
Ellie Amber Gittings

Ask @EllieGittings

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That person is kind of right ellie, i see you in school and you do flirt, i dont wanna make you upset but babe you need to face the truth and apparently its going around that you said your dumping fabian anyway haha

Not really, and in school? phhaha no fucking way do I? I can't win tbh I wish I was never born especially, in this era it's shit, and I'm not going to so fuck off you're all little shit stirres

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I love how your not answering my other question because you know its the truth haha and Im seriously not trying to put you down, Im honestly telling the truth fgs

Sorry what was your other question? Why can't you say this to me not on anon?

Leave Ellie alone you bastards, none of you would like it would ya? Its cowardly as well if you're on anonymous :/ I'm just chillin out talkin to a proper cutie on ask :') xoxo

Aw;3 Thank you so much! And aw cutee:3 xoxo

Lee-anne, kayleigh, jade, everyone who was there at henry dydes party watching you cuddle up to lewis and squeezing his ass and sat on him and the people who also saw you then go onto luke smith and cuddle with him and you apparently even said yoirself that you would go out with him

I wasn't even cuddling up to Lewis, and wtf? Over exaggerating again? I didn't even touch his ass, I wasn't sat on him either, we shared a fucking chair nobody say on anyone? Ah so you're someone from the party, I thought pretty much everyone there was my friend, clearly not, and yeah of course I did love, I didn't cuddle up to him either, and I did not, he's a friend that all, you're just getting on my nerves now fuck off

Oh and im not putting you down to make me feel better, im very happy thanks, its just the truth okay

Yes you are, you're lying to me and to yourself, it's not the truth, why couldn't you talk to me in person or on Facebook, you think just because there is an anonymous button you can abuse that by giving me hate go and get a life

Awkssssss when you say there are 200 people in malvern when there are 1700 in our school alone..

Not all of them live in Malvern:/

Its true though, even all your friends agree haha

Of course it is, and go on which friends, enlighten me, seeing as you can't even come off anon

I'm feelin really good at this point, now that I'm talking to you :') so wuu2? xoxo

Good! And aww:3 And just talking to you, and dealing with the usual hate aha what about you? xoxox

Dont even bother coming back with some huge paragraph explaining a load of shit cause it aint going to change my opinion love. Im good to fabian unlike you...

And I will do what ever the fuck I want, If I want to write a paragraph I can, who are you to tell me what to do? I'm not the pussy hiding being a computer screen am I?? And of course you are, and I'm very god to him actually, so you can fuck right off, I don't flirt so I don't know where you're getting all this shit from-_- if you have a problem at least have the DECENCY to come off anon? Hm no thought not, so fuck off and get a life, if you really have to put people down to make yourself feel better then you have a problem and I think you need to go talk to some one and get a life

You had a boyfriend, he dumped you and like a day later you had a new boyfriend and yet now you have been flirting with almost every guy on the planet, like seriously, your giving people the wrong impressions and dont even bother trying to flirt with me because I wouldnt do that to fabian,and dont..

How the fuck have I been flirting? I haven't and don't fucking over exaggerate, there are 7 billion people on this planet, and I live in Malvern, there are like 200 people here? Who even are you? And why would I flirt with an ignorant cunt like you?? If you have a fucking problem with me at least get the balls to fucking say it to my face rather than being a pussy and doing it on an anonymous social networking site:D

if you had the attention of the whole world for 1minute, what would you say/do ?

"Give me free Maccies"

Are you a gypsy?x

Yes, I live in a caravan I wear sparkly pink jogers and pink uggs too, I do not spell correctly or use the correct grammar, and I also smoke weed, and get slashed every night, I also have a very chavy accent and like to call people blud, I think I look like barbie, and I sometimes like to dress half naked with my belly out, I am a true Gypsy Gal/Boii x


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