

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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Ok, so at my job we're decorated for the holidays and one of our decorations is this human sized snowman. Picture a person but a snowman's head. And this thing has stood in places where if I just happen to look up and see it it scares the crap out of me because I think someone is standing there.

Somebody's upset that Halloween's over, lol.

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Who is your favorite live performer?

Haven't heard too many. Though I will say that John Newman is either awesome, or terrible, live. Never in between.

So apparently the Internet is fine even without my computer. Surprised me. Anyway, BatmanArkhamVideos released a new video with new details from Edge magazine. Any thoughts on the new info?

I have just seen it, forgive my delay. I had been watching Chronicle, and left my phone upstairs.
The magazine shows some impressive pictures, and I am almost certain that the game will become a huge hit for 2015.
If they made the option to release it for Wii U, I would be all for buying it. Sadly though, that isn't the case. Anyway, the magazine was good, though I am a bit curious about Riddler. I'll get into that later. But for now, good night.

What is better the truth even if it hurts, or a lie?

that's something I can't answer. but do what you think is right.

I'm taking my computer to be fixed, so Internet will be down for a while. If you try to contact me I am not ignoring you. Have a wonderful day.


Forgot to unblock myself on the last one.

Colin Brinkley
OK. I trust you.
I'd like to talk with you, but I'm busy right now.
If you're not too busy on Christmas, maybe you and I can chat.

No, no, I mean I saw that you mentioned me to that wolf guy. XD

Colin Brinkley
I know you are that dude who left me anonymous messages a few months ago.
I'm just going to say this. I don't mind talking to you, but do not leave anymore cryptic messages, or I will have to block you.

What holiday gift would make you really happy?

To be able to gain the power to DJ and produce music for others. For years, I have done nothing but be entertained. Now, I want to be the one entertaining. I want everyone to listen to music, and have it stick with them. Not the same songs either. All different kinds, so that even your grandparents can listen to an electronic song, and truly enjoy it. That is my holiday wish. It may not happen this year, but I will wait for the day that it does happen.

Thoughts on a potential TT update tomorrow?

To be honest, while I am excited, I don't think the video is really gonna be much. Noah hasn't said anything like: "Oh my god, shit's gone down what the fuck, what do I do." He's just like: Update video. Really reluctant to show my face. That's all. So, maybe an ending clip, and distortion, but mostly just a normal update video like Several Months of Hell, or Case Findings. What do you think?

If you had to get on a 14 hour flight, who would you want to sit next to?

Tough question.
Either Calvin Harris, Markiplier, Stephen Georg, or JackSepticEye.

I need a favor. Can you look up and tell me if the original animatronics are hunting you in game two? If they are, which ones and when do they activate? If you can't it's fine. This may make or break part of my analysis. I'll do it later if you can't.

All of the old animatronics attack you. None of them leave you alone after Night 4.


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