
Lizzy ❤

Ask @Irock0193

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I've never done it, and I never will. Omg, that is freakishly scary! <.< I don't think your crazy, I'm just being aware of what you're telling me. :D I feel so bad for you! :(

its ok, babe. bloody mary was nice to me. xD..
Liked by: Keya

O_O I'm afraid, now.. Lol Omg, I'm totally shaking right now! >.>

Don't do bloody mary, then. and you'll be safe. trust me, everytime i look in the mirror, i feel like a different girl is staring back at me, instead of my reflection.. its as if i'm cursed for life or something.. xD.. i know you think i'm crazy, but hey, if you were there with me and those 5 friends, you would have understood me. xD

O_O What did you see!? Omg..

Here is the story: me and my 5 friends marcus, claire, maragaret, DJ, and rebecca wanted to see if bloody mary was really real, so, we all went into the school bathroom (we always stayed late after school in elementary, cause all of our parents had worked there, but they don't anymore). anyways, after we went in the bathroom, we turned off the lights, and claire splashed red water onto the mirror, while saying "Bloody mary" 3 times. after she said bloody mary 3 times, we opened the door, but left the bathroom light off. we opened the door, so we could get the light from the classroom, cause we were afraid. xD. After we opened the door, we saw a figure of a girl. she had long, lightish-darkish brown hair, and she had a dress on. she just kept staring at us, like, without blinking. it scared the shit out of me, and everyone else. we all had started running in the hallway, and claire went back into the bathroom (without any of us knowing), and then, as we started looking for her, we heard a scream. me and my friends rushed to the class, and we found claire laying down on the floor. we had tried waking her up, but she didn't. its as if she knocked out or something. once she had woken up, she said someone had pushed her to the ground. and after that, we all ran out of the classroom, and weird things started happening to all of us. after claire had left, me and margaret saw a girl all in black following us wherever we went. A cross that margaret was holding had broken, and once that happened, me and her lost it. it ws just so scary.

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What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?

Me and 5 friends did bloody mary at school in 5th grade. i so regret doing that...
Liked by: Keya

LOL! Nope, I'm not! :D I'm 100% for real at this very exact moment. ;)

so basically what your saying is that.. you can sense whenever blood is coming out of my body!? O_O OMFG!!!! XD
Liked by: Keya

I can feel it. I also kind of felt my stomach on the right side get very numb. I'm not lying. ;) Lol

*gasps in terror, then covers my mouth with my hadns, and tries not to scream* omfg, i'm freaking the fuck out! ARE YOU SERIOUS!? YOU HAVE TO BE LYING!!! :OOOOO

O_O I knew it! I can sense when you're about to tell me something like that. ;D lol

omg, really!? NO WAY!! O_O xD.. well, i just started my period, today.. but it doesn't last that long.. xD
Liked by: Keya

*hugs you, kisses you, then watches you biting your lip* ;) Baby.... Ugh, I guess I can wait till tonight.. :P *sighs* lol

Lol... um, babe.. i'm also on my period... xD
Liked by: Keya

Hehe ;) *hugs you, kisses you, then lifts your shirt back up* ;) Baby please!? ;D

*hugs you, kisses you, then bites my lip* baby, i want you so bad right now.. but.. my dad is with me!! your gonna have to wait till tonight.. ok? ;)
Liked by: Keya

Hehe ;D *hugs you, then lifts your shirt up* ;)))) I love you too, babe. <3

Hehe;D *hugs you, kisses you, then pulls my shirt back down*.. baby, not now. i'm at my DADS!!! XD
Liked by: Keya

Hehe ;D Lol, yaaay!!!!!! Hehe ;DDDDDDDD Im so excited to be at home, now! XD lol

Awwww, i'm so glad your happy, again! XD *squeezes you* :D I love you, babe. <3
Liked by: Keya

*kisses you, then giggles* ;D I will always love you more than anything! <3 Hehe ;) Yes! I'm so happy, omg!!! I missed my bear, blanket, bed and home!!!! Lol :D

There's your beautiful smile:) & Lol, Yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!:DDDD & Awwwwww!!!<333
Liked by: Keya

*kisses you, then rubs your back* :) Thanks! <3 I love you more than you'll ever know! <3 I know, I saw it. She's such a bitch! :( Omg, guess what, guess what, guess what!? *shrieks, screams* lol

*kisses you, then plays with your hair* Lol;P and ur very welcome, baby!;) I'll always love you more than anything, more than words can say, and more than you'll ever know<3 & what, are you going home!?!?!?;DDD
Liked by: Keya

Hehe ;) *kisses you* You're welcome. <3 No, baby.. I will never stop stopping you from hurting yourself. You mean the whole wide world to me! *holds you closer to me* :))

aww, baby!!<33 *kisses you, then rests in your arms* <33 You're so sweet!!!:)) I love you so much!<3 ;) & ugh, that bitch Katie messaged me saying shes sad, cause Harts is still alive. ughhh


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