

Ask @AmericanLass

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What movies did you have low expectations for, but ended up exceeding those expectations?

Not gonna lie; Inside Out. I had zero expectations for that but it ended up being what I would consider probably one of the best animated movies I've seen in the past 5ish years or so.

Hunting for sport? What's your thoughts on this and why?

youcuntx’s Profile PhotoJ.
Although I don't really agree with it, I wouldn't really say that there's anything *wrong* with it per se-- so long as there is an abundance of that specific breed/species.
Liked by: Robin Hood Samantha J.

What topic always seems to bring out the worst in people?

I don't think there is a single topic that brings out the worst in every single person so much as there are various topics specific to each individual that brings out the worst in them. For most people it would be something they feel strongly about-- especially if discussing said topic with someone who disagrees.

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"Did you ever like somebody but the timing was off?"

No. I have always liked someone when the timing, at least for myself, was right. However, I have never made my interests clear-- one or two incidents aside, so I can't say whether the timing would have been right for the other person.


AmericanLass’s Profile PhotoC.
I'm rating the ones I've seen based on my opinions of it, if that helps :)
To my knowledge, these are all movies only and they're currently all on Netflix although I have no clue when they're leaving! :$
The Italian Job 4/5
The Expendables 3
Maid in Manhattan
Shall We Dance?
While You Were Sleeping
The Net
The Big Wedding 3/5 (only saw the first half)
The Nut Job
The Best of Me
Remember Me
Jane Eyre
50 First Dates 4/5
Bridget Jones' Diary 3/5
Grease 4/5
Dirty Dancing 5/5
Nine Months
Cold Mountain 4/5
13 Going on 30 3.5/5
Ghost 4/5
National Treasure 4.5/5
World War Z 4/5
Johnny English Reborn 4/5
The Eagle 4/5
Django Unchained 5/5 (gory though)
Gladiator 5/5
Four Brothers 4/5
We Were Soldiers
Maverick 4/5
Braveheart 4/5
Patch Adams 5/5
Planes, Trains and Automobiles 4/5
Liked by: jennifer.✌

What's everyone's plans for today?

youcuntx’s Profile PhotoJ.
Well, I leave to go home tomorrow so my plans for today are just to spend the last few hours with my boyfriend. We just watched an episode of the X-Files while eating Subway for lunch and then we're going to turn in some bottles/cans for cash redemption, then watch Dead Poets Society and Schindler's List and go to dinner with his family. I'll be packing probably between tonight and tomorrow morning so I'll be ready by tomorrow afternoon when I have to leave. :c

How creative/adventurous are you when it comes to food and food combinations? What's the last thing you made by just throwing some bits and bobs together to make a meal?

youcuntx’s Profile PhotoJ.
I've become a hell of a lot more adventurous in the last few years. I mean, I'm not necessarily more adventurous in the dictionary definition of it but I'm much more willing to eat foods that have stuff I don't like in them or try dishes that sound delicious but I've never had from that particular restaurant before for example. Like it used to be that if we went to try a new place I would always just get a cheeseburger because it's hard to mess that up but I eventually grew to be more daring to the point of trying different sandwiches, chicken dishes, pastas, salads, etc. I know none of those are very daring or adventurous but coming from someone who never got anything other than a cheeseburger I thought it was pretty adventurous :p I mean, I actually read the whole menu now before making a decision! In regards to cooking I don't cook very often so I can't say I'm very daring with it. I'd like to think I'm pretty adventurous though! When I was a bit younger I'd pretend I was on the tv show Chopped and ask my parents to give me 4-5 ingredients from around the house and I'd make a dish with those. I can't really remember much of what I made with those various ingredients but I remember one of them included bananas, popcorn, chocolate cheerios and canned crushed pineapple. I made a parfait with the pineapple and the cheerios and it was amazing :p

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my tuition friend ( girl) call me loser bcoz I don't have girlfriend,my school girls don't like me....and my both ex girlfriends dump me..... she said loser title suits you ...you're the biggest loser in the world 😒

I'm sorry..? I don't know what to tell you.

💗 Q2: Do you have kids and/or plan on having kids in the future? If so, what is your and/or your partner's birth plan? Do you believe in natural births with a doula, or would you/your partner feel more comfortable in a hospital setting?

I plan on having kids in the future, hopefully within the next 5 years only because I'm afraid of having problems conceiving if I get too old. I definitely want a hospital birth with pain meds and all the works. Raising a kid is enough of a pain, I don't need the physical pain while giving birth too :p
I would prefer a C-section simply because the other option does not sound appealing at all but I also would like to be out of the hospital ASAP and I would assume that a natural birth is also cheaper than a C-section since it's not a full on operation with anesthetics and all that.

Did you have a lunch box as a kid?Who was on it?

