

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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What is the worst excuse you've ever heard?

*insert some crazy extremist argument here*
"And I know this because God told me in a giant book that totally wasn't written by a bunch of dudes high on cocaine in the desert!"
Enough said.
Liked by: Wolf

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Death counter in Outlast: 1 Current location: priest just doped me and dropped me somewhere. Yes I will still absolutely get scared when I record this with someone.

Little piggy no no, little piggy go home.
Little piggy run run, little piggy find a phone.
Little piggy not here, little piggy go go.
Little piggy make a break for the front of Death Row.
Why the hell did I just make that? I dunno. But I'm semi proud of it.
Keep going man. You ain't seen shit yet. Also, really hope you recorded that.
Liked by: Wolf

Twitter just happened to send him one of those 'people you may know' emails. And yeah, made it today so I didn't have to refresh Noah's every couple hours.

Oh cool. Best thing to do in my opinion.
Liked by: Wolf


Well this brings back memories, to say the least.
I'm glad to have helped a person, just by talking with them from time to time every day. I'm sure Nikola feels the same.
Thank you, Wolf, for being there for when I want to talk about the newest thing that's happened, both in TT, and in the real world. And thank you for your commentaries, thoughts, opinions, and personality towards everything that's happened ever since...2013? Or was it 2014? Whatever. Even if we never meet, I probably know you well enough to share a lot of what's on my mind on certain things.
And thank you Nikola, for helping me expand my knowledge of music, entertainment, and ways on helping others. You've helped me open myself up more in ways that you would never have imagined. It's been great knowing you two. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Liked by: Wolf

I don't know how, but somehow my dad found my Twitter. What the actual hell? The only person, so far, who could know is you. Until Nikola gets on and sees his feed. Beginning to think my dad stalks me.

Didn't know you had a Twitter. Sounds weird. But I would just ask him about it. Just to see why he follows you.
Liked by: Wolf

http://thenimbus.tumblr.com/post/145013163370/i-know-this-might-be-a-question-you-and-everyman So yes, it was Michael. Michael Andersen is the only name that fits.

Yeah. I wanted to send this to you both, but I forgot to. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that we'll ever find out why Michael was in the bathroom, since I read somewhere on Dylan Sinclair's Tumblr that not even Dylan & Austin (Michael/Patrick and Shaun Andersen) know if MLANDERSON0 is over or not.
Liked by: Wolf

What artist would you call a "sellout"?

I kinda wanna say Fall Out Boy, after I saw their Ghostbusters song
Liked by: Wolf

Someone actually sent me the full explanation of what 'arrow to the knee' actually means recently. I thought it was cool. And it makes the memes that much funnier.

Yeah. Orcs are hella weird man.
I am never saying that word again.
Liked by: Wolf

And just like that, Aela, Lucia, and myself are one big happy family. Not going to lie, I got a bit emotional when Lucia called her momma and talked about what they did together. Now to work on that bigger house.

Good luck with that.
Especially now that you've taken an arrow to the knee.
Liked by: Wolf

Warm home-Check Adopting Lucia-Check Tomorrow I continue the Companion quests and work my way to goal three.

Liked by: Wolf

So I started Skyrim, and I'm now suspending all story missions until I complete these three tasks: a warm home, marrying Alea, and adopting the orphan girl Lucia. I almost cried when she asked me to be her dad.

Liked by: Wolf


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