
Ellie Amber Gittings

Ask @EllieGittings

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Aw your eyes aren't deformed, they're quite pretty actually. They've probably got chinkay eyes dw x -Ilybfnn

Awh thank you:) ahah maybe;) and Ilybfnn2:) x

Where do you live? Is it a nice place or horrible? And is it a mansion or on a council estate?x

In a house:L It's okay and idk:L x

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Why are you going out with Lewis, I've sucked him of once and believe me it's tiny babe don't be your hopes up;)

Erm, Because I love him?:/ And isn't that nice:) Tbh if it was "tiny" I don't care:L I love him for him, so yeah:)

U r quite pretty ignore that orrible message u r lovely love ure hare xx

Awh:3 I sorta understood this, but thank you soo much! Means a lot! x

You look pretty in your photos then when i sometimes see you out you look vile and you eyes look deformed

No really. Thanks. Thanks for putting me down, thanks for telling me something I already know, thanks for lowering my self esteem even more, if you want to say this, pop up on Facebook, give me a reason why you said this too me, and why you said it on anonymous, go on enlighten me with your excuses why you think you have the rights to say this to a person, why you are so perfect yourself and why you couldn't say it to my face. I would love to know who this is. You have flaws yourself, EVERYONE has flaws, you may be pretty but you most likely have a ugly personality, and personality is everything, I wish peoples personality reflected on the outside so everyone could really see the real you, I'm not perfect I know I am not, but I always get told that I'm ugly, fat, frog eyes ect, but what I don't get is why you have to say this to me on anonymous why can't you tell me in person, I'm not going to hate you, just going to wonder why you think you can say this to anyone, and no I am not over reacting I'm just sticking up for myself I will stick up for myself in times like this.

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