule of when or what to post. I just do it when I feel like it :/ Pokoknya kalo lagi ada yg bisa dijadiin bahan omongan sih langsung post aja. Soalnya aku ga suka kalo isi blognya rubbish dan terlalu banyak ngomongin hal2 ga penting. I don't want force myself to post if I don't have anything to talk about. Aku suka bikin postingan yg panjang (told you before I love typing long shits). Suka aja gitu kalo postingannya lebih banyak tulisan ketimbang foto2 haha ;D So yeah, no schedule at all when it comes to blogging. My blog is my diary, not my homework ;p

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lebih impressed sama orang yang udh bertahun tahun ga ketemu terus berubah physically (dulu bunder skrg tinggi semampai) atau yg berubah internalnya (kayak dia tuh dulu freak aneh kuper sekarang jadi gaul ramah senyum etc)

Jelas lebih impressed yg berubah secara psikologi ya. Merubah sifat itu susah tauk (been there done that), dan gue sendiri banyak menuai komentar dr orang2 yg dulu kenalnya tuh gue orangnya jutek, cemberutan, ga asik, anak rumahan banget (sekarang jga masih sih). I realized to be in this stage, I've went from a huge mess of social failure to someone better, someone who's willing to open up because society isn't that bad at all--only if you look at the bright side. And it's not that easy~ Kayaknya itu juga yg dirasain sama orang yg berubah secara psikis mereka. Keren ga sih? ;D

itu lo ada yg nanya followback dikasih. katanya ga followback orang huh :(

Lha terserah guweh lah mau follow siapa. Pls notice that I didn't write any "yes" there ;) I only wrote the facts part. Inti dr follow memfollow kan tergantung jenis informasi apa yg gue butuhkan. Sekalipun temen deket kalo isinya ga mutu mager bgt difollow (inilah knp gue suka askfm) (everything is perfectly hidden)

What do you prefer: read the newspaper, watch TV News, or check online news?

Watch TV news and browse online. I'm too lazy to grab the morning newspaper and I wouldn't read anything aside from Kompas or The Jakarta Post :$

Followback juseyo. And give 20facts about me. kkk.

UrsaAgniya’s Profile Photoucha.
Ga kurang banyak adik Ucha...? Semampunya gue aja ya~
1) Temen seperbacotan waktu gue masih blm masuk dark side of the world called K P O P
2) Pernah bilang EXO itu illuminati
3) Sayang banget sama SJ, loyal ELF at heart, panutan yg baik buat gue yg suka mondar mandir fandom
4) Kacungnya Donghae yg paling setia (setia di muka umum) (pas belakangnya sih suka ngatain Donghae alay)
5) I somehow feel like you're the only one who I can spazz with when it comes to Ryeowook :")
6) Kalo inget Ucha inget Polaroid (?)
7) E U N H A E K x K Y U M I N
8) Doyan baca, seneng banget sama novel2 yg dibaca Ucha, lo yg bikin gue nerusin baca Eclair dan gue ga nyesel beli itu novel :') Sama2 penggemar Alia Zalea haha bye aja novel2 doi sadoy dan terima kasih sudah mengenalkannya pada gue
9) Tampang2 anak filsafat. Tampang doang kok tenang~
10) Kalo sepajing sama lo rusuh banget gue sampe cape dikit2 mencerca bias sendiri sedetik kemudian memuja muji DONG*HAEK gue ga ngerti pokoknya cape banget sepajing sama lo tp seruuu
11) Kerjaannya baca fanfic. Judulnya sih hiatus, tapi cuma hiatus apdetan cuih kalo fanfic tetep jalan~
... 12) sampe 20) tolong facts2 di atas dibaca ulang sekali lagi okeh trims salam kecup bye {{}}

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Liked by: ucha.

why do you think people ask in anonymous mode ?

Ya ga gimana2... Gue juga sering nanya orang2 pake anonymous mode, biar jawabannya lebih netral dan ga biased aja sih cuma karena yg gue tanya itu kenal sama gue (dgn kata lain) (tak ada dusta di antara kita) #tsaaahh
Liked by: Adeayu Hadijah SM

describe your 1) personal style 2) must-worn item when you go out 3) what's the good and the bad of living in a tropical country. thank youuu

1) Shorts shorts shorts! I have a thing for anything that reveals my legs. LBDs, flowy dresses, just anything from boyish to feminine look, anything that shows my legs to the world is my style [insert Kris' wink here]. I love playing with colors despite my tanned skin, but to play it safe and not trying too hard my color palette remains at the darker shade (dark blue, dark red, purple, midnight blue etc). As for shoes, I always try to wear shoes with thick platforms or wedges even for a simple day out with my friends (perks of being really short orz). I love wearing simple tee and sleeveless ones when it's too hot to bear with sleeves. I am casual most of the time, but there are also days when I'm so feminine. I love combining dresses with sneakers, it's basically mix anything with everything~
2) Unnn I don't think I have one. I mean sometimes I forgot to put on my necklace, wear my favorite bangles, or even just grab a satchel to put my stuffs in
3) The good is that you can wear anything from the Spring Summer runaway, the bad it that you can't wear those glorious pieces from Fall Winter collection (basically that's just it) (what else can I say) xD

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Liked by: Adeayu Hadijah SM

eeeyyy navaa did you buy the first box??? i'll get myself one if you did! -chels

Whoa, is this really Chelsyeahhh?? :O Unn, tbh no matter how I really want that damned thing, I can't seem to bring myself to buy it ;3; I want to save up for any possibilities of upcoming concerts (be it EXO or 1D) (the promotors here have already given their signs) (which I hate because I wish they wouldn't be holding any concerts until the national exam). Besides, I've found a YT link of where to watch the CDs, so buying those (again) damned thing is unnecessary :) I remember Tami told me to just save up because D A M N C O N C E R T, I gotta prepare my wallet for that, yep~
But if you'd like to get one, then get one bby! :* Don't make me as your boundary between you and our boys~!


Language: English