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Latest answers from Star. i

Life is unfair! Do you agree?

AsH171’s Profile PhotoAyesha
Well, what's better than frequently moaning about how bad and unfair life is? I do this a lot, and I wish I didn't. Instead, we should do the things we love and enjoy all the moments in life. My life isn't as unfair as someone who's been falsely put in jail for their entire life, for example. 😅

Europe in talk of banning smokey bacon crisps if you could ban certain flavour which crisps flavour would you ban ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
It's funny because bacon chips aren't even that good.
We have two very common flavours here, tomato and cheese, although I've had both, and I can sure eat both, I don't particularly like them. I mean, the tomato one isn't as bad, but the cheese one is obnoxious. It could also be due to these two flavours being the cheapest and I've had too much of them.
Europe in talk of banning smokey bacon crisps if you could ban certain flavour

Have you often attend a chearch

Makasimu’s Profile PhotoСум
I'm actually amazed by the whole church culture. I mean, it's not for me. But it's like a cult in the USA. It's crazy.

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CourtneyThomas63561’s Profile Photo“C”ing.
I just went through the blocking list and realised something.
Some men can't take no & leave me alone as an answer, and the things they said after - that got them blocked are just... vile & disturbing.
Clearly, these dudes come here just to harass women. Married, single, that doesn't matter to them.
That's my thought.
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How was your day??

I scolded my rabbit way too much. I had to cut her nails, and she thought to not cooperate, and it pissed me off so much. I feel so bad.
It's just a silly little animal, but my patience is nearly non-existent these past days. I'm worried that once my hormones are back to what they were, it won't be fixed.

Do you like hot chocolate ?

Qatari999243’s Profile Photoآل ثاني
I love hot chocolate, but I also love to have hot chocolate cold. 😁😆
I've been very into drinking milk because my body needs it and asks for it. I've already had a cold chocolate drink in the morning.

are wireless headphones better than wired?

To be completely honest, I've had JBL 510bt's for about 3-4 years now, and they're amazing. Sound wise, I don't mind them, like I can't say I know the difference between 50€ headphones or 1000€ headphones.
BUT THE CHARGING PART. I don't even remember when I charged them last time. The battery life is absolutely amazing. Also, I've ruined so many headphones because of wires getting stuck somewhere, ugh.
P.s. since they're quite old, I'm surprised that they're still pretty amazing and popular.

What tastes good both hot and cold? 🤔

AsH171’s Profile PhotoAyesha
Tea, but then it has to be ice tea or regular tea. Not all regular tea tastes good cold;
Chocolate milk.

If someone gave you a box that contained everything you have lost in your life, what's the first thing you'd search for? 🎁

AsH171’s Profile PhotoAyesha
The very first thing I lost was a teddy bear, I was a toddler, and I remember the pain I felt when I lost it. I got it the same day, we went outside for a walk and then it was gone.

To everyone who spends £100 or less a week on food, what do you eat every day?

I'd like to know that as well. Or like... can you eat for 100 a week? Or is it like two dinners and then water + bread?

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