
Ellie Amber Gittings

Ask @EllieGittings

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Your boobs look an A, yet you walk around sticking them out acting like they are E's or something, just saying

lol, no

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Emilis is okay, Alex Perry is Okay too, Josh isn't bad neither is Jim Or Harry?

I just think you're hot I wanted to talk

Oh aha, thank you! And erm I'm on skype which one are you?

The question was simple, you are retarded.

I'm retarded? Yet who's the one on anonymous saying stupid stuff? Hm well it's not me
Just leave.

What is your favorite pet’s name?

I don't know whether you're asking me who is my favorite pet and what is it's name, or what is the best Name for a pet?
If it's for my favorite pet I don't have many so my dog Wonder:3 And idk the other one ahaha

Should. You care who it is for a fan sign

Well obviously? Fan signs is where you write their names I'm not exactly going to write "anonymous" on a part of me am I?


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