
Ellie Amber Gittings

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Hottest guys with good personality's? Your year?

Erm, Tom Roberts, Johnny Groves, Sam Fisher, Lewis Collier, and tbf can't think of any more haha

Do you eat fruit

Yes, I quite like Nectarines, Melons, Watermelons, Grapes, Strawberries, Blackberries, and think that's it. Oo and tomatoes

What is missing in your life that would make you very happy?

A boyfriend:3 One that actually likes me for me though! And doesn't use me and that's not a dickhead

Who was the last person you gave a gift to?

Jade, Lee-anne, Jodie, Kayleigh and Taylor; I gave them all gifts because I went on holiday:3
Liked by: eth

What will the future be like?

Well I hope it will become better, but I guarantee it will be bollocks because everything's loosing interest everyone just wants everything to be electronic and one day everything will probably be electronic, even the toilets will be telling you how healthy your fucking shit is or whatever everyone's going to be more selfish kids and teenagers who will be even bigger slags and no one will fucking know anything about that's so raven, hannah montanna, cory in the house and more omgggggggggghgggggg

For one its *Lee-Anne and I would but when I die I would like to be cremated :/ Keep dreaming bby Love you Ellie Love you jade Love you all but you anon

Haha, and same:) Love you too!
Liked by: chloe' Jade Chloe

U n jade cloe n leeane irson should go dig urselves a grave

I know I should, but how fucking dare you say that shit about two of my best friends, how fucking dare you, who the fuck do you think you are you pathetic cunt. You can give me all the criticism that you like but when you bring my friends into this shit it's a whole other level go fuck yourself you pathetic little child why do cunts like you do this shit, does it make you feel big? Happy? Feel better about yourself? I'll tell you what it makes me think about you. I think you're an insecure little whore who gets kicks out of putting other people down you need to get a life get your head out of your ass and say this shit to my face.
Rant over nigga


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