
Ellie Amber Gittings

Ask @EllieGittings

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ignore what people say about you dating lads at least u can get people their just jealous little dicks who are hyping on anonomous ur beautiful hunnie dont let anyone tell u different :*xx

Haha! And aw thank you sooo much!:3 xx

she has lots of friends because she's popular,so leave her alone.

Haha! Thank you! But in what Universe am I popular? aha:3

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U go out with boys like elliot ward eats dinner js, dont flip out liks u usually do, everyone thinks it, so u know, js

Not really, I've had like 4 boyfriends? So fuck off, and that's horrible why bring Elliot into this? Ignorant cunt

give hate http://ask.fm/fern1998 she is fat and she cuts

Omfg no! She is beautiful wtf you ignorant cunt! Go fuck yourself, how dare you say that? What gives you the right to say that to some one, so what if she cuts, it means that something bad has happened to her, and cunts like you don't help! I know what it's like she need nice people around her to comfort her and be kind and gentle, people like you make me fucking sick, you go around thinking you're better than everyone else, and getting a kick out of giving hate to people, does it make you feel big? Well it shouldn't because that is damn right sick, She is fucking beautiful and if you can't see that then you're blind! You my friend need to come off anon say it to my face so I can find out what little weasel you actually are, because you are no better, you may be pretty/hot on the outside but I can guarantee you that you are fuck ugly on the inside, all that matters to me and many other people is the beauty inside a person not on the out, that all comes down to your genes, and person may only be beautiful if they have a beautiful personality, beauty should reflect their personality on the out not on the in you make me sick and should not be in this world.

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Liked by: joeyhewitt

Why do you always say jess in ur 'best friends' when I never see you with her around school or out of school ?

Because she is? And what's it any of your business? I have known her all my life, and me and Jess rarely go out, I usually go to her house and have been going there since I was like year 4, there is photo's of us from when we were like 8? So yeah that's why?:) Thanks
Liked by: joeyhewitt

If dogs never existed, which animal would take its place as Man's Best Friend?

Erm, Giraffe (because they're cool & my favorite animal) Or a Monkey


Language: English