
Ellie Amber Gittings

Ask @EllieGittings

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1. What day do you hate most? 2. Name 2 people you like most on ask? 3. Favorite song?

1. Monday
2. You of course Mr Bean;) Nobody compares to you!:O
3. Plain white t's- Hey there Delilah

What image do you have as your desktop background?

Right now it's an ugly fish:L My background changes everyday

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If you were going to do karaoke tonight, what song would you sing?

Oh god-_- I can't sing so I probably wouldn't do it!

if u could have 1 wish what would you wish for?xo

Erm... I'd probably wish for one more day with my dad? Cheesy I know I know but I wish could it's all I want!xo

So u might?? And your underwear sounds sexy! Btw you said that you would let a guy cum in your mouth, thats sooo hot, bra size??xxxxxxxxxx

Dunno really, and thank you? I don't want a guy too I just said I'd spit swallowing is gross:/ Haha and ahh guess? xxxxxxxxxxxx


Language: English