
Ellie Amber Gittings

Ask @EllieGittings

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What are some of the first things you do in the morning?

Take my retainers out, brush my hair, eat breakfast have a cup of tea then get washed and dressed then I lie on my bed on my phone

what do you believe in?

I believe in ghosts that you can be in love more than once teenagers can be in love and well I'm Christian you can figure that out

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What's the best thing anyone could buy you?

A teddy bear:3 because then when you snuggle up to it or you hold it or see it, the teddy will always remind you of that person!

you don't have it in you

People like you disgust me, what has society done to people why can't everyone be civil and kind to each other rather than call everyone disgusting names and tell them to go die u r pathetic kk suck my clit anon
Liked by: Jade Chloe

Are their any types of music you do not like

Well some screamo scares me:( Like bring me the horizon, it fucking scares me, like I know some people like it but omg I'll cry if I hear it. It's scary okay anon.

Have you got any phobias

Spiders, Clowns, small spaces, empty spaces, the dark, feet, vomiting, Paraphobia, thunder & lightning, mirrors, horses, growing old, being naked around people, swimming, giving birth and sharks,

You said harry potter is one of the best movies... It's one of the best books... Average film. your clearly not a potterhead if you say harry potter is a movie -_-

Do you really think I'm that fucking stupid? I know that Harry Potter were books before it got turned into a movie I'm not fucking special. I didn't say I was a so called "potterhead" at all I said I love the films? I prefer watching films to reading the books because you can actually see the expressions on the actors faces when they're in the action scenes. And lastly but not least, if you're going to criticize me at least correct your grammatical errors. It's "you're"
Liked by: Chantel Bird

What do you think people think of you?

I actually wonder this a lot! I always wonder what people actually think like deep down what their true feelings towards me are, I'd like to think people think I'm nice? Because I do try and I know I'm not the kindest person on the planet but to be honest I'll only be horrible for a reason; if you really piss me off I will tell you and I will tell you what I think of you. Or if you're horrible to my friends for no reason or you're just a bitch well then you clearly know what you're doing so people being horrible because you're a bitch is your fault and lastly I'd like to think they'd think I'm quite enthusiastic bubbly and caring, I may sometimes not seem like I'm caring but that's because I rarely show how I'm feeling I have this self concious feeling that if I show emotion like if I show if I'm upset or scared people will think I'm weak. So I rarely show how I'm feeling but I do like to comfort people. Yeah well that's about it and most of its a rant but oh well people can think what they want about me because nobody is liked by everybody and we can't help that everyone has their own opinion of someone you're just no everyone's cup of tea

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Liked by: Jade Chloe

i would fuck him

So would I, but I'd fuck Niall as well like we'd have one of those spit roast three ways where I'm in the middle and those two were in front and behind me and they switch like half way through

I enjoyed them very much, my point still stands you just don't see it?

Good, therefore I do not need to sit on you. Sorry what? I'm not concentrating very much I'm having an argument and watching How I Met Your Mother

but you do have an interest in the EXTREMELY original school of witchcraft and wizardry?

Of course! Harry Potter is one of the best movies/sequel ever made. Nothing can top it fairplay, if you do no have an interest into the amazing insight of the school of witchcraft and wizardry then I shall sit on you until you watch all of the films and you say you enjoy them.

but my question was an uncorrelated reference not to serius black, you ignored it :(

I know it did not have any reference to harry potter. Was probably some reference to the joker? I don't know, I do not watch batman as I currently have no interest to watch a grown man probably on drugs dress up as a bat thinking he's a super hero

sirius, surely?

I know how to spell it I was making a reference to the spelling you used within the question you submitted to me

what are you doing right now?

At this very moment; I'm sat on bed with my duvet on my lap, in my Pajamas, no make-up, no bra, on my laptop thinking about my boyfriend because I miss him already:( Oh and I'm fucking ill, yay.


Language: English