
Ellie Amber Gittings

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You're stunning babe listen to no one unless there worth listening to and no ones perfect but you are very close to it ;) xxx <3

Awhhh! Thank you so much! This is so cute! Actually means a lot! This is so sweet! Thank you soooooooo much!:3<3 xxxxxx

Awh, Ellie's not fat or ugly or anything, yeah, she's not perfect, but no one is except for Taylor Lautner so seriously stfu and come off anon ffs. and tbf, very much doubt your perfect yourself so 'mate', go do one.

Jade Chloe
Awhhh thank you Jade! And aha yes he is! And Niall! Thank you soo much! ly beautiful! x
Liked by: Jade Chloe

Don't see why people are hating ellie she's awsome! People who are hating are just some sad low lifes who can go fuck off selfs!

Awhhh:3 thank you so much! Means a lot!:3

Ellie isn't fat:L? she has lush eyes, big boobs and her lips aren't massive:L?

Awhhhh!!!! :3 thank you so much! Actually means a lot! xx
Liked by: SWΣΣDO

Your so annoying always running around shouting penis and stuff and acting all cool, and you chat up boys and send dirty stuff when your 14!! Not to mention when your walking round school with your skirt half way up your ass and sticking your tits out like you own the place and boys love you.well no

Awhhh thank you:3 And I don't act "cool" I know I'm not "cool" And I don't chat up boys? What?:L And yeah of course I do! k. And my skirt is not half way up my ass thank you, my skirt is above my knees and I don't stick my tits out thank you very much:3 And since when did I say boys loved me? I've never in my life said boys loved me ahahhahahahahaha:L
Liked by: SWΣΣDO


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