
Ellie Amber Gittings

Ask @EllieGittings

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age? location? single/taken? height? weight? bra size? current bra colour? spit or swallow cum? sexuality? virgin? been fingured before? current underwear colour? type of underwear you wear most? do you masturbate? had anal? will you send nudes?

Location: Malvern
Single/taken: Single
Height: 5'6
Weight: heavy:L
Bra size: Not saying
Current bra colour: Giraffe print
Spit or swallow cum: Spit!
Sexuality: Straight
Virgin: Yess
Been fingered before: Nope
Current underwear colour: White:)
Type of underwear you wear most: Pantiesssss(y)
Do you maturbate: Noppeee
Had Anal: Nooo
Will you send nudes: Probs not:)

What do you go on to edit your photos? You're beautiful btw x

Well seeing as you have to pay for it now I don't edit them but I used to go onto picmonkey:) And awh thank you:3 x

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aha, I wouldn't say that, you've got waaaay bigger than average boobs;) x

Haha thanks, but erm how would you know that? ;) x

prettiest year10 girls at chase??

Erm, Tash Jones, Abbi Sheen, Cerri Teague, Jodie Vance, Chloe Prince, chloe christian, Natt Mitchell and loads moree(y)

your ideal lad?

Well I like blondes but I'm not really fussed, nice eyes, kind, sweet, funny, can make me smile, a good personality, relitively good looking, can be themselves and don't act different infront of their mates, and can like me for me(And be loud and hyperrr like me)

1) age (2) fav colour (3) sgl/taken ? (4) height (5) weight (6) straight,bi or lez (7) bra size (8) smoke weed (9) been fingered ? (10) had your nipples sucked ?(11) pussy bald or hairy ?(12) virgin ?(13) have masturbated ?(14) had anal ?(15) thongs or panty?(16) felt lonely ?(17) cryed rec

1) 13
5) Not saying tbh I'm heavy:L
7)Same as Jade Chloe;)
10)wtf dude? No
11)Not Saying
17) Yes:L

Actually your not that kind! you like to think that your better than other people and like to make other people feel small coz your bigger than them!!

Well that's a lie-_- I don't think I'm better than anyone and I never ever make people feel small so stfu and calm down:L And how am I bigger than people? I never make people feel small... You are just pathetic you got nothing else to do but be a dick online, if you've got nothing nice to say don't say it? Or come off anon and say it? Or maybe come say it to my face.

tbh ur so kind it's unbelievable your so nice to everyone why?

Awh thank you:3 And well I don't like treating people like shit:L I think everyone deserves to be treated with respect no matter who they are

If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask?

Even though he's dead, I'd ask Hitler what was so bad about Jewish people why did you hate them?

Opinions On Lee-anne Ireson?

Where do I start? Well she is one of my best friends and is sooooo beautiful! She's amazing and kindd and gorgeous and funny and sweet I love her lots and lots like Jelly tots:) Words can't describe her! She Amayzayn:)


Language: English