
Ellie Amber Gittings

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3 things you love/hate/couldn't live without? You're gorgeous btw;o x

3 things I love: My family, Food:3 and Harry Potter! and Niall Horan even though that is 4 things:(
3 things I hate: Spiders, two faced whores and people who think they're better than everyone else and bullies the people who aren't like them nor friends with them.
3 things I couldn't live without: One Direction, Food and The Sims:3
And aww thank you so much cutie:3 x

Best boy friend?

Not really close to any boys at the moment used to be close someone and they were one of my best friends and now we don't even talk:L
Liked by: Josh soph

What would be the perfect gift for you?

Tbh I hate people buying me stuff I always feel bad after, so just being with them watching Harry Potter in onsies with oreos and ice-cream would be the perfect thing anyone could do for me:3 ooo or sea shells:3 I LOVE SEA SHELLS
Liked by: Chantel Bird

Q1:What was the happiest moment of your life? The saddest? Q2:Do you have any regrets?

1. Meeting my friends
2. when my father passed away:'(
3. And I have to many to name!
Liked by: Lana

Have you masturbated?

I like Maccies but tbh I only really eat the Chicken Mayo or the Big mac but the chicken mayo's better, I fancy a maccies now damnnnn y u do this to me?:( Omg and their smoothies go buy me one.

What are you obsessed with?

Niall Horan
One Direction
The Vamps
Harry Potter
Jamie's World
My phone
My laptop
Annoying Alex Krunic or whatever his name is he's a cooooooooont a serbian one.
Trying to find my name on a coca cola bottle but noooo they have Mandeep Adbul and Mohamad but no fucking Ellie u serious bro?
The Jeremy Kyle show
Meeting up with people even though I barley go out
& yeah think that's it tbh

What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?

A Giraffe, because they're my favorite animal:3

Where is the most fun place you have ever been?

I'm not too sure but I know what will be the most fun place I have been on after me and Alexia have gone to see the mother fucking vampss on the 9th omgggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!


Language: English