I had a new lunchbox every year I think, but I don't really remember what the themes were. I'm pretty sure I had Barbie one year and a plain purple one with some kind of like snowflakes or something on it as well another year.

What separates humans from animals?

Language is probably the primary separation. I would also say that animals lack the motivation to do a lot of what humans do. By that I mean that most animals won't kill for sport, won't do 'immoral' things, etc. because either they have no desire to or don't have a system of morals in place like humans do. Animals aren't nearly as complicated as humans either so they don't have a need or desire for most of the things humans have/want, etc.
Liked by: Fubar.

Do you ever write reviews for products you purchase online? Either rating the product itself, the service/shipping, or the overall buying experience? If so, do you only do so if it's negative feedback, or even if it was a positive experience?

I generally always write a review of a product if it's a negative experience. I know I should put positive reviews in sometimes too, and I do, but I feel like negative reviews are more important so that other buyers/users can see what could be wrong with their potential purchase. Regardless of the overall gist of the review though, I do always try to point out all of the positive AND negative points about the entire experience altogether because I hate only ragging on something or only praising something.

Just a little PSA since I've been asked a few times before:

AmericanLass’s Profile PhotoC.
I *will* unfollow you for these reasons:
~ You consistently never answer a single question of mine, yet constantly beg for people to send in questions / do honesty hour, etc.
~ You never answer a question of mine with more than the bare minimum.
~ You're rude to people with different views / opinions, anons who are just trying to educate themselves (not make fun of you or be stupid just for the hell of it).
~ When asked to explain something that you're trying to argue as 'correct', you can't-- yet you still act like you own the world and that you know better than everyone else. Rephrasing something does not count as an explanation.
~ You consistently answer my questions with irrelevant answers.
~ You consistently spam my newsfeed by liking answers from people I don't like or don't want to see.
I will *not* unfollow you for these reasons:
~ Having an opinion different than mine and being willing to explain said opinions to those who don't understand.
~ Being busy and not answering my questions frequently.
~ Being willing to admit when you're wrong (if you find yourself in that position of course).
~ You're rude to anons who are annoying and trying to get a rise out of you.
~ Funny answers.
~ In depth answers.
~ Short answers (unless there's room for expansion-- such as in a debate type question for example).

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Liked by: tea. V

https://m.ask.fm/cottrilllauren/answers/131033433923 she's at it again. for real who keeps a TEN year old on formula. she's either fake or abusing that poor kid. here to expose her.

here to expose lauren
I don't really care? a) I don't feed into drama that people like you spread and b) by the time her kid is 10 he'll be able to get food at school or at a friend's house or something so obviously he isn't going to eat just formula regardless of what she wants. Besides, not my child not my business. If that kid ends up malnourished or something I'm sure there will be a bunch of teachers of family friends or something who will report her to CPS so why are you obsessing over someone you don't even know?


This is perfect timing! I recently posted this on Facebook due to a few absurd pro lifers I have in my friends so I decided to post here too since I'm in SUCH a rant mood.
I've been seeing a lot of pro life vs. pro choice arguments online lately and although I don't really make my political views blatantly public very often I would like to add my input to this. The matter of pregnancy and parenthood is something that should be handled responsibly, regardless of age or gender. It's not a matter to be taken lightly and it's not something in which one should use abortion as a personal form of birth control. That being said however, I am fully against absolutely everyone who says that pro life is the 'correct' belief and that anyone who says otherwise is wrong and a baby murderer. A woman should ALWAYS have the right to choose-- even if she was being irresponsible. Fetuses are not living, breathing, functional human beings until a certain point in the gestational period and that is why abortion isn't an option past a certain number of weeks. Those who perform abortions are not assisting in a murder. Those who receive an abortion are not murderers. If a woman is raped, that child should NOT be forced on her because someone took offense to something she had no choice in. Rape (and any following consequences) are NOT okay just because it involves someone else besides just the woman. A woman who was raped and is not given the option of an abortion is a woman who is being forced into a role she isn't prepared for potentially both mentally and financially because someone else took offense to HER choice in the matter. A child who never asked to be born is going to be potentially forced to live in foster care and all kinds of potentially abusive homes because someone took offense to a human being's choice. Telling a person that they have no right to choose whether or not they can have an abortion because the baby is not a part of a woman's body is essentially telling a woman that she cannot choose what goes into her body either because hey, that's not part of her body right? If a man wants to rape her, she shouldn't be able to say no because hey, that sperm will become a child one day and god forbid she stop that from happening right? Just because a few women have misused their right to a choice of abortion does not and should not mean that ALL women should have their rights to a choice and even a life taken away just because a few people couldn't see past the scientifically proven side of an argument. If you so desperately want to protect children who are actually in need of help, adopt someone. There are literally TONS of children who need a home but how many of you are actually willing to go out and adopt a child that is not and will never biologically be yours? Pro lifers so vehemently want to protect clumps of cells yet just barely a fraction of those "good samaritans" will actually help a child who is already here and looking for a nice, loving home.

