

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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Dude, I cannot sit and watch IT without thinking about that scene from the book you told me about. Like, every time I see the girl that pops in my head. It’s making me want to say “Screw character development lets just have Pennywise all the time.” By the way, he’s fucking creepy.

Man, I really want to watch IT. I've heard it was good, minus the cut scene and the weird dancing thing that became a meme. And yeah, Pennywise, from what I've seen is really creepy. Personally, he reminds me of Zombozo from the original Ben 10 series.
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What have you guys been playing during my absence? I've really enjoyed playing through Dark Souls 1 (now I'm beating it for the third time, haha), Souls 2, Doki Doki, Danganronpa 1 and 2 and Persona 5.

I haven't been playing a whole lot of video games as of late, since my finals are coming up, but I was playing some Star Fox 64 and updating the Ocarina of Time LP. Still trying to find my own style and mannerisms, but I'm making progress. If you have the time, do check it out (I know, shitty self-promotion).
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I had a conversation with a friend regarding my ~tilde project, saying that I should post my tracks on YT. I've been contemplating on this thought for some time. Do you think I should go for a separate channel just for ~tilde and will it be worth it? I don't want them with my shitposts haha.

No, that's a great idea. It would actually be easier for me to access since SoundCloud has become such a mess, and I don't really know how to use Bandcamp. If you made a ~tilde channel, I could access everything you've made quickly and easily. Plus, then you'd have 3 channels you can take credit for, ~tilde, your own channel, and TTR.
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Also, kudos on writing the subtitles/cc on the TT videos and having patience, I had to translate and write subs for my Ian Curtis biography video and it was hell.

I was only able to do it for Milo's Tape, since everyone else beat me to the other videos. But I am proud of the work I did there, thanks!
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2:32 am. finished catching up on the diary entries. i am so in need of going to bed now, but im gonna spend some time digging through your thoughts and discussions. man, milo's life was so much worse than we all thought...

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february 7th, 1997. henka. i'm literary screaming at my screen because of how fucking cool the appearance and deadhead's vessel's confirmation were.

So was I when I first read it. I never would've thought Milo would have ever encountered Henka Visæ, but here we are. It seems entirely plausible that he's the "conman" who started the tragedy of the Asher-Maxwell family in the first place as well, as Deadhead was seen in a cell during DEATHTRAPEXODUS. But now, we need to answer another question...who is Henka Visæ?
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Also, I have just noticed that the "capsize" entry is posted at 1:11 AM. Something of significance or just a small continuity error?

Whenever Noah can't upload an entry at 11:11 P.M, and still wants to get it out there, he settles for 1:11 A.M instead. Just so that he can keep all the 1's.

There is a very rare pressing of SAWII which is on brown vinyl and has a couple of extra songs. One of them is called [Stone In Focus]. Favourite Aphex track for sure. Beautiful droning piece which lasts for around ~10 minutes. Absolute highlight of SAWII (and the entirety of his discography) for me

Actually, I have a version of SAWII on Google Play that has a song called Stone in Focus, but it's very different from the 10 minute version I found on YouTube that matches with your description. I dunno if Wikipedia made a mistake when putting the names on the article (as I had to reference it when manually changing the song titles from the number format), but it's been bugging me for awhile. Both versions are nice, but I agree that the YT version is the best.

I have actually read some of the blog posts some time ago, but now's the time to sink my teeth deep. I love the attention to detail. Everything is posted on 11:11 PM. And the font (OCR A Extended) is the same one which Firebrand uses in the Hellgaze© Music Videos. And the page scans are amazing.

Indeed they are. Never thought Milo/Adam would be such a great drawer. But the storytelling is magnificent.
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Also, holy shit does reading the diary feel somewhat serene with Selected Ambient Works Vol. 2

Adam actually posted something on Tumblr that recommended certain soundtracks one should listen to while reading Milo's journal. Donnie Darko and The Fountain soundtracks, to name a few.
Also, finally got around to really sinking my teeth into Vol. 2. Feels realized. I'm not going to say I like every song on it, but tracks like Parallel Lines, Radiator, Cliffs, Blue Calx, Lichen, Tree, and of course Rhubarb are probably some of the best songs ever created in the ambient world.
Also, I have been going on a genre binge in order to understand the mindsets of each Collective member, and it's been helping me get into even more music. Right now, I've been digging a lot of Prog Rock, Goth/Emo/Screamo, and Rockabilly. It's crazy how much I've been missing out on.

so um...i'm back? sorry for being offline for such a long time, hopefully everything should be working fine now. how have you guys been? also, a quick rundown of tribetwelve events wold be lovely!

