
Ellie Amber Gittings

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Its funny how more than half of these people wouldn't say it to your face there just some pricks who have nothing better to do but bully you and say you get loads of boyfriends and that you flirt loads there just really jelous of you, you're so nice to talk to Ellie you're always here for me you nev

Aw:3 thank you sooo much! I will always be here for you;)
Liked by: oliver scott sykes

Ellie only edits her photos because of dicks like you put her down ! And she isn't popular just because of jade chloe ! I'm like best friends with jade and I'm not popular ! Ellie is popular because she is a lovely stunning person!

Aw:3 Thank you Lee! And yes you are! Aww thank you soo much! You're beautiful yourself! Actually, you're perfect:3 x

Woah bit harsh, that person was only telling you the truth, so you know not to edit them as much next time, because it gives people a bad impression on you, thats all, no need to call them a cunt and tell them to fuck themselves, god:L

I don't get why people like you can't just pop up on Facebook or say it to my face? That's why I'm so annoyed and saying that to Him/Her, If they popped up I would be so nice, understanding that they don't want me too, At least you're being half decent not giving hate just saying it, but why couldn't you say this to me in person or off anon or something that's all?:/

Shes only 'popular' because she has like almost 2,000 friends on facebook! Tbf if her and jade chloe fell out her only true/real friend would be that jess girl!

I'm not fucking popular! And so what it's Facebook I can have as many friends as I fucking want! Why are you bringing Jade into this, why can't you come off anon? Omg And not really...

I've been the chase system, I would say that you are popular

What does that even mean? I'm not going to argue so thank you aha

No offense, but your facebook profile picture is waay over edited! It doesnt look like you. Your turning into what Jade Chloe used to be like, she used to edit hers loads, I know shes stopped now but yours are like woah, calm it downn

Wtf? 'No offence' clearly if you're giving me hate it's meant to be offensive? And I don;t really care, all I've done is add one effect to it! That is all, pretty much everyone looking different when they smile, so please leave?


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