
Lizzy ❤

Ask @Irock0193

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I love you, more! <3 Ok.. ;) *stares deeply into your eyes without looking away, gets closer to you, puts my hand on your face, then kisses your lips softly* <3 lol

Zakeya ♡
Baby.. No... After all you've done for me.. I.. I think.. No.. I know.. That I.. Love.. You.. MORE!!!<3 I just.. Omfg! Asdfghjkil!! How did I get so lucky to find someone so worth being it.. Someone like you !?<3 I'm crazy in love with you and for you, babe. <3 That is it! From this point on, nobody, and I mean "NOBODY" (when I say it!) can take you away from me! I won't allow it! You're my fiancée!<3 *gazes into your eyes without blinking.. Well.. Hardly blinking.. Lol.. Then grabs your face and kisses you more passionate and intense*<3
Liked by: Zakeya ♡

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I love you so much more! <3 You deserve to feel special, babe. <3 Baby, I don't mind doing things for you. I love writing stuff to you that I know that will leave you completely speechless. ;) You don't have to say one word to me, baby. I already know how you feel about all of this. <3

Zakeya ♡
Aw, babe!! Baby!!!! Stop it !!!<3
Liked by: Zakeya ♡

Here are the vows.. "Baby, I've loved you since the first day I met you. I couldn't stop talking to you. When I saw your videos on your youtube channel, I couldn't do anything but fall in love with you. You mean absolutely everything to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, baby.

Zakeya ♡
Omg, baby.. I just read all the messages you sent me.. I love you so much! I feel so special!<3 I should be the ones making these vows, not you ! <3 you've done enough and proved to me enough that you love me! Oh my gosh! I don't know what to say !!!!!! I really don't , baby!!!
Liked by: Zakeya ♡


Irock0193’s Profile PhotoLizzy ❤
Me and my girlfriend are officially engaged, now. <3 I just can't wait till one of us proposes to the other in real life. <3 I found my one true love so young, so soon..<3 But I feel very serious and definite about this girl. I'm following with what my heart says and desires..<3 I love you, babe.<3 & I'm ready to make love with you and spend the rest of my life with you, along with having babies with you. <3
Liked by: Zakeya ♡

thnxs soo much I hav had suicide attempts before and cutting but thxs so much and np ur the best for advice thnx

No problem! Whoever you are, I'll always be here for you.<3 and aww, thanks!(: my girlfriend is also good at helping people, so you should talk to her, too:)
Liked by: Zakeya ♡

its ok u'll get through it ur parents are going to have to except that ur taking ur own path & thy cant change who u are & ur lucky to you have all these people who support u and love u & Im still figuring out my life I basically get bullied alot thts why if I was not anon u would not believe me

I've been bullied before, all though middle school. It led to nearly 5 or more suicide attempts, but my girlfriend made things better and bullying stopped at school. I just pray I won't have classes with those kids , next year. & I am sorry you get bullied. You either need to ignore them or defend yourself. They are either just jealous of you or have low self esteem and pick on you to make themselves feel better and above you. Some people are just mean, though, so don't listen to them and don't give them the reaction they want, because if they see what they are doing isn't really affecting you that much, they'll eventually give up. I am so sorry you get bullied, though. Nobody but them deserves that. & Aww, thank you !(: it's nice and really thoughtful of you to help. :)

u should be very proud of being lesbian because your confident and u don't give a fuck ;) U GO GIRL!!!

Haha, thanks!:) everyone I know does support me. All my friends from school do, and friends online do, too. But.. There is one thing that brings me down.. My family. They do not know anything about me being gay, and their opinion on it isn't pretty. I have a bi friend and her family is Catholic while mine is Christian, and her family still accepts her. She's so lucky

The bible doesn't say that you are going to hell.....so....

No but since I'm a lesbian and have spoken to my mom about homosexuality, before, she says that homosexuals go to Hell. My mom does not know that I am gay, but that fact about the bible pisses me the fuck off , like honestly.
Liked by: Zakeya ♡


Irock0193’s Profile PhotoLizzy ❤
No offense to anyone, but I find it really stupid how in the Bible it says homosexuality is a sin. All the other sins I can understand why they are bad, but homosexuality ? Come on, now. You're not killing someone! Yes, I know since homosexuality is counted is a sin and God sees it the same, but just cause he created man and woman does not mean two of the same gender can't be together. I mean, really. As long as you are happy, it shouldn't matter who you fall for. This is coming from a lesbian herself, and this little fact about the Bible does just get to me. Same with suicide. People who kill themselves or try to do it (like me, I have tried and I have also cut myself, before), do NOT deserve to go to Hell for so many reasons. They only do this to get rid of their pain and find peace. NOT to go to Hell and get tortured for eternity! Again, these 2 things are coming from a lesbian and a suicidal person herself and I just don't think those 2 things are right. Same with the way God chooses to punish and discipline people. Other than those things, the bible is fine, but those facts really make me upset.

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Babe.. You should realize that I love you more and more each and every day. <3 Hehe, I know. :) *lays my head on your chest*

Zakeya ♡
Please tell me your just relaxing and not falling asleep. :( Lol. *plays with your hair and massages it* :) and my love grows for you each second. <3 You know that.<3
Liked by: Zakeya ♡

You know I love you so much, more. <3 *gets under your covers* XD lol

Zakeya ♡
Baby.. You should know by know and have it in your head and in the bottom of your heart that I love you sooo much, more. <3 and lol, cutie. <3 *smiles at you and gets into the covers with you * :)
Liked by: Zakeya ♡


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