

Ask @Alkupra

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iyasih kak yg lain banyak yg sok2 selebask. padahal kan the true selebask ya cuma ka alex kan udh pinterr, sukses, dan prestasinya jelas keliatan wujudnya dan bermanfaat! ckckck yg lain mah sampah ya kak! gabut lg seharian main askfm doang kaya gaada kesibukan. gak kaya kakak haha

Sarcasm lu level cetek mas bor.

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We never officially meet or anything... but I'm quite curious #hta me?

I know... I think the last time I saw you in flesh was Nikicio's morning presentation at Goods Dept?
Well, tbh at the first time I open your blog, my immediate response was "Lol, who's this kid? Indonesian Tavi Gevinson wannabe?" and back then there's actually a rumor that all of your blog contents are actually wrote by your sister and you're just her "puppet", but then again, I saw your talents and blog materials are getting even better along the years, and look at you now, you grow into this beautiful young lady with a wit and kind heart, so I think you have really bright future, I can imagine you being Fashion Editor if you want it. So good luck for everything okay and I hope we could meet soon.

How do you measure art?

Kak Maldi ini jawabanku sok tau aja ya soalnya aku emang gak kuliah seni nih.
Kalau menurut aku, karya seni itu dinilai ketika karya tersebut bisa membangunkan "reaksi" bagi yang melihatnya. Either reaksi positif atau negatif, the art should provoke emotion and thoughts bagi siapapun yg melihatnya. Kalau hasilnya indifferent, menurut aku karya itu "gagal" walaupun pastinya pembuatnya dan penikmat lain tentu punya pemikirannya sendiri.

good afternoon all! regardless your sexual orientation, do you have any girl crush in this site?

I need to reanswer this because saying I like @TYRNBL just because she looks like SKE48's Matsui Rena is understatement.
I don't even know her irl but I think she's pretty, cool model, got a sense of humor that up on my alley, and have you seen her artworks? Its awesome.

Kak, tapi aku udah ngurus diri sendiri dan dari SMP mesti bolak balik ke dokter kulit karena jerawat gak ilang ilang dan kata dokter emang gara gara hormon tuh kak.. Terus gimana atuh.

Ya lebay banget anak SMP udah ke dokter kulit segala. Ya emang benar masih karena hormon, just suck it up. Anggep aja lagi fase ugly duckling sebelum jadi white swan yeaaahh.

Just wondering, don't you think the word "bule" have some racist undertone in it? It's not problematic or something, am just curious on what you think about it.

ig: @torantula
Yup, I'm aware of that. Not gonna be hypocrite, I still use the word to describe people with Caucasian feature in daily conversation even tho I know its inpolitically correct, like "negro" or "Chinese".
For instance its usually like this: "Eh liat deh tuh bule" or "bule banget ya lucu", or "masa tadi di bus ada orang negro gede banget", "Yang mana sih orangnya? Yang Chinese?"
I know its not right to refer someone from their skin colors, but yeah I still use it all the time to refer some strangers, but in my defense, I don't use it with negative tone, its just matter of fact thing.

What would your definition of chemistry between two people be (e.g. some would say physical/sexual attraction, others would say 'ngobrolnya nyambung', etc)?

For me personally, yang ngobrolnya bisa mengalir lancar tanpa perlu cari-cari topik, yang walau diem pun bukan diem awkward tapi diem kaya "oh God, s/he is interesting", yang bikin senyum2 sendiri pas pulang, yg bikin perut mules terus jantung kaya mau copot sesimpel baca namanya di layar hape... Gitulah, I'm hopeless romantic dan baperan emang. Gue kalau suka sama orang itu bisa yg suka banget2, tapi kalau udah ilfeel bakal ilfeel seilfeel-ilfeelnya juga.


Language: English