Hey man, we're just glad you're back. Your presence is something that can never be forgotten.
As for TT, there's nothing massive in terms of video updates, but Adam stated that he's planning on trying to finish the series (or most of it) this year.
However, the Maxwell Archive has a LOT of important information that alludes to a lot of the lore from the series. I recommend you do a binge read once you get the chance (also, be wary that there's spoilers in regards to this on both our feeds, so please don't scroll down). I will warn you tho, Milo's story is a sad one. We can all talk about it once you're caught up. Also, don't check the TT wiki until you're caught up.
Hope everything is going well on your end man. I understand it's been tough for you out east, but we always are here to help you out.

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Hoo boy, this one's a doozy. Starting off, it's nice to see the Adler family again. Not just because they give more context behind the photos, but because they also are nice to Milo. But of course, Bloody Mary and Sharon has to take him to Karl's place. I'm assuming that Sharon knows nothing about Mary's cult meetings, and is only there to talk about legalities regarding Karl's will.
I find it particularly interesting that Karl Maxwell smokes. He didn't seem like the smoking type back when we saw him on film. And his metaphor towards Mary is correct. Giving Mary Asher Sebastian's journal would be a very, very bad idea. I'm guessing that through his senility, he knows his own daughter well enough to know how awful she is.
Then we have Milo discovering the journal. He would've obviously gotten away with it in hand if it weren't for Persolus. He seems intent on making sure nobody gets away with it. Honestly though, I'm more disturbed by what Karl said. "The child tried to kill us all." Just like how he referred to Milo as "Noah's friend" in My Grandfather Karl. In other words, he really doesn't know who Milo is. In my opinion, that is the most disturbing thing I've ever read in Milo's journal thus far.

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Nothing much to comment on here, except for the camera parts, dreams, and the hooded figure (who I'm pretty sure is our good friend Mr. Visæ). OOG, I would assume that the parts where Milo filmed Slender Man and hood guy from out the window would be shown on the main channel if Kyle Malo hadn't left the project. Still, it goes to show that capturing him on video isn't easy.
The dream portions seem to lead directly into the next entry, which I will talk about later. Although Milo's metaphors for Slender Man do seem to be important for understanding what it is. Also, glad to see Oscar still cares for Milo. Good kitty.
As for John Fletcher...goddamn did the guy have it rough. I'm with Milo, he did not deserve to go through all that shit he did with Mary Asswipe. Milo likely ended his own life to try to keep him safe, but not even that was enough. I just hope that in-game, he can finally see what was going on and understand how terrible Milo and his family had it.

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Thoughts on the latest couple entries? Everything since the fox one.

I'll answer my thoughts in separate asks, so be on the lookout.
"pantry". Well, we've got more photos that make sense, and it seems that Noah's first encounter with Slender Man wasn't through the Submission videos. And honestly, I felt really bad for Milo as he began to realize how to keep his loved ones safe. He's like an emo kid, but totally justified in how and why he acts the way he does. And unrelated I know, but he's also a perfect foil for Michael/Patrick Andersen. Whereas the former stays away from everyone to help them, Michael tries to surround himself with everybody to keep Slendy off his back.
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Oh cool. Didn’t know that. But that’s awesome. Wonder how many other things I’ll find. It’s the first time I’ve read this. I know the organ removal (DarkHarvest) and plastic bags (EMH) are in here.

That sounds neat. Not sure where that website might be, but maybe I'll look for it in my spare time.
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+2 answers in: “So dude, I’ve been reading the document about the Slender Man mythos and I’ve stumbled upon a very familiar story. About a kid’s grandpa who was part of the OSS during WW2 who went on a mission in the Black Forest in Germany.”

So dude, I’ve been reading the document about the Slender Man mythos and I’ve stumbled upon a very familiar story. About a kid’s grandpa who was part of the OSS during WW2 who went on a mission in the Black Forest in Germany.

Yep. Adam said that he based Karl's story off of one of the older parts of the Mythos. Just to pay more tribute to the series before starting on his own path. Pretty interesting stuff.
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my friends asked my crush out today. during 7th grade celebration one of his friends told me to come to him but i said no . my friend walked over and he said he didnt want a girlfriend. we went outside today for snow cones and he was sitting alone and looked like he was crying. i need advice

Then don't come to me. Ask a person you trust for help. Not some random stranger in the internet.
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This’ll sound stupid but you doing ok? I know IW hits hard. Also Adam apparently has need for people who speak German.

I saw that. If I knew how speak German, I would jump at the cahnce to voice act for Adam. Unfortunately, I don't know German, and I don't want to ruin immersion by butchering the language. If Adam needs any English-speaking auditions, I'll be sure to give it a shot.
And yeah, IW hit me super hard. I'm alright, but holy shit. There is literally nothing that can describe that ending. No one can prepare for it either. It just comes out of left field, snacks you in the face, disappears, and then snacks you down from behind while you're still recovering. Needless to say, I'm gonna be thinking about this one for awhile.
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