

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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Have you ever visited a fortuneteller? Why or why not?

I have not, since I wish to keep my money for other things. And also because I like things to be a surprise.

I would download that track for you if it wasn't a problem here, due to the German law considering even the most legal torrenting as piracy. It's infuriating.

It's alright bro. Some dude on SoundCloud uploaded it up there, and I have it at my disposal now. Might not make a mashup with it since I've already made my own, but maybe I'll drop it on a New Years Eve gig or something like that. Appreciate the support tho!

Are you a "La La fan"?

Like Wolf, I did have an interest in the Teletubbies when I was young. I personally preferred Po out of all of them, but Laa Laa was cool too.
Liked by: Wolf

What kills us and what makes us eternal?

What kills us: Our souls times zero.
What makes us eternal: Our souls divided by zero. Or excessive time traveling. Take your pick.
Liked by: Wolf

What are you currently addicted to?

The Mother/Earthbound trilogy by Nintendo. I don't own the games personally, but man do they tug at your emotions. Especially Mother 3.

Regrettably, due to a series of complications, The Wolf Chronicles is dead. I will however do an update video that will explain the rest of the story on my normal channel. Sorry.

It's cool. Shit happens. It was such an interesting story tho.
Liked by: Wolf

What is your all-time favorite song?

Currently, it's Autoerotique's remix of That Part by Schoolboy Q...that is impossible to find right now.

Sure thing! Definitely looking forward to that stuff! Also, my favourite had to be That Part vs. Honey

Me no conversate with the fake...

Just checked out your recent mashups on DemoDrop. Well done dude! Sorry that I completely forgot about this site, I was cleaning up my Gmail when I saw an e-mail notification and I saw that you've posted quite a bunch of nice stuff.

Thanks! I honestly didn't expect you to check it out at all, as I was just dumping some ideas down there. Personally, my favorites I've done are We Sink vs. Dark River (WS was amazing already, and DR's riser added so much punch to it), and That Part vs. Honey (which I'm considering on editing after hearing Autoerotique's remix of That Part).
I've been working on mashups the recent BURNS single, Black Beatles, Depeche Mode, and some other stuff, so keep and eye out for that if you're interested.

2/2 I kinda want to send you a .rar with IMO the "highlights", so you can determine whether you want to give it a full shot or not, since only elseq 1 is on Spotify and openly streamable. Like I said, it is a grower like any AE record. But goddamn, I'm still amazed by it's design.

Yeah, unfortunately it doesn't appear here in America either.
Like the Wonky Angle, I'm not the biggest fan of Autechre, but I'll check it once I find a way to get it.

You know what, God bless cassettes. I have the final master of Ecouri on cassette and maybe I can rip it and I'll try to guess my Bandcamp pass and just post it at around midnight. Maybe today isn't that bad after all...

See, I used to think that once something happened, everything was gone. But that's not really true. It's just what's in your mind.
Speaking of cassettes, I still have a tap recorder that I have to start using again. I was gonna use it to record family conversations or for some other stuff, but they really are fun to play with. Anyways, good luck with Ecouri!

2/2 Now I'm on my backup laptop (that has only half of the stuff backed-up), so I still have internet access, albeit slightly limited. I'm still here, guys. Just busier than usual. And I'll probably be even more in the future. "Ecouri" was planned to come out on the 14th. Sorry : (

Damn. I've had stuff like that happen to me before, and man is it a bitch. Having something all ready and then something malfunctions and screws up everything. It really sucks.
Don't let this get you down tho. Maybe Ecouri might not come out on Valentine's, but it will come out. There will be setbacks in life, really shitty ones. But rolling with the punches is the best thing to do. Take care, and keep working hard. Your stuff is awesome.

Found the Beware the Slenderman documentary on YouTube. I think just for laughs cause I'm ill I'm going to give that a watch tonight. See just how terrible it really is. Still haven't watched Adam's stream of it yet. Wish me luck.

You will need it. I think.
Liked by: Wolf

Would you rather get a computer virus or the flu?

Not entirely sure what a computer virus could do to the human body, but I'm not really willing to experiment.
Liked by: Wolf


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