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kak udh 3thn aq suka tmn dikls dan kt sering bngt digosipin. mslhnya dia ga prnh bm or sms ak :( udah prnh duluin sms n bm alhasil jadinya digospin tmn dkls deh. huhu aku harus gimana? Ak jg pgin tau feelnya dia sama aku :(

I'm not sign up on this site for this kind of basic high school drama.

Kak ada oshiin member tertentu gak? Atau paling suka sama siapa kalau di JKT48 dan AKB48?

JKT48 oshi: Ratu Vienny Fitrilya, my queen.
Member favorit: Veranda, Yona, Dhike, Frieska, Lidya, Sinka, Saktia, Andela.
AKB48 gak punya oshi, tapi member favorit: Mariko Shinoda, Mayuyu, Paruru, Tomomi Itano, Kojima Haruna.

Kak Alex, do you hate that person now?

ohadit’s Profile PhotoA+
Its more like.... annoyed at first, because I have a big ego and self-pride, sometimes I just can't fathom why I don't get what I want. But no, I don't hate him. Why should I? He's not doing anything wrong except maybe unintentionally giving me some hope. That's not his fault to be so charming too, tho.

my boyf is gonna break up with me bc i cant satisfy his sexual pleasure. he tells me that its one of his biological needs. but i cant satisfy him bc i felt guilty doing the sexual things :c how can i give him a good reasons that a relationship doesnt always have to be based on lust?

I think if he really love or care for you, he will respect your decision as well otherwise he's just egoist and using you for sexual favors. I'm just gonna say, leave him, because he's just not worthy.

If @bitchinomics to write a book, what would it be and what is it about? . Pertanyaan by request.

lazypod’s Profile PhotoGTT HD
Uhm I don't know her in person so I just gonna take a cue from her username:
Ignorance Is A Bliss, Economy Is A Bitch (And Why We Need Them Both).
Its gonna talk about how people in 21st century think about the economy on daily life, in fun and sassy way.

Hi, do you believe in this statement 'only rich kids that is able to study abroad'? Please give me your reason. Thank you ;)

thaliatamarasun’s Profile PhotoThalia Tamara Sun
Well gak juga, banyak kok anak-anak berprestasi yang dapet beasiswa ke luar negeri. Tergantung lingkungan juga kali ya, banyak yang emang kuliah keluar negeri karena dasarnya anak orang kaya, tapi kalau di lingkungan gue sendiri, especially pas di UI, rata-rata mereka yang lanjut kuliah keluar negeri karena dapet beasiswa berprestasi.

kak kadang suka ngerasa bete gitu ga kalau ada baju/celana lucu tapi ga ada sizenya karena badannya kecil? *curhat*

Sering juga sih... Terutama kalau yg sizenya gede kaya Zara Men atau H&M. Untungnya ada Uniqlo dan Muji yg sizenya cocok buat aku. Dan keuntungan lainnya bisa beli baju di H&M bagian anak2, waktu itu beli sweater gambar serigala di bagian kids, harganya lebih murah lho.


Language: English