

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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What if the chamomile tea is no longer soothing?

Move to South America and binge-drink all the coffee you can get.

Have you ever picked mushrooms in the forest? Did you like it? Or do you find it better to buy them in the store?)

Unless you want to die of natural poisoning at an early age, you ALWAYS buy them at the store. No exceptions.

Do you wanna be in a relationship with the person you like?

No, I would totally prefer to be in a relationship with a person who I despise with all of the hatred within me. Sounds like a fun time.

Cause it would be a dead giveaway if the journal said “I hate you” instead of Milo hates you. I may be wrong. Probably am. But I read that and my heart just sank. Counter question: who or what could it be if it’s not Milo? It acted like him, especially during Crawlspace.

Yeah. That's a really good question. One I've been asking myself since seeing that post after the events of Fortunes. Admittedly, it was so mind-boggling to me that I gave up on trying to figure out what it was, and just decided to see it as Mr. Scars inside the journal. Or maybe it's like the Device in that multiple Collective members are inhabiting it. To me, the journal's voice is a dead end. Until we find out more, I guess we can go with the whole "Milo is the journal" thing.
Liked by: Wolf

We always suspected that Milo inhabited his journal. I think that tweet confirms it, and suggests Noah killed Milo again in opening it.

Oh yeah. That.
In game, I guess we can assume that 's the case. However, I do remember Adam saying on Tumblr that the thing possessing Milo's journal is separate from Milo/Mr. Scars himself. Not sure what that could mean, or what Milo's journal is. Plus, why would the journal say "Milo hates you" if the journal is Milo?

That tweet means what I think it does doesn’t it?

It means that...Noah's scanner broke and he got a new one?
That's the only thing I got from it. Did you see something ominous in that tweet?

r u going to the cemetery on Halloween?

Considering the fact that my school likes to assign midterms on Halloween, probably not.
Liked by: Wolf

what's something you would never want to tell anyone?

The fact that I have something I would never want to tell someone.
Liked by: Wolf

How do you think they’ll deal with Leia since she’s still alive at the end of VIII?

I think they'll just kill her off in the opening crawl. Like how they revealed Luke had vanished, the first line will be something like "Leia Organa Solo has died". Maybe we'll get to see our new characters pay respect to Leia before the adventure begins too. I would like that.
Liked by: Wolf

Do you think Captain Phasma should have even been in this movie? Do you think she’s alive? And if she isn’t, do you think her character was criminally underused?

Admittedly, yes. After getting hyped up for her return after TFA, I was more than a little disappointed to see her fall to her death, with even less screentime than she got in TFA. Her fight with Finn was epic (if short), and I liked the reveal of her eye at the end. Other than that, she's very underused. Not sure about her survival though.
Liked by: Wolf

What did you think of Admiral Holdo (purple hair chick) and her finally act with the hyperspace bullet?

Definitely a unique way to kill off some enemies in the Star Wars universe. So she gets points for that. I still think that she should know how to communicate to her followers so that they don't get the wrong impression like they did. Then again the Jedi Council did that in ROTS, so who am I to complain?
Liked by: Wolf


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