
Ellie Amber Gittings

Ask @EllieGittings

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something youve always wanted to do?

Be myself for once, and not think that everyone is judging me, and not b so self consoius. But that will never happen

Ice cream , sweets , chocolate or crisps ? (choose one , ONLY ONE)

Aw I love Ice-cream:( But Crisps!!!:3

what do you prefer single or in a relationship ? xxxxx

In a relationship? Who likes being single?;/xxxxx

if you had top pick one which would you do: hold a snake for 5 seconds or walk around school naked for 2 seconds

Well... Seeing as I like Snakes, and used to have a pet one, and I called her Malteaser, but I think her real name was Maltisha, I would hold a Snake for 5 Seconds, even though Walking around school naked could be pretty fun?:)

What did you dream about last night?

Well it's a but weird but I am so...
Right me and my best friend (Jade Chloe) became burgulars, and we burgled loads of shops, we like had those skin coloured tights on our face (we looked cool) we nicked all their burgers and went:) We carried on burglering every where:) And didn't get caught:)


Language: English