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Currently trying to overcome a new addiciton: Purity Ring - Fineshrine

Ha! Good luck with that. I love that song to no end. Impossible to not have it stuck in your head.
Honestly tho, I would suggest that you check out both Purity Ring albums (Shrines and Another Eternity). Both excellent albums with some deep and poetic themes. Megan James is a great vocalist, and Corin Roddick produces some great trap beats and synths that match her well. Purity Ring are one of the reasons why I'm proud to be Canadian tbh.

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So, I'll ramble about vinyl in school on the 30th next week. Taking my copies of A Moon Shaped Pool and Beneath the Skin with me, lol. At least my teacher is hyped up.

I'm hyped too! This is a really good opportunity for you dude. Good luck on the 30th!

It's official - I will be performing Green Marbles next month in my school. Currently arranging stuff for the live performance. My music teacher is on drums. We've got a bassist too. Fuck...

Holy crap man, that's amazing! You should be really proud dude. Kudos to your teacher as well. Good luck!
Liked by: Wolf

A lot of what is making me tense is now all in my head. I'm away from it. But the memories and feelings are there. And while I may be overthinking things, I'm trying to not make it seem like I'm interested in being more than just her friend. Even though I kind of am.

I would refrain from looking at her too much. I've learned from experience that makes people anxious. Those are my two cents.
Liked by: Wolf

So is it me, or does some of the stuff in Return to Arkham look worse than the original?

Indeed. Perhaps Rocksteady has enlisted the wrong people to update the graphics.
Liked by: Wolf

Gents, I'm becoming worried. I'm trying to write a letter to one of my friends, and I'm finding myself worrying if I'm saying the wrong things or if what I'm saying is stupid. What is happening to me?

Perhaps you are overthinking things. I would just write what comes to you, and try and clarify if it seems confusing.
Liked by: Wolf

Tense is one word to describe me right now. And I have no release for it.

Hm. I would take the time to isolate yourself from the things that frustrate you. Make sure there is nothing that can interrupt you at all. Then stay there for a few minutes. Just a suggestion.
Liked by: Wolf

Call me weird [And then call him maybe-S] but I just got this strange feeling that Scriniarii is connected to, if not, the kid we keep seeing next to The Administrator. Liam.

Hmm. That's as n interesting idea. Liam has almost never been mentioned, and the last time we saw him was as a young child. Perhaps we can see what happened to the guy now that he's grown up.
Liked by: Wolf

Regarding Geogaddi:

I'm wondering if the Geogaddi is this gigantic demon world that feeds off the past in order to keep itself alive. All the songs on the album show me different events that are seemingly unconnected. But the Geogaddi keeps them in stasis, for it's own amusement and to keep it alive.
Is the Geogaddi a world or a demon? I don't know. But it's always there.
Liked by: Wolf

"today is my 25th birthday and i am a hollow husk of a human being. these past few years have turned me cold and pensive, but through my tenacious study i have found truth." http://maxwellarchive.blogspot.de/

I think I may know a little bit of what Noah is talking about here. Let me break some quotes down:
"a dead father back from the grave"
I'm almost positive this is referring to Robert Asher. Noah has mentioned him on Ask.fm for awhile now, and Firebrand has hinted that he is important as well. How is Robert back? Is he a member of the Collective? That remains to be seen. Yes, this may not be a whole lot of evidence backing this up, but I really don't see any other options.
"a conman that started it all"
Judging by the events of DEATHTRAPEXODUS, I have a hunch that this conman is Deadhead. Since Deadhead is likely the poor Nazi Soldier from Karl Maxwell's story, and Deadhead is shown in a jail cell of sorts during DTE, I think it's safe to assume this. Not a whole lot of evidence here either, but I'm willing to jump the gun.
"a group of madmen who led so many astray"
Not too sure about this one. I'm thinking it could be about Sebastian Kraus and the Nazis he was working with, but that's a bit of a stretch. I think we'll need more info on this one.
"shed light on a terrible woman Milo called mother"
We all know that Mary Asher isn't exactly the most sympathetic person in the world. But do we really know everything about her? We know that she was once part of The Order, recruited by Henka Visæ. We know that Mr. Scars shot her, and presumably tried to dispose of the body. But what about her relationship with Robert? Or with the Order in general? Did she defect from it? We know from DarkHarvest that it's physically impossible to leave the Order on your own terms, so how did she pull it off? Maybe Milo's journal has some answers.
"logged a series of paradoxes that changed our lives"
Presumably, this is going to explain what Slender Man/The Collective are as creatures, and how Noah and his family are so important to Slender Man's needs. This will be interesting, to say the very least.
What does this all do for us? Create a whole lot of HYPE!

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Liked by: Wolf

So I've had a bit of a revelation. One that I think will finally help me out of this darkness. [He almost spelled dankness-S] And it's all thanks to my daughter.

Interesting. What is this revelation?
Liked by: Wolf


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