

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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Second degree burns to my right index, but the wound wrap makes my hand almost useless.

Oh. On sorry to hear that. Hope you recover.

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So I now have a week off of work and an almost useless right hand. Any suggestions of what to do to occupy my time? Also, how've you been?

I've been good, thanks. I've mostly been doing nothing for the last few days. But what's wrong with your right hand?

Which is worse, being too hot or too cold?

They're both not nice. But if we're burning up....
We might as well be Lovers On The Sun!

If you had more money than you ever need, would you give it away?

It depends. If I were to give it away, I would give it away to a charity and/or a friend who needs it. If I gave it all to some random homeless dude, he might buy a ton of guns and start killing everyone.
So my advice is this: While it is nice to give money to others, be sure that who or what you are giving it to looks trusting. Otherwise, you might accidentally cause a lot of problems.

Are you enjoying The Blood of Olympus?

I finished it a couple of days ago. I think it's a great way to end off the series while answering all of the questions at the end.
I've always been a Rick Riordan fan, and have read the Kane Chronicles, Heroes of Olympus, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. I also read the 39 clues when I was younger. I think that the story he's put down here is awesome, and unique. It really makes me appreciate mythology.
His next book on what appears to be about the Norse gods looks interesting. I don't know if I'll buy it though, as I think it would ruin my Avengers Thor image. Anyway, of the series?

Do you sing in the shower? What kind of songs?

I don't really sing in the shower, I mostly him David Guetta songs.

Are you disappointed with the underabundance of TT updates?

Not really. I've waited for even longer updates from the channel. This is actually getting me even more excited.

So with the 1tth being less than 48 hours away, any bets on a possible update?

I have a feeling Mr. Scars or Firebrand is going to wake Noah up. Tell him why the crap he's going through is all worth it in the end. I think Firebrand will show Noah a vision of what he lived through which we will see through the camera. Then, once it's done, Noah will get back on his feet. But that kinda puts the Vines into question. What the hell do they even mean?

Well with 1 hour and 10 minutes left in Halloween, at least on my end of the world, I think it's safe to assume that I was wrong about something happening on TT today.

Just because Noah hasn't (and probably won't) update tonight, doesn't mean nothing will happen altogether. Noah could be in some deep shit right now, and won't tell us until tomorrow.
So don't give up yet, stuff could still be happening at this moment.

What is (or was) your favorite class in school?

History, some English, maaaaaaybe a bit of science. But I still hate Math, even though you need those skills the most.

Also, thank you for the analysis on tumblr. I do not have audio from the vine and had no idea what was going on with that.

No problem. I've always wanted to do a formal TT analysis.
I'll probably be doing more in the future, so look forward to that.


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