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did you ever buy piracy ?

Did I ever buy piracy. Buy. Piracy. How does one go about buying piracy? I mean, piracy means the unauthorized use or reproduction of another's work or the act of attacking and robbing / hijacking something such as a ship or a plane.

Create a character in your head, now tell me about this character. Is it an animal or a human? What colour is it? What does its skin feel like? What does it like to do ect? Just be creative!

youcuntx’s Profile PhotoJ.
I'll use a couple of the characters I've used in past stories.
Flame. She's an animal, a German Shepherd dog to be exact. She's no older than 4 but she is full grown so no younger than 2. She has a typical German Shepherd appearance: large, pointed ears; average length brown/black/tan fur; large for her breed (about 100 pounds), etc. etc. She has soft fur, but she doesn't have a 'home' in the stereotypical modern day definition so she's often kind of dirty/dusty to the touch. She's a very independent animal and often doesn't trust others. In the story she only trusts one character: another dog she sees as a father figure to herself. Upon meeting the main character of the story, she immediately does NOT like him. She's passive aggressive and will avoid him as much as she can. As the story unfolds she eventually grows very close to the main character and becomes his personal bodyguard, willing to do anything for him. Given the setting of the story there really isn't much to choose from for her to enjoy doing. She isn't a natural hunter but she's vicious when it comes to protecting herself or those she cares for.
Unnamed human male character. He's approximately 20-35 years old, attractive (hard, mean, icy blue eyes; dirty blonde hair that's just long enough to look ever so slightly messy but is always kept just right and classy enough to look well kept; generally average clothing but always put together and clean; tall but not overtly so-- just enough where he blends in while still being taller than the average man; muscular but not too much so as he always feels that women won't find him as attractive if he is too muscular). He has a lot of money, like a lot a lot, but one would never guess it just by looking at him as he never shows it off. He lives in a penthouse a few blocks away from a bar that he owns. The bar is like a modern day version of Cheers in my head. He rarely actually is seen at his own bar though. The guy behind the counter at the bar is named John, he's the main character's only 'real' friend and will set him up with dates-- although he doesn't know the real purpose of those dates. The main character is a serial killer who's only trying to find the 'right' girl but John just can't seem to get it right. At the end, you find out the main character couldn't find the right girl because he's actually gay and would never really find the right girl because the 'right girl' is in fact a man.

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Hope everyone has been taking care of themselves this weekend. 💗 Q1: Is there a book/fanfiction/magazine/etc you're currently reading? What is it about the story that draws you in?

I started Straightling: A Memoir earlier today.. Honestly it's not really drawing me in at all. I got it for Christmas and I was really excited to read it because it sounded good but it's been a pretty big disappointment thus far. If I read any more and it doesn't get better I'm going to be really bummed because it'll be the second book this summer that I'll have given up on :c

There's no room for fecundating impropriety on fecundating ask. As far as I am fecundating concerned, the queynts who use fecundating language should go and get fecundated. Those queynts are just a bunch of fecundating phalluses who should be defaecated upon and treated like filthy fecundaters!

Theres no room for fecundating impropriety on fecundating ask As far as I am

my friend says he hate prostitutes bcoz they are bad for society but he love pornography& In some countries prostitution is banned but pornography is legal ? Is their any difference between prostitution & pornography & they are really bad for society ? "personaly I think both is bad for socitey"

I might be incorrect with my answer here but uh.. Let's give it a shot. In the way it's set up now, I don't think prostitution is good for society either so I suppose I agree with your buddy, but if it were legalized I see no way that it would be bad. Women would have more protection and for those who actually legitimately need the money to support themselves and/or their families they wouldn't have to worry about participating in illegal activities just to do that. Also, prostitution, because it's illegal, opens up the door for everyone who wants to kidnap women and sell them for money in my eyes. Pornography on the other hand is an actual legal, binding contract type of work. It's a job in which you have two consenting adults and I would assume that you actually do have to do some legal work (such as signing legal contracts and whatnot). I don't see how either is bad for society in all honesty, you'd have to ask someone who's into this kind of subject a little more than I am.

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http://www.playbuzz.com/michalshafrir11/how-perceptive-are-you Please take this quiz if you wish to and post the results.

madaboutbooks’s Profile PhotoV
I got flawless perception!
"You're in the top percentile for perception! The complex categorizations of spatial and temporal patterns that you're capable of are very relevant to real-world expertise. You pay attention to details your subconscious doesn't even pick up on and have a gut intuition that helps you hone in to small changes. You're analytical and a natural born problem solver, which helped you correctly recall every detail from the previous questions, even ones you weren't expecting the questions to ask about."

Do you know anyone who repeatedly says " You know what I'm sayin"?

Scottie P. from We're the Millers? He says that a lot, haha.


Language: English